Input from unstructured files

Input from unstructured files —


struct      GsfInput;
GsfInfile*  gsf_input_container             (GsfInput *input);
GsfInput*   gsf_input_dup                   (GsfInput *input,
                                             GError **err);
gsf_off_t   gsf_input_size                  (GsfInput *input);
gboolean    gsf_input_eof                   (GsfInput *input);
gsf_off_t   gsf_input_remaining             (GsfInput *input);
gsf_off_t   gsf_input_tell                  (GsfInput *input);
gboolean    gsf_input_seek                  (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t offset,
                                             GSeekType whence);
GQuark      gsf_input_error                 (void);
GsfInput*   gsf_input_sibling               (GsfInput const *input,
                                             char const *name,
                                             GError **err);

gboolean    gsf_input_copy                  (GsfInput *input,
                                             GsfOutput *output);
GsfInput*   gsf_input_uncompress            (GsfInput *src);

gboolean    gsf_input_set_name              (GsfInput *input,
                                             char const *name);
gboolean    gsf_input_set_container         (GsfInput *input,
                                             GsfInfile *container);
gboolean    gsf_input_set_size              (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t size);
gboolean    gsf_input_seek_emulate          (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t pos);

Object Hierarchy



  "eof"                  gboolean              : Read
  "name"                 gchararray            : Read
  "position"             gint64                : Read
  "remaining"            gint64                : Read
  "size"                 gint64                : Read



struct GsfInput

struct GsfInput;

gsf_input_container ()

GsfInfile*  gsf_input_container             (GsfInput *input);

input :
Returns :, but does not add a reference to input's container. Potentially NULL

gsf_input_dup ()

GsfInput*   gsf_input_dup                   (GsfInput *input,
                                             GError **err);

Duplicates input src leaving the new one at the same offset.

input : The input to duplicate
err : optionally NULL
Returns :: the duplicate, or NULL on error

gsf_input_size ()

gsf_off_t   gsf_input_size                  (GsfInput *input);

Looks up and caches the number of bytes in the input

input : The input
Returns :: the size or -1 on error

gsf_input_eof ()

gboolean    gsf_input_eof                   (GsfInput *input);

Are we at the end of the file ?

input : the input
Returns :: TRUE if the input is at the eof.

gsf_input_remaining ()

gsf_off_t   gsf_input_remaining             (GsfInput *input);

input :
Returns :the number of bytes left in the file.

gsf_input_tell ()

gsf_off_t   gsf_input_tell                  (GsfInput *input);

input :
Returns :the current offset in the file.

gsf_input_seek ()

gboolean    gsf_input_seek                  (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t offset,
                                             GSeekType whence);

input :
offset :
whence :
Returns :TRUE on error.

gsf_input_error ()

GQuark      gsf_input_error                 (void);

Returns :: A utility quark to flag a GError as being an input problem.

gsf_input_sibling ()

GsfInput*   gsf_input_sibling               (GsfInput const *input,
                                             char const *name,
                                             GError **err);

input :
name :
err :
Returns :

gsf_input_copy ()

gboolean    gsf_input_copy                  (GsfInput *input,
                                             GsfOutput *output);

Copy the contents from input to output from their respective current positions. So if you want to be sure to copy *everything*, make sure to call gsf_input_seek (input, 0, G_SEEK_SET) and gsf_output_seek (output, 0, G_SEEK_SET) first, if applicable.

input : a non-null GsfInput
output : a non-null GsfOutput
Returns :: TRUE on Success

gsf_input_uncompress ()

GsfInput*   gsf_input_uncompress            (GsfInput *src);

src : stream to be uncompressed.
Returns : A stream equivalent to the source stream, but uncompressed if the source was compressed. This functions takes ownership of the incoming reference and yields a new one as its output.

gsf_input_set_name ()

gboolean    gsf_input_set_name              (GsfInput *input,
                                             char const *name);


input :
name :
Returns :: TRUE if the assignment was ok.

gsf_input_set_container ()

gboolean    gsf_input_set_container         (GsfInput *input,
                                             GsfInfile *container);

input :
container :
Returns :: TRUE if the assignment was ok.

gsf_input_set_size ()

gboolean    gsf_input_set_size              (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t size);

input :
size :
Returns :: TRUE if the assignment was ok.

gsf_input_seek_emulate ()

gboolean    gsf_input_seek_emulate          (GsfInput *input,
                                             gsf_off_t pos);

input :
pos :
Returns :: TRUE if the emulation worked.


The "eof" property

  "eof"                  gboolean              : Read

End Of File.

Default value: FALSE

The "name" property

  "name"                 gchararray            : Read

The Input's Name.

Default value: NULL

The "position" property

  "position"             gint64                : Read

The Output's Current Position.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "remaining" property

  "remaining"            gint64                : Read

Amount of Data Remaining.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "size" property

  "size"                 gint64                : Read

The Input's Size.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0