
NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.52">

Vectors and matrices


Vectors and matrices -- simple operations on vectors and matrices.


#include <gts.h>

typedef     GtsVector[3];

#define     gts_vector_init                 (v, p1, p2)
#define     gts_vector_scalar               (v1, v2)
#define     gts_vector_cross                (C,A,B)
#define     gts_vector_norm                 (v)
#define     gts_vector_normalize            (v)
void        gts_vector_print                (GtsVector v,
                                             FILE *fptr);

typedef     GtsMatrix;

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_new                  (gdouble a00,
                                             gdouble a01,
                                             gdouble a02,
                                             gdouble a10,
                                             gdouble a11,
                                             gdouble a12,
                                             gdouble a20,
                                             gdouble a21,
                                             gdouble a22);
void        gts_matrix_assign               (GtsMatrix *m,
                                             gdouble a00,
                                             gdouble a01,
                                             gdouble a02,
                                             gdouble a10,
                                             gdouble a11,
                                             gdouble a12,
                                             gdouble a20,
                                             gdouble a21,
                                             gdouble a22);
GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_transpose            (GtsMatrix *m);
gdouble     gts_matrix_determinant          (GtsMatrix *m);
GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_inverse              (GtsMatrix *m);
GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_projection           (GtsTriangle *t);
GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_product              (GtsMatrix *m1,
                                             GtsMatrix *m2);
guint       gts_matrix_compatible_row       (GtsMatrix *A,
                                             GtsVector b,
                                             guint n,
                                             GtsVector A1,
                                             gdouble b1);
guint       gts_matrix_quadratic_optimization
                                            (GtsMatrix *A,
                                             GtsVector b,
                                             guint n,
                                             GtsMatrix *H,
                                             GtsVector c);
void        gts_matrix_print                (GtsMatrix *m,
                                             FILE *fptr);
void        gts_matrix_destroy              (GtsMatrix *m);


The functions described in this section allow to perform simple transformations on point coordinates. In particular projection onto a plane passing through the vertices of a given triangle or quadratic optimization problems.



typedef gdouble                  GtsVector[3];

A GtsVector is just an array of three coordinates.


#define     gts_vector_init(v, p1, p2)

Given two points p1 and p2, fills v with the coordinates of vector p1->p2.

v :a GtsVector.
p1 :a GtsPoint.
p2 :another GtsPoint.


#define     gts_vector_scalar(v1, v2)

Given two vectors v1 and v2 evaluates to the scalar product v1.v2.

v1 :a GtsVector.
v2 :another GtsVector.


#define     gts_vector_cross(C,A,B)

Given two vectors A and B fills C with the coordinates of the cross-product A^B.

C :a GtsVector.
A :another GtsVector.
B :and another.


#define     gts_vector_norm(v)

v : 


#define     gts_vector_normalize(v)

v : 

gts_vector_print ()

void        gts_vector_print                (GtsVector v,
                                             FILE *fptr);

Print s to file fptr.

v : a GtsVector.
fptr : a file descriptor.


typedef GtsVector                GtsMatrix;

A GtsMatrix is a 3x3 matrix.

gts_matrix_new ()

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_new                  (gdouble a00,
                                             gdouble a01,
                                             gdouble a02,
                                             gdouble a10,
                                             gdouble a11,
                                             gdouble a12,
                                             gdouble a20,
                                             gdouble a21,
                                             gdouble a22);

Allocates memory and initializes a new GtsMatrix.

a00 : element [0][0].
a01 : element [0][1].
a02 : element [0][2].
a10 : element [1][0].
a11 : element [1][1].
a12 : element [1][2].
a20 : element [2][0].
a21 : element [2][1].
a22 : element [2][2].
Returns : a pointer to the newly created GtsMatrix.

gts_matrix_assign ()

void        gts_matrix_assign               (GtsMatrix *m,
                                             gdouble a00,
                                             gdouble a01,
                                             gdouble a02,
                                             gdouble a10,
                                             gdouble a11,
                                             gdouble a12,
                                             gdouble a20,
                                             gdouble a21,
                                             gdouble a22);

Set values of matrix elements.

m : a GtsMatrix.
a00 : element [0][0].
a01 : element [0][1].
a02 : element [0][2].
a10 : element [1][0].
a11 : element [1][1].
a12 : element [1][2].
a20 : element [2][0].
a21 : element [2][1].
a22 : element [2][2].

gts_matrix_transpose ()

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_transpose            (GtsMatrix *m);

m : a GtsMatrix.
Returns : a pointer to a newly created GtsMatrix transposed of m.

gts_matrix_determinant ()

gdouble     gts_matrix_determinant          (GtsMatrix *m);

m : a GtsMatrix.
Returns : the value of the det(m).

gts_matrix_inverse ()

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_inverse              (GtsMatrix *m);

m : a GtsMatrix.
Returns : a pointer to a newly created GtsMatrix inverse of m or NULL if m is not invertible.

gts_matrix_projection ()

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_projection           (GtsTriangle *t);

Creates a new GtsMatrix representing the projection onto a plane of normal given by t.

t : a GtsTriangle.
Returns : a pointer to the newly created GtsMatrix.

gts_matrix_product ()

GtsMatrix*  gts_matrix_product              (GtsMatrix *m1,
                                             GtsMatrix *m2);

m1 : a GtsMatrix.
m2 : another GtsMatrix.
Returns : a new GtsMatrix, product of m1 and m2.

gts_matrix_compatible_row ()

guint       gts_matrix_compatible_row       (GtsMatrix *A,
                                             GtsVector b,
                                             guint n,
                                             GtsVector A1,
                                             gdouble b1);

Given a system of n constraints A.x=b adds to it the compatible constraints defined by A1.x=b1. The compatibility is determined by insuring that the resulting system is well-conditioned (see Lindstrom and Turk (1998, 1999)).

A : a GtsMatrix.
b : a GtsVector.
n : the number of previous constraints of A.x=b.
A1 : a GtsMatrix.
b1 : a GtsVector.
Returns : the number of constraints of the resulting system.

gts_matrix_quadratic_optimization ()

guint       gts_matrix_quadratic_optimization
                                            (GtsMatrix *A,
                                             GtsVector b,
                                             guint n,
                                             GtsMatrix *H,
                                             GtsVector c);

Solve a quadratic optimization problem: Given a quadratic objective function f which can be written as: f(x) = x^t.H.x + c^t.x + k, where H is the symmetric positive definite Hessian of f and k is a constant, find the minimum of f subject to the set of n prior linear constraints, defined by the first n rows of A and b (A.x = b). The new constraints given by the minimization are added to A and b only if they are linearly independent as determined by gts_matrix_compatible_row().

A : a GtsMatrix.
b : a GtsVector.
n : the number of constraints (must be smaller than 3).
H : a symmetric positive definite Hessian.
c : a GtsVector.
Returns : the new number of constraints defined by A and b.

gts_matrix_print ()

void        gts_matrix_print                (GtsMatrix *m,
                                             FILE *fptr);

Print m to file fptr.

m : a GtsMatrix.
fptr : a file descriptor.

gts_matrix_destroy ()

void        gts_matrix_destroy              (GtsMatrix *m);

Free all the memory allocated for m.

m : a GtsMatrix.