
 |  |  |  | The property information classes |  |  |  |  |
In fact, in order to keep the size of the file down to more
a more manageable level, the property information classes of
static data and methods have been split tentatively into

PropNames -
Contains an array, propertyNames , of the names of
all properties, and a set of enumeration constants, one
for each property name in the PropertyNames
array. These constants index the name of the properties
in propertyNames , and must be manually kept in
sync with the entries in the array. (This was the last of
the classes split off from the original single class;
hence the naming tiredness.)
PropertyConsts -
Contains two basic sets of data:
Property-indexed arrays and property set
Property-indexed arrays are elaborations
of the property indexing idea discussed in relation to the
arrays of property stacks. One of the arrays is
public static final LinkedList[]
This is an array of stacks, implemented as
LinkedList s, one for each property.
The other arrays provide indexed access to fields which
are, in most cases, common to all of the properties. An
exception is
public static final Method[]
which contains a reference to the method
complex() which is only defined for
properties which have complex value parsing requirements.
It is likely that a similar array will be defined for
properties which allow a value of auto.
The property-indexed arrays are initialized by
static initializers in this class. The
PropNames class and
nested classes are scanned in order to obtain or derive
the data necessary for initialization.
Property set definitions are
HashSet s of properties (represented by
integer constants) which belong to each of the categories
of properties defined. They are used to simplify the
assignment of property sets to individual FOs.
Representative HashSet s include
backgroundProps and
Properties -
This class contains only sets of constants for use by the
individual property classes, but it also importantly
serves as a container for all of the property classes, and
some convenience pseudo-property classes.
Constants sets include:
Datatype constants. A bitmap set of
integer constants over a possible range of 2^0 to 2^31
(represented as -2147483648). E.g.
ENUM = 524288
Some of the definitions are bit-ORed
combinations of the basic values. Used to set the
dataTypes field of the property
Trait mapping constants. A bitmap set of
integer constants over a possible range of 2^0 to 2^31
(represented as -2147483648), representing the manner in
which a property maps into a trait. Used to set
the traitMapping field of the property
Initial value constants. A sequence of
integer constants representing the datatype of the initial
value of a property. Used to set the
initialValueType field of the property
Inheritance value constants. A sequence
of integer constants representing the way in which the
property is normally inherited. Used to set the
inherited field of the property
Nested property classes. The
Properties class serves as the holding pen for
all of the individual property classes, and for property
pseudo-classes which contain data common to a number of
actual properties, e.g. ColorCommon.
Previous: alt.properties
Next: Properties classes