
Jeffrey H. Kingston, in The
Design and Implementation of the Lout Document Formatting
Language Section 5, describes the
galley abstraction which he implemented in
Lout. A document to be formatted is a stream of
text and symbols, some of which are receptive
symbols. The output file is the first receptive
symbol; the formatting document is the first galley. The
archetypical example of a receptive symbol is
@FootPlace and its corresponding galley
definition, @FootNote.
Each galley should be thought of as a concurrent process, and
each is associated with a semaphore (or synchronisation
object.) Galleys are free to "promote" components into
receptive targets as long as
an appropriate target has been encountered in the file,
the component being promoted contains no unresolved galley
targets itself, and
there is sufficient room for the galley component at the
If these conditions are not met, the galley blocks on its
semaphore. When conditions change so that further progress
may be possible, the semaphore is signalled. Note that the
galleys are a hierarchy, and that the processing and
promotion of galley contents happens bottom-up.
It is essential to note that galleys are self-managing; they
are effectively layout bots which require only a
receptive area. If a galley fills a receptive area (say, at
the completion of a page), the galley will wait on its
semaphore, and will remain stalled until a new receptive
area is uncovered in the continued processing (say, as the
filled page is flushed to output and a new empty page is
Difficulties with this approach become evident when there
are mutual dependencies between receptive areas which
require negotiation between the respective galleys, and, in
some cases, arbitrary deadlock breaking when there is no
clear-cut resolution to conflicting demands. Footnote
processing and side floats are examples. A thornier example
is table column layout in auto mode, where the
column widths are determined by the contents. In
implementing galleys in FOP, these difficulties must be
taken into account, and some solutions proposed.
Galleys model the whole of the process of creating the final
formatted output; the document as a whole is regarded as a
galley which flushes in to the output file.
This proposal for implementing galleys in FOP makes use of a
layout tree. As with the layout managers already
proposed, the layout tree acts as a bridge between the FO Tree and the Area Tree. If the elements of
the FO Tree are FO nodes, and the elements of the Area Tree
are Area nodes, representing areas to be drawn on the output
medium, the elements of the layout tree are galley
nodes and area tree fragments.
The area tree fragments are the final stages of the
resolution of the galleys; the output of the galleys will be
inserted directly into the Area Tree. The tree structure
makes it clear that the whole of the formatting process in
FOP, under this model, is a hierarchical series of galleys.
The dynamic data comes from fo:flow and fo:static-content,
and the higher-level receptive areas are derived from the
Galleys are processed in two basic processing environments:
Galley pre-processing involves the spatial resolution of
objects from the flows to the greatest extent possible
without information on the dimensions of the target area.
Line-areas have a block progression dimension which is
determined by their contents. To achieve full generality in
layouts of indeterminate dimensions, the contents of
line-areas should be laid out as though their inline
progression dimension were limited only by their content.
In terms of inline-areas, galleys would process text and
resolve the dimensions of included images. Text would be
collected into runs with the same alignment
characteristics. In the process, all possible "natural" and
hyphenation break-points can be determined. Where a
line-area contains mixed fonts or embedded images, the b-p-d
of the individual line-areas which are eventually stacked
will, in general, depend on the line break points, but the
advantage of this approach is that such actual selections
can be backed out and new break points selected with a
minimum of re-calculation. This can potentially occur
whenever a first attempt at page layout is backed out.
Figure 1

Once this pre-processing has been achieved, it is
envisaged that a layout manager might make requests to the
galley of its ability to fill an area of a given
inline-progression-dimension. A positive response would
be accompanied by the block-progression-dimension. The
other possibilities are a partial fill, which would also
require b-p-d data, and a failure due to insufficient
i-p-d, in which case the minimum i-p-d requirement would
be returned. Note that decisions about the
actual dimensions of line-areas to be filled can be
deferred until all options have been tested.
The other primary form of information provided by a
pre-processed galley is its minimum and maximum i-p-d, so
that decisions can be made by the parent on the spacing of
table columns. Apart from information requests,
higher-level processes can either make requests of the
galleys for chunks of nominated sizes, or simply provide the
galley with an i-p-d and b-p-d, which will trigger the
flushing of the galley components into Area nodes. Until
they have flushed, the galleys must be able to respond to a
sequence of information requests, more or less in the manner
of a request iterator, and separately manage the flushing of
objects into the area tree. The purpose of the "request
iterator" would be to support "incremental" information
requests like getNextBreakPosition.