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- gr_minipoly(plist,vlist,order,poly,v,homo)
:: Computation of the minimal polynomial of a polynomial modulo an ideal
- minipoly(plist,vlist,order,poly,v)
:: Computation of the minimal polynomial of a polynomial modulo an ideal
- return
- plist, vlist
- order
number, list or matrix
- poly
- v
- homo
gr_minipoly() begins by computing a Groebner basis.
minipoly() regards an input as a Groebner basis with respect to
the variable order vlist and the order type order.
Let K be a field. If an ideal I in K[X] is zero-dimensional, then, for
a polynomial p in K[X], the kernel of a homomorphism from
K[v] to K[X]/I which maps f(v) to f(p) mod I
is generated by a polynomial. The generator is called the minimal polynomial
of p modulo I.
gr_minipoly() and minipoly() computes the minimal polynomial
of a polynomial p and returns it as a polynomial of v.
The minimal polynomial can be computed as an element of a Groebner basis.
But if we are only interested in the minimal polynomial,
minipoly() and gr_minipoly() can compute it more efficiently
than methods using Groebner basis computation.
It is recommended to use a degree reverse lex order as a term order
gr_minipoly() .
[117] G=tolex(G0,V,0,V)$
43.818sec + gc : 11.202sec
[118] GSL=tolex_gsl(G0,V,0,V)$
17.123sec + gc : 2.590sec
[119] MP=minipoly(G0,V,0,u0,z)$
4.370sec + gc : 780msec
- References
lex_hensel , lex_tl , tolex , tolex_d , tolex_tl .
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