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- tolexm(plist,vlist1,order,vlist2,mod)
:: Groebner basis computation modulo mod by change of ordering.
- minipolym(plist,vlist1,order,poly,v,mod)
:: Minimal polynomial computation modulo mod the same method as
- return
tolexm() : list, minipolym() : polynomial
- plist, vlist1, vlist2
- order
number, list or matrix
- mod
An input plist must be a Groebner basis modulo mod
with respect to the variable order vlist1 and the order type order.
minipolym() executes the same computation as in minipoly .
tolexm() computes a lex order Groebner basis modulo mod
with respect to the variable order vlist2, by using FGLM algorithm.
[197] tolexm(G0,V,0,V,31991);
[198] minipolym(G0,V,0,u0,z,31991);
- References
lex_hensel , lex_tl , tolex , tolex_d , tolex_tl ,
section gr_minipoly , minipoly .
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