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- dp_mod(p,mod,subst)
:: Converts a disributed polynomial into one with coefficients in a finite field.
- dp_rat(p)
:: Converts a distributed polynomial with coefficients in a finite field into
one with coefficients in the rationals.
- return
distributed polynomial
- p
distributed polynomial
- mod
- subst
dp_nf_mod() and dp_true_nf_mod() require
distributed polynomials with coefficients in a finite field as arguments.
dp_mod() is used to convert distributed polynomials with rational
number coefficients into appropriate ones.
Polynomials with coefficients in a finite field
cannot be used as inputs of operations with polynomials
with rational number coefficients. dp_rat() is used for such cases.
The ground finite field must be set in advance by using
setmod() .
subst is such a list as
[[var,value],...] .
This is valid when the ground field of the input polynomial is a
rational function field. var's are variables in the ground field and
the list means that value is substituted for var before
converting the coefficients into elements of a finite field.
- References
dp_nf , dp_nf_mod , dp_true_nf , dp_true_nf_mod ,
section subst , psubst ,
section setmod .
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