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- dp_nf(indexlist,dpoly,dpolyarray,fullreduce)
- dp_nf_mod(indexlist,dpoly,dpolyarray,fullreduce,mod)
:: Computes the normal form of a distributed polynomial.
(The result may be multiplied by a constant in the ground field.)
- dp_true_nf(indexlist,dpoly,dpolyarray,fullreduce)
- dp_true_nf_mod(indexlist,dpoly,dpolyarray,fullreduce,mod)
:: Computes the normal form of a distributed polynomial. (The true result
is returned in such a list as
[numerator, denominator] )
- return
dp_nf() : distributed polynomial, dp_true_nf() : list
- indexlist
- dpoly
distributed polynomial
- dpolyarray
array of distributed polynomial
- fullreduce
- mod
Computes the normal form of a distributed polynomial.
dp_nf_mod() and dp_true_nf_mod() require
distributed polynomials with coefficients in a finite field as arguments.
The result of
dp_nf() may be multiplied by a constant in the
ground field in order to make the result integral. The same is true
for dp_nf_mod() , but it returns the true normal form if
the ground field is a finite field.
dp_true_nf() and dp_true_nf_mod() return
such a list as [nm,dn] .
Here nm is a distributed polynomial whose coefficients are integral
in the ground field, dn is an integral element in the ground
field and nm/dn is the true normal form.
dpolyarray is a vector whose components are distributed polynomials
and indexlist is a list of indices which is used for the normal form
When argument fullreduce has non-zero value,
all terms are reduced. When it has value 0,
only the head term is reduced.
As for the polynomials specified by indexlist, one specified by
an index placed at the preceding position has priority to be selected.
In general, the result of the function may be different depending on
indexlist. However, the result is unique for Groebner bases.
These functions are useful when a fixed non-distributed polynomial set
is used as a set of reducers to compute normal forms of many polynomials.
For single computation
p_nf and p_true_nf are sufficient.
[0] load("gr")$
[64] load("katsura")$
[69] K=katsura(4)$
[70] dp_ord(2)$
[71] V=[u0,u1,u2,u3,u4]$
[72] DP1=newvect(length(K),map(dp_ptod,K,V))$
[73] G=gr(K,V,2)$
[74] DP2=newvect(length(G),map(dp_ptod,G,V))$
[75] T=dp_ptod((u0-u1+u2-u3+u4)^2,V)$
[76] dp_dtop(dp_nf([0,1,2,3,4],T,DP1,1),V);
[77] dp_dtop(dp_nf([4,3,2,1,0],T,DP1,1),V);
[78] dp_dtop(dp_nf([0,1,2,3,4],T,DP2,1),V);
[79] dp_dtop(dp_nf([4,3,2,1,0],T,DP2,1),V);
[80] @78==@79;
- References
dp_dtop ,
section dp_ord ,
section dp_mod , dp_rat ,
section p_nf , p_nf_mod , p_true_nf , p_true_nf_mod .
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