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Input interfacesA command line editing facility and a history substitution facility are built-in for DOS, Windows version of Asir. UNIX versions of Asir do not have such built-in facilites. Instead, the following input interfaces are prepared. This are also available from our ftp server. As for our ftp server See section How to get Risa/Asir. On Windows, `asirgui.exe' has a copy and paste functionality different from Windows convention. Press the left button of the mouse and drag the mouse cursor on a text, then the text is selected and is highlighted. When the button is released, highlighted text returns to the normal state and it is saved in the copy buffer. If the right button is pressed, the text in the copy buffer is inserted at the current text cursor position. Note that the existing text is read-only and one cannot modify it. Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents. |