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fepFep is a general purpose front end processor. The author is K. Utashiro (SRA Inc.). Under fep, emacs- or vi-like command line editing and csh-like history substitution are available for UNIX commands, including `asir'. % fep asir ... [0] fctr(x^5-1); [[1,1],[x-1,1],[x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1,1]] [1] !! /* !!+Return */ fctr(x^5-1); /* The last input appears. */ ... /* Edit+Return */ fctr(x^5+1); [[1,1],[x+1,1],[x^4-x^3+x^2-x+1,1]] Fep is a free software and the source is available. However machines or operating systems on which the original one can run are limited. The modified version by us running on several unsupported environments is available from our ftp server. Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents. |