

gda-value -- 


enum        GdaValueType;
typedef     GdaDate;
typedef     GdaGeometricPoint;
typedef     GdaMoney;
typedef     GdaNumeric;
typedef     GdaTime;
typedef     GdaTimestamp;
typedef     GdaValueList;
typedef     GdaValue;
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_null              (void);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_bigint            (gint64 val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_binary            (gconstpointer val,
                                             glong size);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_boolean           (gboolean val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_date              (const GdaDate *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_double            (gdouble val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_geometric_point   (const GdaGeometricPoint *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_gobject           (const GObject *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_integer           (gint val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_list              (const GdaValueList *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_money             (const GdaMoney *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_numeric           (const GdaNumeric *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_single            (gfloat val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_smallint          (gshort val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_string            (const gchar *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_time              (const GdaTime *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_timestamp         (const GdaTimestamp *val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_timestamp_from_timet
                                            (time_t val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_tinyint           (gchar val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_type              (GdaValueType val);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_from_string       (const gchar *as_string,
                                             GdaValueType type);
GdaValue*   gda_value_new_from_xml          (const xmlNodePtr node);
void        gda_value_free                  (GdaValue *value);
GdaValueType gda_value_get_type             (GdaValue *value);
#define     gda_value_isa                   (value,type)
gboolean    gda_value_is_null               (GdaValue *value);
gboolean    gda_value_is_number             (GdaValue *value);
GdaValue*   gda_value_copy                  (const GdaValue *value);
gint64      gda_value_get_bigint            (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_bigint            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gint64 val);
gconstpointer gda_value_get_binary          (GdaValue *value,
                                             glong *size);
void        gda_value_set_binary            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gconstpointer val,
                                             glong size);
gboolean    gda_value_get_boolean           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_boolean           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gboolean val);
const GdaDate* gda_value_get_date           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_date              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaDate *val);
gdouble     gda_value_get_double            (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_double            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gdouble val);
const GdaGeometricPoint* gda_value_get_geometric_point
                                            (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_geometric_point   (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaGeometricPoint *val);
const GObject* gda_value_get_gobject        (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_gobject           (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GObject *val);
gint        gda_value_get_integer           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_integer           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gint val);
const GdaValueList* gda_value_get_list      (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_list              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaValueList *val);
void        gda_value_set_null              (GdaValue *value);
const GdaMoney* gda_value_get_money         (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_money             (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaMoney *val);
const GdaNumeric* gda_value_get_numeric     (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_numeric           (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaNumeric *val);
gfloat      gda_value_get_single            (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_single            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gfloat val);
gshort      gda_value_get_smallint          (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_smallint          (GdaValue *value,
                                             gshort val);
const gchar* gda_value_get_string           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_string            (GdaValue *value,
                                             const gchar *val);
const GdaTime* gda_value_get_time           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_time              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaTime *val);
const GdaTimestamp* gda_value_get_timestamp (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_timestamp         (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaTimestamp *val);
gchar       gda_value_get_tinyint           (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_tinyint           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gchar val);
GdaValueType gda_value_get_vtype            (GdaValue *value);
void        gda_value_set_vtype             (GdaValue *value,
                                             GdaValueType type);
gboolean    gda_value_set_from_string       (GdaValue *value,
                                             const gchar *as_string,
                                             GdaValueType type);
gboolean    gda_value_set_from_value        (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaValue *from);
gint        gda_value_compare               (const GdaValue *value1,
                                             const GdaValue *value2);
gchar*      gda_value_stringify             (GdaValue *value);
xmlNodePtr  gda_value_to_xml                (GdaValue *value);




#define TIMEZONE_INVALID (2*12*60*60)

enum GdaValueType

typedef enum {
} GdaValueType;


typedef struct {
	gshort year;
	gushort month;
	gushort day;
} GdaDate;


typedef struct {
	gdouble x;
	gdouble y;
} GdaGeometricPoint;


typedef struct {
	gchar *currency;
	gdouble amount;
} GdaMoney;


typedef struct {
	gchar *number;
	glong precision;
	glong width;
} GdaNumeric;


typedef struct {
	gushort hour;
	gushort minute;
	gushort second;
	glong timezone;	// # of seconds to the east UTC
} GdaTime;


typedef struct {
	gshort year;
	gushort month;
	gushort day;
	gushort hour;
	gushort minute;
	gushort second;
	gulong fraction;
	glong timezone;	// # of seconds to the east UTC
} GdaTimestamp;


typedef GList GdaValueList;


typedef struct {
	GdaValueType type;
	union {
		gint64 v_bigint;
		gpointer v_binary;
		gboolean v_boolean;
		GdaDate v_date;
		gdouble v_double;
		GdaGeometricPoint v_point;
		GObject *v_gobj;
		gint v_integer;
		GdaValueList *v_list;
		GdaMoney v_money;
		GdaNumeric v_numeric;
		gfloat v_single;
		gshort v_smallint;
		gchar *v_string;
		GdaTime v_time;
		GdaTimestamp v_timestamp;
		gchar v_tinyint;
		GdaValueType v_type;
	} value;
	glong binary_length;
} GdaValue;

gda_value_new_null ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_null              (void);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_bigint ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_bigint            (gint64 val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BIGINT with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_binary ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_binary            (gconstpointer val,
                                             glong size);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BINARY with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

size :

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_boolean ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_boolean           (gboolean val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_date ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_date              (const GdaDate *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DATE with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_double ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_double            (gdouble val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_geometric_point ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_geometric_point   (const GdaGeometricPoint *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_GEOMETRIC_POINT with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_gobject ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_gobject           (const GObject *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_GOBJECT with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

the newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_integer ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_integer           (gint val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_list ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_list              (const GdaValueList *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_LIST with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_money ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_money             (const GdaMoney *val);

val :

Returns :

gda_value_new_numeric ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_numeric           (const GdaNumeric *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_single ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_single            (gfloat val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_smallint ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_smallint          (gshort val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_SMALLINT with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_string ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_string            (const gchar *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_STRING with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_time ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_time              (const GdaTime *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TIME with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_timestamp ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_timestamp         (const GdaTimestamp *val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_timestamp_from_timet ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_timestamp_from_timet
                                            (time_t val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP with value val (of type time_t).

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

the newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_tinyint ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_tinyint           (gchar val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TINYINT with value val.

val :

value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_type ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_type              (GdaValueType val);

Make a new GdaValue of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_TYPE with value val.

val :

Value to set for the new GdaValue.

Returns :

the newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_new_from_string ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_from_string       (const gchar *as_string,
                                             GdaValueType type);

Make a new GdaValue of type type from its string representation.

as_string :

stringified representation of the value.

type :

tha new value type.

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue or NULL if the string representation cannot be converted to the specified type.

gda_value_new_from_xml ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_new_from_xml          (const xmlNodePtr node);

Create a GdaValue from a XML representation of it. That XML node corresponds to the following string representation: <value type="gdatype">value</value>

node :

Returns :

The newly created GdaValue.

gda_value_free ()

void        gda_value_free                  (GdaValue *value);

Deallocates all memory associated to a GdaValue.

value :

the resource to free.

gda_value_get_type ()

GdaValueType gda_value_get_type             (GdaValue *value);

Retrieve the type of the given value.

value :

value to get the type from.

Returns :

the GdaValueType of the value.


#define       gda_value_isa(value,type) (gda_value_get_type (value) == type)

value :

type :

gda_value_is_null ()

gboolean    gda_value_is_null               (GdaValue *value);

Tests if a given value is of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL.

value :

value to test.

Returns :

a boolean that says whether or not value is of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL.

gda_value_is_number ()

gboolean    gda_value_is_number             (GdaValue *value);

Get whether the value stored in the given GdaValue is of numeric type or not.

value :

a GdaValue.

Returns :

TRUE if a number, FALSE otherwise.

gda_value_copy ()

GdaValue*   gda_value_copy                  (const GdaValue *value);

Creates a new GdaValue from an existing one.

value :

value to get a copy from.

Returns :

a newly allocated GdaValue with a copy of the data in value.

gda_value_get_bigint ()

gint64      gda_value_get_bigint            (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_bigint ()

void        gda_value_set_bigint            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gint64 val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_binary ()

gconstpointer gda_value_get_binary          (GdaValue *value,
                                             glong *size);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

size :

holder for length of data.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_binary ()

void        gda_value_set_binary            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gconstpointer val,
                                             glong size);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

size :

the size of the memory pool pointed to by val.

gda_value_get_boolean ()

gboolean    gda_value_get_boolean           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_boolean ()

void        gda_value_set_boolean           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gboolean val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_date ()

const GdaDate* gda_value_get_date           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_date ()

void        gda_value_set_date              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaDate *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_double ()

gdouble     gda_value_get_double            (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_double ()

void        gda_value_set_double            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gdouble val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_geometric_point ()

const GdaGeometricPoint* gda_value_get_geometric_point
                                            (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_geometric_point ()

void        gda_value_set_geometric_point   (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaGeometricPoint *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_gobject ()

const GObject* gda_value_get_gobject        (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

gda_value_set_gobject ()

void        gda_value_set_gobject           (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GObject *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_integer ()

gint        gda_value_get_integer           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_integer ()

void        gda_value_set_integer           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gint val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_list ()

const GdaValueList* gda_value_get_list      (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_list ()

void        gda_value_set_list              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaValueList *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_set_null ()

void        gda_value_set_null              (GdaValue *value);

Sets the type of value to GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL.

value :

a GdaValue that will store a value of type GDA_VALUE_TYPE_NULL.

gda_value_get_money ()

const GdaMoney* gda_value_get_money         (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_money ()

void        gda_value_set_money             (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaMoney *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_numeric ()

const GdaNumeric* gda_value_get_numeric     (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_numeric ()

void        gda_value_set_numeric           (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaNumeric *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_single ()

gfloat      gda_value_get_single            (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_single ()

void        gda_value_set_single            (GdaValue *value,
                                             gfloat val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_smallint ()

gshort      gda_value_get_smallint          (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_smallint ()

void        gda_value_set_smallint          (GdaValue *value,
                                             gshort val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_string ()

const gchar* gda_value_get_string           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_string ()

void        gda_value_set_string            (GdaValue *value,
                                             const gchar *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_time ()

const GdaTime* gda_value_get_time           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_time ()

void        gda_value_set_time              (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaTime *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_timestamp ()

const GdaTimestamp* gda_value_get_timestamp (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_timestamp ()

void        gda_value_set_timestamp         (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaTimestamp *val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_tinyint ()

gchar       gda_value_get_tinyint           (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_tinyint ()

void        gda_value_set_tinyint           (GdaValue *value,
                                             gchar val);

Stores val into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

val :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_get_vtype ()

GdaValueType gda_value_get_vtype            (GdaValue *value);

Gets the value stored in value.

value :

a GdaValue whose value we want to get.

Returns :

the value contained in value.

gda_value_set_vtype ()

void        gda_value_set_vtype             (GdaValue *value,
                                             GdaValueType type);

Stores type into value.

value :

a GdaValue that will store type.

type :

value to be stored in value.

gda_value_set_from_string ()

gboolean    gda_value_set_from_string       (GdaValue *value,
                                             const gchar *as_string,
                                             GdaValueType type);

Stores the value data from its string representation as type.

value :

a GdaValue that will store val.

as_string :

the stringified representation of the value.

type :

the type of the value

Returns :

TRUE if the value has been properly converted to type from its string representation. FALSE otherwise.

gda_value_set_from_value ()

gboolean    gda_value_set_from_value        (GdaValue *value,
                                             const GdaValue *from);

Set the value of a GdaValue from another GdaValue. This is different from gda_value_copy, which creates a new GdaValue. gda_value_set_from_value, on the other hand, copies the contents of copy into value, which must already be allocated.

value :

a GdaValue.

from :

the value to copy from.

Returns :

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

gda_value_compare ()

gint        gda_value_compare               (const GdaValue *value1,
                                             const GdaValue *value2);

Compares two values of the <b>same</b> type.

value1 :

a GdaValue to compare.

value2 :

the other GdaValue to be compared to value1.

Returns :

if both values have the same time, return 0 if both contains the same value, an integer less than 0 if value1 is less than value2 or an integer greater than 0 if value1 is greater than value2.

gda_value_stringify ()

gchar*      gda_value_stringify             (GdaValue *value);

Converts a GdaValue to its string representation as indicated by this table:

value :

a GdaValue.

Returns :

a string formatted according to the printf() style indicated in the preceding table.

gda_value_to_xml ()

xmlNodePtr  gda_value_to_xml                (GdaValue *value);

Serialize the given GdaValue to a XML node string.

value :

a GdaValue.

Returns :

the XML node. Once not needed anymore, you should free it.