

gimpunit -- Provides a collection of predefined units and functions for creating user-defined units.


enum        GimpUnit;
gint        gimp_unit_get_number_of_units   (void);
gint        gimp_unit_get_number_of_built_in_units
GimpUnit    gimp_unit_new                   (gchar *identifier,
                                             gdouble factor,
                                             gint digits,
                                             gchar *symbol,
                                             gchar *abbreviation,
                                             gchar *singular,
                                             gchar *plural);
gboolean    gimp_unit_get_deletion_flag     (GimpUnit unit);
void        gimp_unit_set_deletion_flag     (GimpUnit unit,
                                             gboolean deletion_flag);
gdouble     gimp_unit_get_factor            (GimpUnit unit);
gint        gimp_unit_get_digits            (GimpUnit unit);
gchar*      gimp_unit_get_identifier        (GimpUnit unit);
gchar*      gimp_unit_get_symbol            (GimpUnit unit);
gchar*      gimp_unit_get_abbreviation      (GimpUnit unit);
gchar*      gimp_unit_get_singular          (GimpUnit unit);
gchar*      gimp_unit_get_plural            (GimpUnit unit);


Provides a collection of predefined units and functions for creating user-defined units.


enum GimpUnit

typedef enum

  GIMP_UNIT_INCH    = 1,
  GIMP_UNIT_MM      = 2,
  GIMP_UNIT_PICA    = 4,

  GIMP_UNIT_END     = 5,

} GimpUnit;

gimp_unit_get_number_of_units ()

gint        gimp_unit_get_number_of_units   (void);

Returns the number of units which are known to the GimpUnit system.

Returns : The number of defined units.

gimp_unit_get_number_of_built_in_units ()

gint        gimp_unit_get_number_of_built_in_units

Returns the number of GimpUnit's which are hardcoded in the unit system (UNIT_INCH, UNIT_MM, UNIT_POINT, UNIT_PICA and the two "pseudo unit" UNIT_PIXEL).

Returns : The number of built-in units.

gimp_unit_new ()

GimpUnit    gimp_unit_new                   (gchar *identifier,
                                             gdouble factor,
                                             gint digits,
                                             gchar *symbol,
                                             gchar *abbreviation,
                                             gchar *singular,
                                             gchar *plural);

Returns the integer ID of the new GimpUnit.

Note that a new unit is always created with it's deletion flag set to TRUE. You will have to set it to FALSE with gimp_unit_set_deletion_flag() to make the unit definition persistent.

identifier : The unit's identifier string.
factor : The unit's factor (how many units are in one inch).
digits : The unit's suggested number of digits (see gimp_unit_get_digits()).
symbol : The symbol of the unit (e.g. "''" for inch).
abbreviation : The abbreviation of the unit.
singular : The singular form of the unit.
plural : The plural form of the unit.
Returns : The ID of the new unit.

gimp_unit_get_deletion_flag ()

gboolean    gimp_unit_get_deletion_flag     (GimpUnit unit);

unit : The unit you want to know the deletion_flag of.
Returns : The unit's deletion_flag.

gimp_unit_set_deletion_flag ()

void        gimp_unit_set_deletion_flag     (GimpUnit unit,
                                             gboolean deletion_flag);

Sets a GimpUnit's deletion_flag. If the deletion_flag of a unit is TRUE when GIMP exits, this unit will not be saved in the uses's "unitrc" file.

Trying to change the deletion_flag of a built-in unit will be silently ignored.

unit : The unit you want to set the deletion_flag for.
deletion_flag : The new deletion_flag.

gimp_unit_get_factor ()

gdouble     gimp_unit_get_factor            (GimpUnit unit);

A GimpUnit's factor is defined to be:

distance_in_units == (factor * distance_in_inches)

Returns 0 for unit == GIMP_UNIT_PIXEL.

unit : The unit you want to know the factor of.
Returns : The unit's factor.

gimp_unit_get_digits ()

gint        gimp_unit_get_digits            (GimpUnit unit);

Returns the number of digits an entry field should provide to get approximately the same accuracy as an inch input field with two digits.

Returns 0 for unit == GIMP_UNIT_PIXEL.

unit : The unit you want to know the digits.
Returns : The suggested number of digits.

gimp_unit_get_identifier ()

gchar*      gimp_unit_get_identifier        (GimpUnit unit);

This is an unstranslated string.

NOTE: This string has to be g_free()'d by plugins but is a pointer to a constant string when this function is used from inside the GIMP.

unit : The unit you want to know the identifier of.
Returns : The unit's identifier.

gimp_unit_get_symbol ()

gchar*      gimp_unit_get_symbol            (GimpUnit unit);

This is e.g. "''" for UNIT_INCH.

NOTE: This string has to be g_free()'d by plugins but is a pointer to a constant string when this function is used from inside the GIMP.

unit : The unit you want to know the symbol of.
Returns : The unit's symbol.

gimp_unit_get_abbreviation ()

gchar*      gimp_unit_get_abbreviation      (GimpUnit unit);

For built-in units, this function returns the translated abbreviation of the unit.

NOTE: This string has to be g_free()'d by plugins but is a pointer to a constant string when this function is used from inside the GIMP.

unit : The unit you want to know the abbreviation of.
Returns : The unit's abbreviation.

gimp_unit_get_singular ()

gchar*      gimp_unit_get_singular          (GimpUnit unit);

For built-in units, this function returns the translated singular form of the unit's name.

NOTE: This string has to be g_free()'d by plugins but is a pointer to a constant string when this function is used from inside the GIMP.

unit : The unit you want to know the singular form of.
Returns : The unit's singular form.

gimp_unit_get_plural ()

gchar*      gimp_unit_get_plural            (GimpUnit unit);

For built-in units, this function returns the translated plural form of the unit's name.

NOTE: This string has to be g_free()'d by plugins but is a pointer to a constant string when this function is used from inside the GIMP.

unit : The unit you want to know the plural form of.
Returns : The unit's plural form.

See Also

