

GnomePropertyBox -- Create a tabbed dialog for setting properties and preferences.


#include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>

struct      GnomePropertyBox;
GtkWidget*  gnome_property_box_new          (void);
void        gnome_property_box_changed      (GnomePropertyBox *property_box);
void        gnome_property_box_set_modified (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             gboolean state);
gint        gnome_property_box_append_page  (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             GtkWidget *child,
                                             GtkWidget *tab_label);
void        gnome_property_box_set_state    (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             gboolean state);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GnomePropertyBox implements AtkImplementorIface.

Signal Prototypes

"apply"     void        user_function      (GnomePropertyBox *propertybox,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);
"help"      void        user_function      (GnomePropertyBox *propertybox,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);



struct GnomePropertyBox

struct GnomePropertyBox;


GnomePropertyBox is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

An opaque widget representing a property box. Items should be added to this widget using gnome_property_box_append_page.

gnome_property_box_new ()

GtkWidget*  gnome_property_box_new          (void);


gnome_property_box_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Creates a new GnomePropertyBox widget. The PropertyBox widget is useful for making consistent configuration dialog boxes.

When a setting has been made to a property in the PropertyBox your program needs to invoke the gnome_property_box_changed to signal a change (this will enable the Ok/Apply buttons).

Returns :

a newly created GnomePropertyBox widget.

gnome_property_box_changed ()

void        gnome_property_box_changed      (GnomePropertyBox *property_box);


gnome_property_box_changed is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

When a setting has changed, the code needs to invoke this routine to make the Ok/Apply buttons sensitive.

property_box :

The GnomePropertyBox that contains the changed data

gnome_property_box_set_modified ()

void        gnome_property_box_set_modified (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             gboolean state);


gnome_property_box_set_modified is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This sets the modified flag of the GnomePropertyBox to the value in state. Affects whether the OK/Apply buttons are sensitive.

property_box :

The GnomePropertyBox that contains the changed data

state :

The state. TRUE means modified, FALSE means unmodified.

gnome_property_box_append_page ()

gint        gnome_property_box_append_page  (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             GtkWidget *child,
                                             GtkWidget *tab_label);


gnome_property_box_append_page is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Appends a new page to the GnomePropertyBox.

property_box :

The property box where we are inserting a new page

child :

The widget that is being inserted

tab_label :

The widget used as the label for this confiugration page

Returns :

the assigned index of the page inside the GnomePropertyBox or -1 if one of the arguments is invalid.

gnome_property_box_set_state ()

void        gnome_property_box_set_state    (GnomePropertyBox *property_box,
                                             gboolean state);


gnome_property_box_set_state is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

An alias for gnome_property_box_set_modified().

property_box :

The GnomePropertyBox that contains the changed data

state :

The state. TRUE means modified, FALSE means unmodified.


The "apply" signal

void        user_function                  (GnomePropertyBox *propertybox,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);

propertybox :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

the notebook page number which emitted the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "help" signal

void        user_function                  (GnomePropertyBox *propertybox,
                                            gint arg1,
                                            gpointer user_data);

propertybox :

the object which received the signal.

arg1 :

the notebook page number which emitted the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.