MsOle -- Handle the filesystem.
#include <libole2/libole2.h>
struct MsOle;
#define ms_ole_open (fs,path)
MsOleErr ms_ole_open_vfs (MsOle **fs,
const char *path,
gboolean try_mmap,
MsOleSysWrappers *wrappers);
#define ms_ole_create (fs,path)
MsOleErr ms_ole_create_vfs (MsOle **fs,
const char *path,
int try_mmap,
MsOleSysWrappers *wrappers);
void ms_ole_ref (MsOle *fs);
void ms_ole_unref (MsOle *fs);
void ms_ole_destroy (MsOle **fs);
MsOleErr ms_ole_unlink (MsOle *fs,
const char *path);
MsOleErr ms_ole_stat (MsOleStat *stat,
MsOle *fs,
const char *dirpath,
const char *name);
MsOleErr ms_ole_directory (char ***names,
MsOle *fs,
const char *dirpath);
void ms_ole_debug (MsOle *fs,
int magic); |
struct MsOle
MsOle is an opaque datatype. It handles an open filesystem.
#define ms_ole_open(fs,path) ms_ole_open_vfs ((fs), (path), TRUE, NULL) |
Opens the filesystem-in-a-file path and creates the filesystem object fs. Returns a MsOleErr code.
This is a convenience macro for ms_ole_open_vfs().
ms_ole_open_vfs ()
Opens the filesystem-in-the-file path and creates the filesystem object fs.
#define ms_ole_create(fs,path) ms_ole_create_vfs ((fs), (path), TRUE, NULL) |
Creates the filesystem-in-a-file path and creates the filesystem object fs. Returns a MsOleErr code.
This is a convenience macro for ms_ole_create_vfs().
ms_ole_create_vfs ()
Creates the filesystem-in-the-file path and creates the filesystem fs.
ms_ole_ref ()
void ms_ole_ref (MsOle *fs); |
Increment by one the count of references to the filesystem.
ms_ole_unref ()
void ms_ole_unref (MsOle *fs); |
Decrement by one the count of references to the filesystem.
ms_ole_destroy ()
void ms_ole_destroy (MsOle **fs); |
Closes the filesystem fs and truncates any free blocks.
ms_ole_unlink ()
Delete the stream or directory path on the filesystem fs.
ms_ole_stat ()
Gets information about the stream or the directory which is in the directory
dirpath and its name is file.
ms_ole_directory ()
MsOleErr ms_ole_directory (char ***names,
MsOle *fs,
const char *dirpath); |
Gets the names of the streams and directories in the directory dirpath.
ms_ole_debug ()
void ms_ole_debug (MsOle *fs,
int magic); |