A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluder.
Public Methods-
CullingSet(const CullingSet& cs, const Matrix& matrix, const Vec4& pixelSizeVector)
void setCullingMask(Mask mask)
void setFrustum(Polytope& cv)
Polytope& getFrustum()
const Polytope& getFrustum() const
void addOccluder(ShadowVolumeOccluder& cv)
void setPixelSizeVector(const Vec4& v)
Vec4& getPixelSizeVector()
const Vec4& getPixelSizeVector() const
void setSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize(float value)
float& getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize()
float getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize() const
float pixelSize(const Vec3& v, float radius) const
- Compute the pixel of an object at position v, with specified radius
float pixelSize(const BoundingSphere& bs) const
- Compute the pixel of an bounding sphere
inline bool isCulled(const std::vector<Vec3>& vertices)
inline bool isCulled(const BoundingBox& bb)
inline bool isCulled(const BoundingSphere& bs)
inline void pushCurrentMask()
inline void popCurrentMask()
void disableAndPushOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
void popOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
Public Members-
typedef std::vector<ShadowVolumeOccluder> OccluderList
typedef unsigned int Mask
enum MaskValues
Protected Fields-
Mask _mask
Polytope _frustum
OccluderList _occluderList
Vec4 _pixelSizeVector
float _smallFeatureCullingPixelSize
Protected Methods-
virtual ~CullingSet()
Public Methods-
inline Referenced& operator = (Referenced&)
static void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
static DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
inline void ref() const
inline void unref_nodelete() const
inline int referenceCount() const
inline void unref() const
Protected Fields-
mutable int _refCount
A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluder.
- CullingSet()
- CullingSet(const CullingSet& cs, const Matrix& matrix, const Vec4& pixelSizeVector)
- typedef std::vector<ShadowVolumeOccluder> OccluderList
- typedef unsigned int Mask
- enum MaskValues
- void setCullingMask(Mask mask)
- void setFrustum(Polytope& cv)
- Polytope& getFrustum()
- const Polytope& getFrustum() const
- void addOccluder(ShadowVolumeOccluder& cv)
- void setPixelSizeVector(const Vec4& v)
- Vec4& getPixelSizeVector()
- const Vec4& getPixelSizeVector() const
- void setSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize(float value)
- float& getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize()
- float getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize() const
- float pixelSize(const Vec3& v, float radius) const
- Compute the pixel of an object at position v, with specified radius
- float pixelSize(const BoundingSphere& bs) const
- Compute the pixel of an bounding sphere
- inline bool isCulled(const std::vector<Vec3>& vertices)
- inline bool isCulled(const BoundingBox& bb)
- inline bool isCulled(const BoundingSphere& bs)
- inline void pushCurrentMask()
- inline void popCurrentMask()
- void disableAndPushOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
- void popOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
- virtual ~CullingSet()
- Mask _mask
- Polytope _frustum
- OccluderList _occluderList
- Vec4 _pixelSizeVector
- float _smallFeatureCullingPixelSize
- This class has no child classes.
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