DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing
Public Methods-
static DisplaySettings* instance()
- Maintain a DisplaySettings singleton for objects to querry at runtime
DisplaySettings(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine)
DisplaySettings(const DisplaySettings& vs)
DisplaySettings& operator = (const DisplaySettings& vs)
void merge(const DisplaySettings& vs)
void setDefaults()
void readEnvironmentalVariables()
void readCommandLine(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine)
- read the command line string list, removing any matched control sequences
void setStereo(bool on)
bool getStereo() const
void setStereoMode(StereoMode mode)
StereoMode getStereoMode() const
void setEyeSeparation(float eyeSeparation)
float getEyeSeparation() const
void setScreenDistance(float distance)
float getScreenDistance() const
void setSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping(SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping m)
SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping getSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping() const
void setSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation(int s)
int getSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation() const
void setSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping(SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping m)
SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping getSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping() const
void setSplitStereoVerticalSeparation(int s)
int getSplitStereoVerticalSeparation() const
void setScreenHeight(float height)
float getScreenHeight() const
void setDoubleBuffer(bool flag)
bool getDoubleBuffer() const
void setRGB(bool flag)
bool getRGB() const
void setDepthBuffer(bool flag)
bool getDepthBuffer() const
void setMinimumNumAlphaBits(unsigned int bits)
unsigned int getMinimumNumAlphaBits() const
bool getAlphaBuffer() const
void setMinimumNumStencilBits(unsigned int bits)
unsigned int getMinimumNumStencilBits() const
bool getStencilBuffer() const
void setMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts(unsigned int num)
unsigned int getMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts() const
Public Members-
enum StereoMode
enum SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping
enum SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping
Protected Fields-
bool _stereo
StereoMode _stereoMode
float _eyeSeparation
float _screenDistance
float _screenHeight
SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping _splitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping
int _splitStereoHorizontalSeparation
SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping _splitStereoVerticalEyeMapping
int _splitStereoVerticalSeparation
bool _doubleBuffer
bool _RGB
bool _depthBuffer
unsigned int _minimumNumberAlphaBits
unsigned int _minimumNumberStencilBits
unsigned int _maxNumOfGraphicsContexts
Protected Methods-
virtual ~DisplaySettings()
void copy(const DisplaySettings& vs)
Public Methods-
static void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
static DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
inline void ref() const
inline void unref_nodelete() const
inline int referenceCount() const
inline void unref() const
Protected Fields-
mutable int _refCount
DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and
have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing
- static DisplaySettings* instance()
- Maintain a DisplaySettings singleton for objects to querry at runtime
- DisplaySettings()
- DisplaySettings(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine)
- DisplaySettings(const DisplaySettings& vs)
- DisplaySettings& operator = (const DisplaySettings& vs)
- void merge(const DisplaySettings& vs)
- void setDefaults()
- void readEnvironmentalVariables()
- void readCommandLine(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine)
- read the command line string list, removing any matched control sequences
- void setStereo(bool on)
- bool getStereo() const
- enum StereoMode
- void setStereoMode(StereoMode mode)
- StereoMode getStereoMode() const
- void setEyeSeparation(float eyeSeparation)
- float getEyeSeparation() const
- void setScreenDistance(float distance)
- float getScreenDistance() const
- enum SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping
- void setSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping(SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping m)
- SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping getSplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping() const
- void setSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation(int s)
- int getSplitStereoHorizontalSeparation() const
- enum SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping
- void setSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping(SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping m)
- SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping getSplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping() const
- void setSplitStereoVerticalSeparation(int s)
- int getSplitStereoVerticalSeparation() const
- void setScreenHeight(float height)
- float getScreenHeight() const
- void setDoubleBuffer(bool flag)
- bool getDoubleBuffer() const
- void setRGB(bool flag)
- bool getRGB() const
- void setDepthBuffer(bool flag)
- bool getDepthBuffer() const
- void setMinimumNumAlphaBits(unsigned int bits)
- unsigned int getMinimumNumAlphaBits() const
- bool getAlphaBuffer() const
- void setMinimumNumStencilBits(unsigned int bits)
- unsigned int getMinimumNumStencilBits() const
- bool getStencilBuffer() const
- void setMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts(unsigned int num)
- unsigned int getMaxNumberOfGraphicsContexts() const
- virtual ~DisplaySettings()
- void copy(const DisplaySettings& vs)
- bool _stereo
- StereoMode _stereoMode
- float _eyeSeparation
- float _screenDistance
- float _screenHeight
- SplitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping _splitStereoHorizontalEyeMapping
- int _splitStereoHorizontalSeparation
- SplitStereoVerticalEyeMapping _splitStereoVerticalEyeMapping
- int _splitStereoVerticalSeparation
- bool _doubleBuffer
- bool _RGB
- bool _depthBuffer
- unsigned int _minimumNumberAlphaBits
- unsigned int _minimumNumberStencilBits
- unsigned int _maxNumOfGraphicsContexts
- This class has no child classes.
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