
class SG_EXPORT osg::DrawPixels

DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels


Public Methods

[more] DrawPixels()
[more] DrawPixels(const DrawPixels& drawimage, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy
[more]virtual Object* cloneType() const
[more]virtual Object* clone(const CopyOp& copyop) const
[more]virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const
[more]virtual const char* libraryName() const
[more]virtual const char* className() const
[more]void setPosition(const osg::Vec3& position)
[more]osg::Vec3& getPosition()
[more]const osg::Vec3& getPosition() const
[more]void setImage(osg::Image* image)
[more]osg::Image* getImage()
[more]const osg::Image* getImage() const
[more]void setUseCompleteImage()
[more]void setSubImageDimensions(unsigned int offsetX, unsigned int offsetY, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
[more]void getSubImageDimensions(unsigned int& offsetX, unsigned int& offsetY, unsigned int& width, unsigned int& height) const
[more]bool getUseSubImage() const
[more]virtual void drawImplementation(State& state) const

Protected Fields

[more]Vec3 _position
[more]ref_ptr<Image> _image
[more]bool _useSubImage
[more]unsigned int _offsetX
[more]unsigned int _offsetY
[more]unsigned int _width
[more]unsigned int _height

Protected Methods

[more]DrawPixels& operator = (const DrawPixels&)
[more]virtual ~DrawPixels()
[more]virtual bool computeBound() const

Inherited from Drawable:

Public Methods

ovirtual Geometry* asGeometry()
ovirtual const Geometry* asGeometry() const
oinline const ParentList& getParents() const
oinline ParentList getParents()
oinline Node* getParent(unsigned int i)
oinline const Node* getParent(unsigned int i) const
oinline unsigned int getNumParents() const
oinline void setStateSet(StateSet* state)
oinline StateSet* getStateSet()
oinline const StateSet* getStateSet() const
oStateSet* getOrCreateStateSet()
ovoid dirtyBound()
oinline const BoundingBox& getBound() const
oinline void setShape(Shape* shape)
oinline Shape* getShape()
oinline const Shape* getShape() const
ovoid setSupportsDisplayList(bool flag)
oinline bool getSupportsDisplayList() const
ovoid setUseDisplayList(bool flag)
oinline bool getUseDisplayList() const
ovoid dirtyDisplayList()
ovirtual void compile(State& state) const
ovoid setUpdateCallback(UpdateCallback* ac)
oUpdateCallback* getUpdateCallback()
ovoid setAppCallback(AppCallback* ac)
oAppCallback* getAppCallback()
oconst AppCallback* getAppCallback() const
ovoid setCullCallback(CullCallback* cc)
oCullCallback* getCullCallback()
oconst CullCallback* getCullCallback() const
ovoid setDrawCallback(DrawCallback* dc)
oDrawCallback* getDrawCallback()
oconst DrawCallback* getDrawCallback() const
ostatic void deleteDisplayList(uint contextID, uint globj)
ostatic void flushDeletedDisplayLists(uint contextID)
ovirtual bool supports(AttributeFunctor&) const
ovirtual void accept(AttributeFunctor&)
ovirtual bool supports(ConstAttributeFunctor&) const
ovirtual void accept(ConstAttributeFunctor&) const
ovirtual bool supports(PrimitiveFunctor&) const
ovirtual void accept(PrimitiveFunctor&) const
oinline void draw(State& state) const

Public Members

otypedef std::vector<Node*> ParentList
ostruct UpdateCallback: public virtual osg::Referenced
ostruct AppCallback: public UpdateCallback
ostruct CullCallback: public virtual osg::Referenced
ostruct DrawCallback: public virtual osg::Referenced
oenum AttributeType
class AttributeFunctor
class ConstAttributeFunctor
class PrimitiveFunctor

Protected Fields

oParentList _parents
oref_ptr<StateSet> _stateset
omutable BoundingBox _bbox
omutable bool _bbox_computed
oref_ptr<Shape> _shape
obool _supportsDisplayList
obool _useDisplayList
omutable GLObjectList _globjList
oref_ptr<UpdateCallback> _updateCallback
oref_ptr<DrawCallback> _drawCallback
oref_ptr<CullCallback> _cullCallback

Protected Methods

ovoid addParent(osg::Node* node)
ovoid removeParent(osg::Node* node)

Protected Members

otypedef osg::buffered_value<uint> GLObjectList

Inherited from Object:

Public Methods

oinline void setDataVariance(DataVariance dv)
oinline DataVariance getDataVariance() const
oinline void setUserData(Referenced* obj)
oinline Referenced* getUserData()
oinline const Referenced* getUserData() const

Public Members

oenum DataVariance

Protected Fields

oDataVariance _dataVariance
oref_ptr<Referenced> _userData

Inherited from Referenced:

Public Methods

ostatic void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
ostatic DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
oinline void ref() const
oinline void unref_nodelete() const
oinline int referenceCount() const
oinline void unref() const

Protected Fields

omutable int _refCount


DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels
o DrawPixels()

o DrawPixels(const DrawPixels& drawimage, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy

ovirtual Object* cloneType() const

ovirtual Object* clone(const CopyOp& copyop) const

ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const

ovirtual const char* libraryName() const

ovirtual const char* className() const

ovoid setPosition(const osg::Vec3& position)

oosg::Vec3& getPosition()

oconst osg::Vec3& getPosition() const

ovoid setImage(osg::Image* image)

oosg::Image* getImage()

oconst osg::Image* getImage() const

ovoid setUseCompleteImage()

ovoid setSubImageDimensions(unsigned int offsetX, unsigned int offsetY, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)

ovoid getSubImageDimensions(unsigned int& offsetX, unsigned int& offsetY, unsigned int& width, unsigned int& height) const

obool getUseSubImage() const

ovirtual void drawImplementation(State& state) const

oDrawPixels& operator = (const DrawPixels&)

ovirtual ~DrawPixels()

ovirtual bool computeBound() const

oVec3 _position

oref_ptr<Image> _image

obool _useSubImage

ounsigned int _offsetX

ounsigned int _offsetY

ounsigned int _width

ounsigned int _height

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