
class osg::TessellationHints


Public Methods

[more] TessellationHints()
[more] TessellationHints(const TessellationHints& tess, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more] META_Object(osg, TessellationHints)
[more]inline void setTessellationMode(TessellationMode mode)
[more]inline TessellationMode getTessellationMode() const
[more]inline void setTargetNumFaces(unsigned int target)
[more]inline unsigned int getTargetNumFaces() const
[more]inline void setCreateFrontFace(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateFrontFace() const
[more]inline void setCreateBackFace(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateBackFace() const
[more]inline void setCreateNormals(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateNormals() const
[more]inline void setCreateTextureCoords(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateTextureCoords() const
[more]inline void setCreateTop(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateTop() const
[more]inline void setCreateBody(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateBody() const
[more]inline void setCreateBottom(bool on)
[more]inline bool getCreateBottom() const

Protected Fields

[more]TessellationMode _TessellationMode
[more]unsigned int _targetNumFaces
[more]bool _createFrontFace
[more]bool _createBackFace
[more]bool _createNormals
[more]bool _createTextureCoords
[more]bool _createTop
[more]bool _createBody
[more]bool _createBottom

Protected Methods

[more] ~TessellationHints()

Inherited from Object:

Public Methods

ovirtual Object* cloneType() const
ovirtual Object* clone(const CopyOp&) const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object*) const
ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const
oinline void setDataVariance(DataVariance dv)
oinline DataVariance getDataVariance() const
oinline void setUserData(Referenced* obj)
oinline Referenced* getUserData()
oinline const Referenced* getUserData() const

Public Members

oenum DataVariance

Protected Fields

oDataVariance _dataVariance
oref_ptr<Referenced> _userData

Inherited from Referenced:

Public Methods

oinline Referenced& operator = (Referenced&)
ostatic void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
ostatic DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
oinline void ref() const
oinline void unref_nodelete() const
oinline int referenceCount() const
oinline void unref() const

Protected Fields

omutable int _refCount


o TessellationHints()

o TessellationHints(const TessellationHints& tess, const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

o META_Object(osg, TessellationHints)

oinline void setTessellationMode(TessellationMode mode)

oinline TessellationMode getTessellationMode() const

oinline void setTargetNumFaces(unsigned int target)

oinline unsigned int getTargetNumFaces() const

oinline void setCreateFrontFace(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateFrontFace() const

oinline void setCreateBackFace(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateBackFace() const

oinline void setCreateNormals(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateNormals() const

oinline void setCreateTextureCoords(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateTextureCoords() const

oinline void setCreateTop(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateTop() const

oinline void setCreateBody(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateBody() const

oinline void setCreateBottom(bool on)

oinline bool getCreateBottom() const

o ~TessellationHints()

oTessellationMode _TessellationMode

ounsigned int _targetNumFaces

obool _createFrontFace

obool _createBackFace

obool _createNormals

obool _createTextureCoords

obool _createTop

obool _createBody

obool _createBottom

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