
class SG_EXPORT osgUtx::TestContext

TestContext wraps up information which is passed to tests as they are run, and may contain test-specific information or 'global' test objects, such as an output stream for verbose output during the running of tests.

Public Methods

[more] TestContext()
[more]bool shouldStop()
[more]bool isVerbose()
[more]void setTraceLevel(TraceLevel tl)
[more]TraceLevel getTraceLevel() const
[more]std::ostream& tout(TraceLevel tl=Full) const

Public Members

[more]enum TraceLevel


TestContext wraps up information which is passed to tests as they are run, and may contain test-specific information or 'global' test objects, such as an output stream for verbose output during the running of tests.

\todo Improve the output stream code by providing a filtering stream.

o TestContext()

obool shouldStop()

obool isVerbose()

oenum TraceLevel

o Off

o Results
< All tracing turned off

o Full
< Output results only

ovoid setTraceLevel(TraceLevel tl)

oTraceLevel getTraceLevel() const

ostd::ostream& tout(TraceLevel tl=Full) const

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