
class OSGGA_EXPORT osgGA::FlightManipulator

FlightManipulator is a CameraManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation.


Public Methods

[more] FlightManipulator()
[more]virtual ~FlightManipulator()
[more]virtual void setNode(osg::Node*)
[more]virtual const osg::Node* getNode() const
[more]virtual osg::Node* getNode()
[more]virtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
[more]virtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
[more]virtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
[more]void setYawControlMode(YawControlMode ycm)
Configure the Yaw control for the flight model.

Public Members

[more]enum YawControlMode

Protected Fields

[more]osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t1
[more]osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t0
[more]osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _node
[more]float _modelScale
[more]float _velocity
[more]YawControlMode _yawMode
[more]osg::Vec3 _eye
[more]osg::Quat _rotation
[more]float _distance

Protected Methods

[more]void flushMouseEventStack()
Reset the internal GUIEvent stack
[more]void addMouseEvent(const GUIEventAdapter& ea)
Add the current mouse GUIEvent to internal stack
[more]void computeLocalDataFromCamera()
[more]void computeCameraFromLocalData()
[more]bool calcMovement()
For the give mouse movement calculate the movement of the camera.

Inherited from CameraManipulator:

Public Methods

ovirtual void setCamera(osg::Camera*)
ovirtual const osg::Camera* getCamera() const
ovirtual osg::Camera* getCamera()
ovirtual void accept(GUIEventHandlerVisitor& v)

Protected Fields

oosg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _camera

Inherited from GUIEventHandler:

Public Methods

ovirtual const CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite() const
ovirtual CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite()


FlightManipulator is a CameraManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation. By default, the left mouse button accelerates, the right mouse button decelerates, and the middle mouse button (or left and right simultaneously) stops dead.
o FlightManipulator()

ovirtual ~FlightManipulator()

ovirtual void setNode(osg::Node*)

ovirtual const osg::Node* getNode() const

ovirtual osg::Node* getNode()

ovirtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)

ovirtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)

ovirtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)

oenum YawControlMode



ovoid setYawControlMode(YawControlMode ycm)
Configure the Yaw control for the flight model.

ovoid flushMouseEventStack()
Reset the internal GUIEvent stack

ovoid addMouseEvent(const GUIEventAdapter& ea)
Add the current mouse GUIEvent to internal stack

ovoid computeLocalDataFromCamera()

ovoid computeCameraFromLocalData()

obool calcMovement()
For the give mouse movement calculate the movement of the camera. Return true is camera has moved and a redraw is required.

oosg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t1

oosg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t0

oosg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _node

ofloat _modelScale

ofloat _velocity

oYawControlMode _yawMode

oosg::Vec3 _eye

oosg::Quat _rotation

ofloat _distance

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