FlightManipulator is a CameraManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation.
Public Methods-
virtual ~FlightManipulator()
virtual void setNode(osg::Node*)
virtual const osg::Node* getNode() const
virtual osg::Node* getNode()
virtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
virtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
virtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
void setYawControlMode(YawControlMode ycm)
- Configure the Yaw control for the flight model.
Public Members-
enum YawControlMode
Protected Fields-
osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t1
osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t0
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _node
float _modelScale
float _velocity
YawControlMode _yawMode
osg::Vec3 _eye
osg::Quat _rotation
float _distance
Protected Methods-
void flushMouseEventStack()
- Reset the internal GUIEvent stack
void addMouseEvent(const GUIEventAdapter& ea)
- Add the current mouse GUIEvent to internal stack
void computeLocalDataFromCamera()
void computeCameraFromLocalData()
bool calcMovement()
- For the give mouse movement calculate the movement of the camera.
Public Methods-
virtual void setCamera(osg::Camera*)
virtual const osg::Camera* getCamera() const
virtual osg::Camera* getCamera()
virtual void accept(GUIEventHandlerVisitor& v)
Protected Fields-
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _camera
Public Methods-
virtual const CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite() const
virtual CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite()
FlightManipulator is a CameraManipulator which provides flight simulator-like
updating of the camera position & orientation. By default, the left mouse
button accelerates, the right mouse button decelerates, and the middle mouse
button (or left and right simultaneously) stops dead.
- FlightManipulator()
- virtual ~FlightManipulator()
- virtual void setNode(osg::Node*)
- virtual const osg::Node* getNode() const
- virtual osg::Node* getNode()
- virtual void home(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
- virtual void init(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
- virtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& us)
- enum YawControlMode
- void setYawControlMode(YawControlMode ycm)
- Configure the Yaw control for the flight model.
- void flushMouseEventStack()
- Reset the internal GUIEvent stack
- void addMouseEvent(const GUIEventAdapter& ea)
- Add the current mouse GUIEvent to internal stack
- void computeLocalDataFromCamera()
- void computeCameraFromLocalData()
- bool calcMovement()
- For the give mouse movement calculate the movement of the camera.
Return true is camera has moved and a redraw is required.
- osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t1
- osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> _ga_t0
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _node
- float _modelScale
- float _velocity
- YawControlMode _yawMode
- osg::Vec3 _eye
- osg::Quat _rotation
- float _distance
- This class has no child classes.
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