
class osgParticle::AccelOperator

An operator class that applies a constant acceleration to the particles


Public Methods

[more] META_Object(osgParticle, AccelOperator)
[more]inline AccelOperator()
[more]inline AccelOperator(const AccelOperator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop)
[more]inline const osg::Vec3& getAcceleration() const
Get the acceleration vector
[more]inline void setAcceleration(const osg::Vec3 &v)
Set the acceleration vector
[more]inline void setToGravity(float scale)
Quickly set the acceleration vector to the gravity on earth (0, 0, -981).
[more]inline void operate(Particle* P, double dt)
Apply the acceleration to a particle.
[more]inline void beginOperate(Program* prg)
Perform some initializations.

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~AccelOperator()
[more]AccelOperator& operator=(const AccelOperator &)

Inherited from Operator:

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
ovirtual void endOperate()
oinline bool isEnabled() const
oinline void setEnabled(bool v)


An operator class that applies a constant acceleration to the particles
o META_Object(osgParticle, AccelOperator)

ovirtual ~AccelOperator()

oAccelOperator& operator=(const AccelOperator &)

oinline AccelOperator()

oinline AccelOperator(const AccelOperator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop)

oinline const osg::Vec3& getAcceleration() const
Get the acceleration vector

oinline void setAcceleration(const osg::Vec3 &v)
Set the acceleration vector

oinline void setToGravity(float scale)
Quickly set the acceleration vector to the gravity on earth (0, 0, -981). The acceleration will be multiplied by the scale parameter.

oinline void operate(Particle* P, double dt)
Apply the acceleration to a particle. Do not call this method manually.

oinline void beginOperate(Program* prg)
Perform some initializations. Do not call this method manually.

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