
class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT osgParticle::ModularProgram

A program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators.


Public Methods

[more] ModularProgram()
[more] ModularProgram(const ModularProgram &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more] META_Node(osgParticle, ModularProgram)
[more]inline int numOperators() const
Get the number of operators
[more]inline void addOperator(Operator* o)
Add an operator to the list.
[more]inline Operator* getOperator(int i)
Get a pointer to an operator in the list
[more]inline const Operator* getOperator(int i) const
Get a const pointer to an operator in the list
[more]inline void removeOperator(int i)
Remove an operator from the list

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~ModularProgram()
[more]ModularProgram& operator=(const ModularProgram &)
[more]void execute(double dt)

Inherited from Program:

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
ovirtual void accept(osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
oinline void process(double dt)

Inherited from ParticleProcessor:

Public Methods

oinline ReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const
ovoid traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv)
oinline ParticleProcessor::ReferenceFrame getReferenceFrame() const
oinline void setReferenceFrame(ReferenceFrame rf)
oinline bool isEnabled() const
oinline void setEnabled(bool v)
oinline ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem()
oinline const ParticleSystem* getParticleSystem() const
oinline void setParticleSystem(ParticleSystem* ps)
oinline bool computeBound() const
oinline const osg::Matrix& getLocalToWorldMatrix()
oinline const osg::Matrix& getWorldToLocalMatrix()
oinline osg::Vec3 transformLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 &P)
oinline osg::Vec3 transformWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 &P)
oinline osg::Vec3 rotateLocalToWorld(const osg::Vec3 &P)
oinline osg::Vec3 rotateWorldToLocal(const osg::Vec3 &P)

Public Members

oenum ReferenceFrame


A program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators. To use a ModularProgram you have to create some Operator objects and add them to the program. All operators will be applied to each particle in the same order they've been added to the program.
o ModularProgram()

o ModularProgram(const ModularProgram &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

o META_Node(osgParticle, ModularProgram)

ovirtual ~ModularProgram()

oModularProgram& operator=(const ModularProgram &)

ovoid execute(double dt)

oinline int numOperators() const
Get the number of operators

oinline void addOperator(Operator* o)
Add an operator to the list.

oinline Operator* getOperator(int i)
Get a pointer to an operator in the list

oinline const Operator* getOperator(int i) const
Get a const pointer to an operator in the list

oinline void removeOperator(int i)
Remove an operator from the list

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