
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT osgUtil::RenderGraph


Public Fields

[more]RenderGraph* _parent
[more]osg::ref_ptr<const osg::StateSet> _stateset
[more]int _depth
[more]ChildList _children
[more]LeafList _leaves
[more]mutable float _averageDistance
[more]mutable float _minimumDistance
[more]osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> _userData

Public Methods

[more] RenderGraph()
[more] RenderGraph(RenderGraph* parent, const osg::StateSet* stateset)
[more] ~RenderGraph()
[more]RenderGraph* cloneType() const
[more]void setUserData(osg::Referenced* obj)
[more]osg::Referenced* getUserData()
[more]const osg::Referenced* getUserData() const
[more]inline bool empty() const
return true if all of drawables, lights and children are empty
[more]inline bool leaves_empty() const
[more]inline float getAverageDistance() const
[more]inline float getMinimumDistance() const
[more]inline void sortFrontToBack()
[more]void reset()
reset the internal contents of a RenderGraph, including deleting all children
[more]void clean()
recursively clean the RenderGraph of all its drawables, lights and depths.
[more]void prune()
recursively prune the RenderGraph of empty children
[more]inline RenderGraph* find_or_insert(const osg::StateSet* stateset)
[more]inline void addLeaf(RenderLeaf* leaf)
add a render leaf
[more]static inline void moveRenderGraph(osg::State& state, RenderGraph* sg_curr, RenderGraph* sg_new)
[more]inline static void moveToRootRenderGraph(osg::State& state, RenderGraph* sg_curr)

Public Members

[more]typedef std::map< const osg::StateSet*, osg::ref_ptr<RenderGraph> > ChildList
[more]typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<RenderLeaf> > LeafList


otypedef std::map< const osg::StateSet*, osg::ref_ptr<RenderGraph> > ChildList

otypedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<RenderLeaf> > LeafList

oRenderGraph* _parent

oosg::ref_ptr<const osg::StateSet> _stateset

oint _depth

oChildList _children

oLeafList _leaves

omutable float _averageDistance

omutable float _minimumDistance

oosg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> _userData

o RenderGraph()

o RenderGraph(RenderGraph* parent, const osg::StateSet* stateset)

o ~RenderGraph()

oRenderGraph* cloneType() const

ovoid setUserData(osg::Referenced* obj)

oosg::Referenced* getUserData()

oconst osg::Referenced* getUserData() const

oinline bool empty() const
return true if all of drawables, lights and children are empty

oinline bool leaves_empty() const

oinline float getAverageDistance() const

oinline float getMinimumDistance() const

oinline void sortFrontToBack()

ovoid reset()
reset the internal contents of a RenderGraph, including deleting all children

ovoid clean()
recursively clean the RenderGraph of all its drawables, lights and depths. Leaves children intact, and ready to be populated again.

ovoid prune()
recursively prune the RenderGraph of empty children

oinline RenderGraph* find_or_insert(const osg::StateSet* stateset)

oinline void addLeaf(RenderLeaf* leaf)
add a render leaf

ostatic inline void moveRenderGraph(osg::State& state, RenderGraph* sg_curr, RenderGraph* sg_new)

oinline static void moveToRootRenderGraph(osg::State& state, RenderGraph* sg_curr)

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