
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<attlDecl> (attList declaration) contains the ATTLIST declaration associated with this element.
Attributes Global attributes only

If the opening delimiter is seen by the parser, an error will result; it should therefore be represented by an entity reference, thus:

 &lt;!ATTLIST blort
              id       ID       #REQUIRED
              rend     CDATA    #IMPLIED   >
Alternatively, the entire element content may be enclosed in a CDATA marked section:
 <![CDATA[ <!ATTLIST blort
              id       ID       #REQUIRED
              rend     CDATA    #IMPLIED   >

Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
Data Description contains the full text of an ATTLIST declaration; to avoid parsing errors, the opening delimiter must be given as an entity reference, or else the entire content of the element should be enclosed in a CDATA marked section.
May contain #PCDATA
May occur within
<!ELEMENT attlDecl %om.RR; (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST attlDecl;>
See further 27.1 The TagDoc Documentation Element

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