TEI P4 Home
27 Tag Set Documentation
27.1 The TagDoc Documentation Element
27.2 Element Classes
27.3 Entity Documentation
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
Some minor revisions have been made in the way
that the tag set documentation is used in producing the current XML
version of the Guidelines; these are not as yet reflected in the
recommendations of the present chapter.
This chapter describes an auxiliary DTD which may be used for the
documentation of new elements, element classes and entities. It is
primarily intended for use by those wishing to extend or modify the
content of these Guidelines in a conformant manner, as described in
chapters 29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD and 28 Conformance; it may also be useful
for the documentation of other encoding schemes. The
elements described here are those used to document the TEI scheme
itself, in part VII of the current document.
Three distinct elements are used to document a tag set, the contents
of each of which is described in more detail in the appropriate section
of this chapter.
<tagDoc> documents the structure, content, and purpose of a single
element type.
specifies the optionality of an attribute or element.
<classDoc> contains reference information for a TEI element class;
that is a group of
elements which appear together in content models, or
which share some common attribute, or both.
type |
indicates whether this is a model class, an attribute class,
or both. |
<entDoc> formally documents a single named entity
used within an SGML or XML encoding scheme.
indicates whether this is a general or a parameter entity.
In addition to these documentary elements, the following phrase-level
elements may be found useful for marking up occurrences of element names
etc. within the body of running text.
<gi> contains the name (generic identifier) of an element.
tei |
indicates whether this element is part of the TEI encoding
scheme (i.e. defined in a TEI DTD fragment) or not. |
<att> contains the name of an attribute appearing within running text.
tei |
indicates whether this attribute is part of the TEI scheme
(i.e., defined in a TEI DTD fragment) or not.
<val> contains a single attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<tag> contains text of a complete start- or end-tag, possibly
including attribute specifications, but excluding the opening and
closing markup delimiter characters.
indicates whether this tag is valid within the TEI scheme or not.
These four elements are included in the phrase-level elements available
to any document using the auxiliary tag set defined in this chapter; to
make them available to documents using other DTDs, an appropriate
parameter entity should be defined.
As an example of the recommended use of these elements, we quote from
an imaginary TEI working paper:
<p>The <gi>gi</gi> element is used to tag element names when
they appear in the text; the <gi>tag</gi> element however is
used to show how a tag as such might appear. So one might
talk of an occurrence of the <gi>blort</gi> element which had
been tagged <tag>blort type='runcible'</tag>. The <att>type</att>
attribute may take any name token as value; the default value is
<val>spqr</val>, in memory of its creator.</p>
These elements and their components make up the auxiliary DTD for tag
documentation, which is contained in the file teitsd2.dtd. This file has the following overall
<!-- 27.: File teitsd2.dtd: Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set Documentation-->
<!--Text Encoding Initiative Consortium:
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
Document TEI P4, 2002.
Copyright (c) 2002 TEI Consortium. Permission to copy in any form
is granted, provided this notice is included in all copies.
These materials may not be altered; modifications to these DTDs should
be performed only as specified by the Guidelines, for example in the
chapter entitled 'Modifying the TEI DTD'
These materials are subject to revision by the TEI Consortium. Current versions
are available from the Consortium website at http://www.tei-c.org-->
<!--Embed entities for TEI generic identifiers.-->
<!ENTITY % TEI.elementNames PUBLIC '-//TEI P4//ENTITIES Generic
Identifiers//EN' 'teigis2.ent' >%TEI.elementNames;
<!--Define entities for TEI keywords.-->
Keywords//EN' 'teikey2.ent' >%TEI.keywords.ent;
<!--Define element classes for content models, shared
attributes for element classes, and global attributes. (This all
happens within the file TEIclas2.ent.)-->
ElementClasses//EN' 'teiclas2.ent' >%TEI.elementClasses;
<!--Embed the core tag set-->
<!ENTITY % TEI.core.dtd PUBLIC '-//TEI P4//ELEMENTS Core Elements//EN'
'teicore2.dtd' >%TEI.core.dtd;
<!--Define the top-level element for this DTD-->
<!ELEMENT tsd %om.RO; ((tagDoc | entDoc | classDoc)+)>
TEIform CDATA 'tsd' >
<!--Define some additions for the phrase level tags-->
<!ELEMENT gi %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
tei (yes|no) "yes"
TEIform CDATA 'gi' >
<!ELEMENT tag %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
TEI ( yes | no ) "yes"
TEIform CDATA 'tag' >
<!ELEMENT att %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
tei (yes|no) "yes"
TEIform CDATA 'att' >
<!ELEMENT val %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
TEIform CDATA 'val' >
<!--Finally we define the elements specific to this DTD-->
[declarations from 27.1: The TagDoc element inserted here ]
[declarations from 27.1.1: Attribute documentation inserted here ]
[declarations from 27.2: Element classes inserted here ]
[declarations from 27.3: Entity Documentation inserted here ]
<!-- end of 27.-->
27.1 The TagDoc Documentation Element
The <tagDoc> element is used to document an element type,
together with its associated attributes. A completely specified
<tagDoc> may comprise all of the following components in the
order specified:
<rs> contains a general purpose name or referring string.
type |
indicates more specifically the object referred to by the
referencing string. Values might include ‘person’,
‘place’, ‘ship’, ‘element’ etc. |
<gi> contains the name (generic identifier) of an element.
tei |
indicates whether this element is part of the TEI encoding
scheme (i.e. defined in a TEI DTD fragment) or not. |
<desc> contains a brief description of the purpose and application for
an element, attribute, or attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<attList> contains documentation for all the attributes associated with this
element, as a series of attDef elements.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<exemplum> contains a single example demonstrating the use of an element,
together with optional paragraphs of commentary.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<eg> contains a single example demonstrating the use of an element or
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<remarks> contains any commentary or discussion about the usage of an
element, attribute, class, or entity not otherwise documented within the
containing element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<part> specifies the module or part to which a particular element,
element class, or entity belongs in a modular encoding scheme such
as the TEI.
type |
indicates whether the tag set is a base, additional, core, or
auxiliary tag set. |
name |
indicates the specific tag set or part in question, usually by
means of an identifier or short form. |
<classes> specifies all the classes of which the documented element or
class is a member or subclass.
names |
lists the identifiers of all classes of which the documented
element or class is a member or subclass, possibly using parentheses to
indicate inheritance.
<files> specifies the name
of the operating system file(s) within which this markup component is
names |
supplies the names of one or more files. |
<dataDesc> specifies the legal content of the element being documented,
noting any semantic or application-dependent constraints, as well
as constraints enforced by the content model.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<parents> lists elements which can directly contain this element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<children> lists the elements which this element may directly contain.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<elemDecl> contains the text of a declaration for the element
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<attlDecl> contains the ATTLIST declaration
associated with this element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<ptr> defines a pointer to another location in the current document
in terms of one or more identifiable elements.
target |
specifies the destination
of the pointer by supplying the
values used on the id attribute of one or more other elements in the
current document |
<equiv> specifies an equivalent or comparable element in some other
markup language.
names the markup language or encoding scheme
As the content model for <tagDoc> makes clear, only the
<gi>, <desc>, <exemplum>, <dataDesc>,
<parents>, <children> and <elemDecl> elements are
mandatory components. For elements bearing attributes, the
<attList> and <attlDecl> components are also required for
TEI conformance. For compatibility with the TEI system, use of the
<classes> and <files> elements is strongly recommended.
The only components of the <tagDoc> element which can appear more
than once are the <exemplum>, <ptr> and <equiv>
elements. The order of components may not be changed.
The <tagDoc> and its constituents are defined as follows:
<!-- 27.1: The TagDoc element-->
<!ELEMENT tagDoc %om.RR; (gi, rs?, desc, attList?, exemplum*, remarks?,
part?, classes?, files?, dataDesc?, parents?, children?,
elemDecl, attlDecl?, ptr*, equiv*)>
<!ATTLIST tagDoc
usage (req|mwa|rec|rwa|opt) "opt"
TEIform CDATA 'tagDoc' >
<!--RS and PTR are defined in the core-->
<!--GI is defined above -->
<!ELEMENT desc %om.RO; %paraContent;>
<!ATTLIST desc
TEIform CDATA 'desc' >
<!ELEMENT attList %om.RO; (attDef*)>
<!ATTLIST attList
TEIform CDATA 'attList' >
<!ELEMENT exemplum %om.RR; (p*, eg, p*)>
<!ATTLIST exemplum
TEIform CDATA 'exemplum' >
<!ELEMENT eg %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
TEIform CDATA 'eg' >
<!ELEMENT remarks %om.RO; (%component.seq;)>
<!ATTLIST remarks
TEIform CDATA 'remarks' >
<!ELEMENT part %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST part
TEIform CDATA 'part' >
<!ELEMENT classes %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST classes
TEIform CDATA 'classes' >
<!ELEMENT files %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST files
TEIform CDATA 'files' >
<!ELEMENT dataDesc %om.RO; %phrase.seq;>
<!ATTLIST dataDesc
TEIform CDATA 'dataDesc' >
<!ELEMENT parents %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST parents
TEIform CDATA 'parents' >
<!ELEMENT children %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST children
TEIform CDATA 'children' >
<!ELEMENT elemDecl %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST elemDecl
TEIform CDATA 'elemDecl' >
<!ELEMENT attlDecl %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST attlDecl
TEIform CDATA 'attlDecl' >
<!ELEMENT equiv %om.RO; %specialPara;>
<!ATTLIST equiv
TEIform CDATA 'equiv' >
<!-- end of 27.1-->
27.1.1 The AttList Documentation Element
The <attList> element is used to document information about a
collection of attributes, either within a <tagDoc>, or within a
<classDoc>. It consists of a series of <attDef> elements,
each documenting a single attribute and each using an appropriate
selection from the following elements:
<attDef> contains the definition of a single attribute.
specifies the optionality of an attribute or element.
<attName> contains the name of the attribute being defined by an
attDef element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<rs> contains a general purpose name or referring string.
type |
indicates more specifically the object referred to by the
referencing string. Values might include ‘person’,
‘place’, ‘ship’, ‘element’ etc. |
<desc> contains a brief description of the purpose and application for
an element, attribute, or attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<datatype> specifies the declared value for an attribute.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<valList> contains a list of value and description pairs for an attribute.
specifies the extensibility of the list of attribute values
<val> contains a single attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<valDesc> specifies any semantic or syntactic constraint on the value that
an attribute may take, additional to the information carried by the
datatype element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<default> specifies the default declared value for an attribute.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<eg> contains a single example demonstrating the use of an element or
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<remarks> contains any commentary or discussion about the usage of an
element, attribute, class, or entity not otherwise documented within the
containing element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<equiv> specifies an equivalent or comparable element in some other
markup language.
names the markup language or encoding scheme
It will be noted that several of these elements are used identically
to document both elements and attributes. Specific to attributes are
<dataType>, <valList>, <valDesc>, <val> and
<default>. For any attribute documented in this way, either a
<valList> or a <valDesc> must be supplied to specify the
range of permitted values for an attribute. A <valList> should
be used if the intended set of values can be enumerated; a
<valDesc> if it cannot. A legal <attDef> specification
must contain an <attName>, a <desc>, a <datatype>,
either a <valList> or a <valDesc>, and a default; the
other elements listed above are all optional.
The <attList> within a <tagDoc> is used to specify only
the attributes which are specific to that particular element.
Attributes which are shared by other elements, or by all elements,
should be documented by an <attList> contained within a
<classDoc> element, as described in section 27.2 Element Classes
The following <attList> demonstrates some of the
possibilities; for more detailed examples, consult the tagged version of
the reference material in these Guidelines.
<attDef usage='opt'>
<desc>describes the form of the list.</desc>
<valList type='semi'>
<val>ordered</val><desc>list items are numbered or lettered.</desc>
<val>bulleted</val><desc>list items are marked with a
<soCalled>bullet</soCalled> or other typographic device.</desc>
<val>simple</val><desc>list items are not numbered or bulleted.</desc>
<val>gloss</val><desc>each list item glosses some term or
concept, which is given by a <gi>label</gi> element preceding
the list item.</desc>
<p>The formal syntax of the element declarations allows
<gi>label</gi> tags to be omitted from lists tagged <tag>list
type=gloss</tag>; this is however a semantic error.</p></remarks>
Those elements from the above list which are unique to attributes are
declared as follows:
<!-- 27.1.1: Attribute documentation-->
<!ELEMENT attDef %om.RO; (attName, rs?, desc,
(datatype, (valList | valDesc)?),
default, eg?, remarks?, equiv*)>
<!ATTLIST attDef
usage (req|mwa|rec|rwa|opt) "opt"
TEIform CDATA 'attDef' >
<!ELEMENT attName %om.RO; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST attName
TEIform CDATA 'attName' >
<!ELEMENT datatype %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST datatype
TEIform CDATA 'datatype' >
<!ELEMENT valList %om.RR; ((val,desc)*)>
<!ATTLIST valList
type (closed | semi | open) "open"
TEIform CDATA 'valList' >
<!ELEMENT valDesc %om.RO; %phrase.seq;>
<!ATTLIST valDesc
TEIform CDATA 'valDesc' >
<!ELEMENT default %om.RO; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST default
TEIform CDATA 'default' >
<!-- end of 27.1.1-->
27.2 Element Classes
The element <classDoc> is used to document an element
class, as defined in section 3.7 Element Classes. It has the
following components:
<classDoc> contains reference information for a TEI element class;
that is a group of
elements which appear together in content models, or
which share some common attribute, or both.
type |
indicates whether this is a model class, an attribute class,
or both. |
<class> specifies the name of an element class.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<rs> contains a general purpose name or referring string.
type |
indicates more specifically the object referred to by the
referencing string. Values might include ‘person’,
‘place’, ‘ship’, ‘element’ etc. |
<desc> contains a brief description of the purpose and application for
an element, attribute, or attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<attList> contains documentation for all the attributes associated with this
element, as a series of attDef elements.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<remarks> contains any commentary or discussion about the usage of an
element, attribute, class, or entity not otherwise documented within the
containing element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<part> specifies the module or part to which a particular element,
element class, or entity belongs in a modular encoding scheme such
as the TEI.
type |
indicates whether the tag set is a base, additional, core, or
auxiliary tag set. |
name |
indicates the specific tag set or part in question, usually by
means of an identifier or short form. |
<classes> specifies all the classes of which the documented element or
class is a member or subclass.
names |
lists the identifiers of all classes of which the documented
element or class is a member or subclass, possibly using parentheses to
indicate inheritance.
<ptr> defines a pointer to another location in the current document
in terms of one or more identifiable elements.
target |
specifies the destination
of the pointer by supplying the
values used on the id attribute of one or more other elements in the
current document |
<equiv> specifies an equivalent or comparable element in some other
markup language.
names the markup language or encoding scheme
Of these elements, only the <class> and <desc> elements
are required
components. If present, the other elements must be given in the order
specified, and only <ptr> and <equiv> may be repeated.
The attribute type is used to distinguish between
`model' and `attribute' classes;
for the former, a <classDoc> simply exists so that members of the
class it documents may point to it (by specifying the value of its
id attribute among the values specified by the
names attribute of their <classes> component); for the
latter, the <classDoc> additionally contains an <attList>
which specifies the attributes shared by the members of the class. A
class may perform both functions, of course.
Where a class inherits properties or attributes from some other
class, the <classes> element may be used to indicate this fact.
Membership of an attribute class can be inherited by any class, but
model-only classes may not include attribute-only classes amongst their
members. For further discussion of the TEI class system,
see section 3.7 Element Classes.
The <classDoc> element and the elements unique to it are
declared as follows:
<!-- 27.2: Element classes-->
<!ELEMENT classDoc %om.RO; (class, rs?, desc, attList?, remarks?, part?,
classes?, files?, ptr*, equiv*) >
<!ATTLIST classDoc
type (model | atts | both) #IMPLIED
TEIform CDATA 'classDoc' >
<!ELEMENT class %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST class
TEIform CDATA 'class' >
<!--all other constituents are defined above-->
<!-- end of 27.2-->
27.3 Entity Documentation
The <entDoc> element is used to document any other entity not
otherwise documented by the elements described in this chapter. Its
chief uses are to provide systematic documentation for parameter
entities used within TEI DTD fragments (for example, those used to
enable different components of the TEI DTD, or to describe common
content models), but it may be used for any purpose. It has the
following components:
<entDoc> formally documents a single named entity
used within an SGML or XML encoding scheme.
indicates whether this is a general or a parameter entity.
<entName> contains the full name of an entity, excluding the percent sign in
the case of a parameter entity.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<rs> contains a general purpose name or referring string.
type |
indicates more specifically the object referred to by the
referencing string. Values might include ‘person’,
‘place’, ‘ship’, ‘element’ etc. |
<desc> contains a brief description of the purpose and application for
an element, attribute, or attribute value.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<remarks> contains any commentary or discussion about the usage of an
element, attribute, class, or entity not otherwise documented within the
containing element.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<string> contains the intended expansion for the entity documented
by an entDoc element, enclosed by quotation marks.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<ptr> defines a pointer to another location in the current document
in terms of one or more identifiable elements.
target |
specifies the destination
of the pointer by supplying the
values used on the id attribute of one or more other elements in the
current document |
<equiv> specifies an equivalent or comparable element in some other
markup language.
names the markup language or encoding scheme
Of these, only <entName>, <desc> and <string> are
required components. If present, the other elements must be given in
the order specified, and only <ptr> and <equiv> may be
The <entDoc> element and the elements unique to it are
declared as follows:
<!-- 27.3: Entity Documentation-->
<!ELEMENT entDoc %om.RR; (entName, rs?, desc, remarks?, string, ptr*,
<!ATTLIST entDoc
type (pe | ge) #REQUIRED
TEIform CDATA 'entDoc' >
<!ELEMENT entName %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST entName
TEIform CDATA 'entName' >
<!ELEMENT string %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST string
TEIform CDATA 'string' >
<!--All other constituents are defined above-->
<!-- end of 27.3-->