
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<baseWsd> (base writing system declaration) identifies a writing system declaration whose mappings among characters, forms, entity names, and bit patterns are to be incorporated (possibly with modifications) in this writing system declaration.
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from baseStandard


Reference in a WSD to a base WSD makes available the set of mappings among characters, forms, entity names, and bit patterns declared in the base WSD; the language and writing system (direction) information given in the base WSD is ignored.

Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Class baseStandard
Data Description Empty.
May occur within
<!ELEMENT baseWsd %om.RO;  EMPTY> 
<!ATTLIST baseWsd;
See further 25.4.1 Base Components of the WSD

Up: 35 Elements