TEI P4 Home
25 Writing System Declaration
25.1 Overall Structure of Writing System Declaration
25.2 Identifying the Language
25.3 Describing the Writing System
25.4 Documenting the Character Set and Its Encoding
25.5 Notes in the WSD
25.6 Linkage between WSD and Main Document
25.7 Predefined TEI WSDs
25.8 Details of WSD Semantics
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
This chapter may be substantially revised or withdrawn in the next edition
of these Guidelines
The writing system declaration or WSD is an
auxiliary document which provides information on the methods used to
transcribe portions of text in a particular language and script.
We use the term writing system to mean a given method
of representing a particular language, in a particular script or
alphabet; the WSD specifies one method of representing a given writing
system in electronic form. A single WSD thus links three distinct
- the language in question
- the writing system (script, alphabet, syllabary) used to write the
- the coded character set, entity names, or transliteration scheme
used to represent the graphic characters of the writing system
Different natural languages thus have different writing system
declarations, even if they use the same script. Different methods used
to write the same language (e.g. Cyrillic or Latin encoding of
Serbo-Croatian), and different methods of representing the same script
in electronic form (e.g. different coded character sets such as ASCII or
EBCDIC, or different transliteration schemes) similarly must use
different writing system declarations.
This chapter describes first the overall structure of the WSD
(section 25.1 Overall Structure of Writing System Declaration), and then the specific elements used to
document the natural language, writing system, coded character sets,
entity names, and transliteration schemes united by the WSD.
Section 25.6 Linkage between WSD and Main Document describes how the WSD is associated with
different portions of a document. Predefined TEI writing system
declarations, which should suffice for many uses, are described in
section 25.7 Predefined TEI WSDs. There follows a brief description of how
to create a new WSD on the basis of an existing WSD. Finally, in
section 25.8 Details of WSD Semantics we provide a formal discussion of the
semantics of the writing system declaration.
25.1 Overall Structure of Writing System Declaration
A writing system declaration is a distinct auxiliary document,
separate from any transcription for which it is used.
A TEI document specifies the writing system declarations applicable to
it by means of declarations in its header, and by means of its use of
the global lang attribute, as further specified in section
25.6 Linkage between WSD and Main Document. Each writing system declaration is itself a
free-standing document, encoded as
a single <writingSystemDeclaration> element, and
containing the following elements:
<writingSystemDeclaration> declares the coded character set, transliteration scheme, or
entity set used to transcribe a given writing system of a given
name |
gives a formal name for the writing system declaration |
date |
gives the date on which the writing system declaration was last
revised. |
<language> identifies the language being described in the writing system
iso639 |
gives the
two-letter standard language code from ISO 639:1988 (or its revised
version ISO 639-1 when that becomes standard), or a three-letter code
from ISO 639-2: 1998. |
<script> contains a prose description of the script declared by a writing
system declaration.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<direction> specifies one or more conventional directions in which a language
is written using a given script.
chars |
indicates the order in which characters within a line are
conventionally presented in this writing system |
lines |
indicates the order in which lines conventionally follow each
other in this writing system. |
<characters> contains a specification of the characters used in a particular
writing system to write a particular language, and of how those
characters are represented in electronic form.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<note> (in a writing system) contains a note of any type.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
All elements in the writing system declaration may bear either of the
following two attributes:
id |
gives a unique identifier for the element. |
lang |
gives the language in which the content of the element is written. |
These attributes function in the same way as the global
id and lang attributes of the main TEI DTD
(although for technical reasons the latter is declared differently):
the former provides a unique identifier for the element, and the
latter identifies the language in which the contents of the element
are expressed, using a code from ISO 639.
The overall structure of a writing system declaration is thus as
<writingSystemDeclaration lang='eng' name='...' date='1993-05-29'>
<language iso639='...'>
<!-- name of language here -->
<!-- description of script here ... -->
<direction chars='LR' lines='TB'/>
<!-- description of character inventory here ... -->
The attributes date and name are required on
the <writingSystemDeclaration> element. The date
attribute is used to specify the date on which the WSD was written or
last changed; this must be given in the format
The name attribute is used to assign a formal name to the
writing system declaration, for references to it from elsewhere. It is
recommended that the name be constructed as a
formal public identifier, as described above (2.7 Entities); for purposes of writing system
declarations, this means it should follow the pattern of the following
-//TEI P2: 1993//NOTATION WSD for Modern English//EN
-//WWP 1993//NOTATION WSD for 17th-century English//EN
-//OTA 1991//NOTATION WSD for Old English//EN
-//GLDV 1997//NOTATION WSD Mittelhochdeutsch//DE
The other elements of the WSD are described in the following
The DTD for writing system declarations is included in file teiwsd2.dtd; a writing system declaration will thus
begin with a document type declaration invoking that file:
<!DOCTYPE writingSystemDeclaration
PUBLIC "-//TEI P4//DTD Auxiliary Document Type:
Writing System Declaration//EN"
"teiwsd2.dtd" >
The formal declaration of the writing system declaration is as
<!-- 25.1: Writing System Declaration-->
<!--Text Encoding Initiative Consortium:
Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
Document TEI P4, 2002.
Copyright (c) 2002 TEI Consortium. Permission to copy in any form
is granted, provided this notice is included in all copies.
These materials may not be altered; modifications to these DTDs should
be performed only as specified by the Guidelines, for example in the
chapter entitled 'Modifying the TEI DTD'
These materials are subject to revision by the TEI Consortium. Current versions
are available from the Consortium website at http://www.tei-c.org-->
<!ENTITY % ISO-date 'CDATA' >
<!--Embed entities for TEI generic identifiers.-->
<!ENTITY % TEI.elementNames PUBLIC '-//TEI P4//ENTITIES Generic
Identifiers//EN' 'teigis2.ent' >%TEI.elementNames;
<!--Insert switch for XML/SGML -->
<!ENTITY % om.RO '' >
<!ENTITY % om.RR '' >
<!ENTITY % om.RO '- O' >
<!ENTITY % om.RR '- -' >
<!ENTITY % a.global '
<!ELEMENT writingSystemDeclaration %om.RR; (language, script,
direction*, characters, note*)>
<!ATTLIST writingSystemDeclaration
date %ISO-date; #REQUIRED
TEIform CDATA 'writingSystemDeclaration' >
[declarations from 25.2: Language identification inserted here ]
[declarations from 25.3: Script and writing direction inserted here ]
[declarations from 25.4.1: Base components inserted here ]
[declarations from 25.4.2: Exceptions to the base components inserted
here ]
[declarations from 25.5: Notes inserted here ]
<!-- end of 25.1-->
25.2 Identifying the Language
The <language> element is used to name the language associated
with the WSD. Its iso639 attribute gives the ISO standard
code for the language as defined by ISO 639: 1988. Code for the
representation of names of languages, or its successor standards.
<language> identifies the language being described in the writing system
iso639 |
gives the
two-letter standard language code from ISO 639:1988 (or its revised
version ISO 639-1 when that becomes standard), or a three-letter code
from ISO 639-2: 1998. |
If the language in question is not included in the list in ISO 639,
the value of the attribute iso639 should be the
empty string, as in the following example:
<language iso639=''>Various</language>
The <language> element should not be confused with the global
lang attribute; the element identifies the language whose
writing system is being documented, while the attribute identifies the
language in which the description is being written. A writing system
declaration for classical Greek, for example, which itself is written in
English, would have the value eng for the lang
attribute on the top-level element, and the value grc for the
iso639 attribute on the <language> element:
name='-//TEI P2: 1993//NOTATION WSD for TLG Beta Code
transliteration of ancient greek//EN'
<language iso639='grc'>Classical Greek. This WSD documents the Beta
transcription code for classical Greek developed by the Thesaurus
Linguae Graecae of the University of California, Irvine.</language>
<!-- ... -->
Normally, the language described is a natural language; in some
cases, however, artificial languages, dialects, or other sublanguages
may be usefully regarded as a language and documented in a writing
system declaration. When a sublanguage is documented, a description of
the sublanguage should be included in the <language> element:
<language iso639='jpn'>
Japanese (specialized writing system for waka)
When a writing system declaration is prepared solely in order to
document a coded character set or entity set suitable for use with many
natural languages, the content of the <language> element should
be ‘Various’ (or the equivalent in the language of the WSD):
name='-//TEI P2: 1993//NOTATION WSD for ISO 646 IRV//FR'
<language iso639=''>Plusieurs</language>
<!-- ... -->
The <language> element is formally defined thus:
<!-- 25.2: Language identification-->
<!ELEMENT language %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST language
TEIform CDATA 'language' >
<!-- end of 25.2-->
25.3 Describing the Writing System
The writing system itself is described in general terms using the
following elements:
<script> contains a prose description of the script declared by a writing
system declaration.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<direction> specifies one or more conventional directions in which a language
is written using a given script.
chars |
indicates the order in which characters within a line are
conventionally presented in this writing system |
lines |
indicates the order in which lines conventionally follow each
other in this writing system. |
The <script> element contains a prose description of the
script, alphabet, syllabary, or other system of writing used to write
the language in question. The <direction> element indicates the
direction(s) in which the script is conventionally written. Both these
elements are provided for the sake of human readers; neither is likely
to be suited to machine processing without human intervention.
The Latin alphabet conventionally used to write English, for example,
might be described thus:
<script>Latin alphabet (with diacritics for loan words)</script>
<direction chars='LR' lines='TB'/>
The chars and lines attributes are used to
indicate the direction in which characters within a line, and lines on
the page, may legitimately be written using the script in question. If
more than one direction is possible, the <direction> element may
repeat or its attributes may be given more complex values. A script
written vertically top to bottom, with lines arranged either left to
right or right to left, for example, might be declared either thus:
<direction chars='TB' lines='LR'/>
<direction chars='TB' lines='RL'/>
or thus:
<direction chars='TB' lines='LR RL'/>
In very complex cases, the attributes may be given prose values:
<direction chars='boustrophedon: LR, then RL, then LR, etc.' lines='TB'/>
or the element may be omitted entirely, in which case experts on the
script should be consulted for advice on proper processing.
It should be noted that the <direction> element describes
conventional display only: all scripts are subject to unusual treatment
for aesthetic or other reasons, and such unusual treatment need not be
foreseen here. (The Latin alphabet, for example, although
conventionally written left-to-right, top-to-bottom, can be set
vertically in signs or in other special cases.) Unusual methods of
arranging the text on a page are best documented within the document
instance by means of the global rend attribute.
The <script> and <direction> elements are declared
<!-- 25.3: Script and writing direction-->
<!ELEMENT script %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST script
TEIform CDATA 'script' >
<!ELEMENT direction %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST direction
TEIform CDATA 'direction' >
<!-- end of 25.3-->
25.4 Documenting the Character Set and Its Encoding
25.4.1 Base Components of the WSD
The characters or graphic symbols of the writing system are
documented in the <characters> element of the WSD. This
documentation can take any of the following forms:
- reference to an international standard, national standard, or
private coded character set
- reference to a public set of entities
- reference to another WSD which documents the same script and
the same methods of representing it electronically
- formal declaration of each graphic unit in the writing system
- a combination of the above: reference to one or more standard
coded character sets, entity sets, or writing system declarations,
followed by individual declaration of all exceptions
The coded character sets, entity sets, and external WSDs referred to
are called the base components of the writing system
declaration. The base components of a WSD are declared within the
<characters> element using the following elements:
<characters> contains a specification of the characters used in a particular
writing system to write a particular language, and of how those
characters are represented in electronic form.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<codedCharSet> identifies a public or private coded character set which is used
as a basic component of a writing system declaration.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<baseWsd> identifies a writing system declaration whose mappings among
characters, forms, entity names, and bit patterns are to be incorporated
(possibly with modifications) in this writing system declaration.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<entitySet> identifies a public or private entity set whose mappings between
entity names and characters are to be incorporated (perhaps with
modifications) into this writing system declaration.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
The elements <codedCharSet>, <baseWsd>, and
<entitySet> are all members of the class
baseStandard and inherit from it the following attributes:
name |
gives the normal citation form for the standard being referred to. |
authority |
indicates the authority responsible for issuing the standard being
referred to: the TEI, the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), a national body, or a private body. |
Some simple examples of the use of these elements follow:
<codedCharSet name='ANSI X3.4' authority='national'/>
<codedCharSet name='ISO 646: 1991' authority='iso'/>
<baseWsd name='-//TEI P4: 2001//WSD ISO 8859-1//EN'
<entitySet name='ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN'
The base components identify the set of characters used in the
writing system, and further specify, for each character, the string(s)
of bytes and entity names used to encode it in the text. This
information may be modified by further information given within the
<exceptions> element, as described below in section 25.4.2 Exceptions in the WSD.
The elements for identifying the base components of the writing
system declaration are declared thus:
<!-- 25.4.1: Base components-->
<!ELEMENT characters %om.RO; ( codedCharSet*, baseWsd*,
entitySet*, exceptions? ) >
<!ATTLIST characters
TEIform CDATA 'characters' >
<!ENTITY % a.baseStandard '
authority (tei | iso | national | private | none) #REQUIRED'>
<!ELEMENT codedCharSet %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST codedCharSet
TEIform CDATA 'codedCharSet' >
<!ELEMENT baseWsd %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST baseWsd
TEIform CDATA 'baseWsd' >
<!ELEMENT entitySet %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST entitySet
TEIform CDATA 'entitySet' >
<!-- end of 25.4.1-->
25.4.2 Exceptions in the WSD
The <exceptions> element contains definitions for any
character which differs in any respect from the specifications contained
in the base components of the WSD. If no base components are named,
then every character in the writing system must be defined explicitly.
The documentation for each character in the writing system indicates
at least the following:
- the string of bytes used to represent the character
- whether the character is a letter, a punctuation mark, a
diacritical mark, or falls into some other class
- a brief conventional name or description of the character
- any standard or local entity names used for the character
- the position of the character in the Universal Character Set (UCS)
defined by ISO 10646, if known
In addition, images of the character encoded in a graphics format or
other notation may be associated with the character as internal
or external figures.
This information is encoded using the following elements:
<exceptions> documents ways in which a writing system declaration differs from
the coded character sets, base writing system declarations, and entity
sets which form its bases.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<character> defines one unit in a writing system, supplementing or overriding
information provided in the base coded character sets, writing system
declarations, and entity sets.
class |
describes the function of the character using a prescribed
classification. |
<desc> (in a writing system declaration) contains a description of a
character or character form.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<form> identifies one letter form taken by a particular character in a
writing system declaration.
string |
gives the byte string used to encode the letter form in the text. |
codedCharSet |
(coded character set)
specifies which base coded character set the string
value occurs in. |
entityStd |
(standard entity name)
gives the name of one or more entities defined for this character
form in some standard entity set(s). |
entityLoc |
(local entity name)
gives one or more entity names used locally for this character
form. |
ucs-4 |
(universal-character-set code)
gives the position of the character form in the thirty-two bit
`universal character set' defined by ISO 10646. |
<figure> (in a writing system declaration) contains an image of a character
form, stored in-line in some declared notation.
notation |
identifies the notation in which the figure is encoded. |
<extFigure> (in a writing system declaration) refers to a figure or
illustration depicting the character form, which is stored in
some declared notation external to the text.
notation |
identifies the notation in which the figure is stored. |
entity |
gives the name of an external entity which contains the
figure. |
The <exceptions> element contains a series of
<character> elements only, each of which may contain descriptions
of the character (including its name), notes, and a series of
<form> elements documenting the different forms the character can
take. Attributes on the <character> and <form> elements
are used to convey the information mentioned above: byte string, entity
names, UCS-4 code, etc.
A simple example:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='A' ucs-4='0041'>
<desc>Latin capital letter A</desc>
When transliteration schemes are used, the string used to
encode the character will typically be in a different alphabet:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='*G' entityStd="Ggr" ucs-4='0393'>
<desc>Greek capital letter Gamma</desc>
The UCS-4 code is given as eight hexadecimal digits, one for each
four bits of the thirty-two-bit value. For legibility a hyphen may be
inserted as a separator after the fourth hexadecimal digit:
00000308 has the same meaning as 0000-0308. Since in
almost all cases at present the leading sixteen bits are zero, however,
by convention the leading four hexadecimal zeros may be dropped
entirely: the value 0308 is identical in meaning to the value
In some cases, the character is represented not as a single UCS
character but as a sequence of such characters; in this case, each
thirty-two-bit value except the last must be followed by a plus sign:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='*=+U' entityStd="Ucdgr" ucs-4='03A5+0302+0308'>
<desc>Greek capital letter Upsilon with
circumflex and diaresis</desc>
If a given <character> element has more than one encoding
using ISO 10646 (e.g. both as ‘a-umlaut’ and as ‘a’ plus
‘umlaut’), then both encodings may be given, separated by blanks:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string=''
ucs-4='0041+0308 00C4' >
<desc>Latin capital letter A with umlaut</desc>
In most cases, identifying the character or character form by means
of its UCS-4 code will suffice to identify the character for
all later users of the WSD. In some cases, however, further information
must be provided.
This may be provided in a <note> attached to the
<character> or <form> element:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='N'
ucs-4="0274" >
<desc>Standard ms symbol for double n.</desc>
<note>This character has the form of a capital-letter N,
but is written the same height as a lower-case N.
Its appearance is thus that of UCS-4 0274, but it
does not have the same semantics.</note>
In some cases, it will be necessary or useful to provide an image of
the character in question, or to refer to a standard reference work for
such an image. The following <character> element might be used
to describe, for example, a common Old French abbreviation for
‘est’, for which the local entity est has been
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='' entityLoc="est">
<desc>Old French abbreviation for 'est': lowercase
'e' with a tilde or macron above.</desc>
<note>For an image of this character, see
Cappelli, p. 113, column 1, line 4
(leftmost and rightmost item).</note>
Here, ‘Cappelli’ is the name of a standard reference work which may
be consulted to see what the character in question looks like. 171
Where recourse to reference works is impossible, a picture of the
character may be encoded using any standard graphics format, and
associated with the character by standard SGML techniques. The SGML
document must then have:
- a notation declaration for the graphics format used
- an external entity declaration for the file containing the image
- an <extFigure> element to name the notation and the entity
For a discussion of graphic images and of the declaration of
notations, see chapter 22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics. If the Old French abbreviation
is encoded using CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) format in a file
called est.cgm, then it may be associated with the appropriate
character declaration as follows. In the DTD subset of the WSD, the
following declarations are required:
Computer Graphics Metafile Character encoding//EN'>
<!ENTITY estFigure SYSTEM 'est.cgm' NDATA cgm>
In the body of the WSD itself:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string=''
<desc>Old French abbreviation for 'est': lowercase
'e' with a tilde or macron above.</desc>
<extFigure notation='cgm' entity='estFigure'/>
<note>For an image of this character, see
Cappelli, p. 110, column 1, line 4
(leftmost and rightmost item).</note>
Despite now having a picture of the character, we retain the prose
description and reference to Cappelli, for the sake of those without
ready access to the appropriate graphics processors.
The <exceptions> element and its contents are declared thus:
<!-- 25.4.2: Exceptions to the base components-->
<!ELEMENT exceptions %om.RO; (character*)>
<!ATTLIST exceptions
TEIform CDATA 'exceptions' >
<!ELEMENT character %om.RO; (desc*, form+, note*)>
<!ATTLIST character
class (lexical | punc | lexpunc | digit | space | DL | LD | dia | joiner | other)
TEIform CDATA 'character' >
<!ELEMENT desc %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST desc
TEIform CDATA 'desc' >
<!ELEMENT form %om.RO; (desc+, (figure | extFigure)*, note*)>
<!ATTLIST form
TEIform CDATA 'form' >
<!ELEMENT figure %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST figure
TEIform CDATA 'figure' >
<!ELEMENT extFigure %om.RO; EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST extFigure
TEIform CDATA 'extFigure' >
<!-- end of 25.4.2-->
25.4.3 Documenting Coded Character Sets and Entity Sets
Public or private coded character sets and entity sets may be
usefully documented using WSDs; the WSD will make explicit some
information (such as the UCS-4 code) not normally given
explicitly in character set standards or public entity sets. The coded
character set or entity set being documented should be included by means
of a <codedCharSet> or <entitySet> element; the
<exceptions> element should include one <character>
element for each character included in the character set or the entity
set. Deciding whether to treat two entities or two bit patterns as
separate characters or as forms of the same character will require
knowledge of the script involved, and different encoders may reach
different decisions. In cases of doubt, though, it is usually
acceptable practice to treat each bit pattern in a coded character set,
and each entity in an entity set, as a distinct character.
A non-standard local coded character set (e.g. an EBCDIC character
set) may be documented in a WSD by defining one <character>
element for each printable code point in the character set, adding the
names of standard (and local) entities and UCS-4 codes as
appropriate. Since this extra information is useful in packing
documents for interchange, and in processing pattern
arguments in the TEI extended-pointer syntax described in section
14.2 Extended Pointers, those responsible for a
local installation are strongly encouraged to document the local system
character set in a WSD, if it is not already so documented.
25.4.4 Documenting Transliteration Schemes
When a script is encoded not in a character set designed for it,
but in one designed for another script, (e.g. Greek encoded using the
Latin alphabet), a transliteration scheme is necessary. In
documenting such a transliteration scheme, the coded character set
actually in use should be named as a base component. An
<exceptions> element can then be used to override the normal
meaning of the individual byte strings used in the transliteration.
For example, the following <character> element overrides the
usual association of the byte representing A with the Latin
letter A and substitutes instead an association with the Greek
letter alpha:
<character class='lexical'>
<form string='A' entityStd="agr" ucs-4='03B1'>
<desc>Greek small letter alpha</desc>
Care should be taken in choosing or developing transliteration schemes
to ensure that they are unambiguously reversible.
25.5 Notes in the WSD
Notes on the WSD, individual characters, or individual character
forms may be included in the <note> element at the appropriate
<note> (in a writing system) contains a note of any type.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
Unlike its counterpart in the main TEI DTD, the <note> element
within the writing system declaration may contain no paragraphs and no
phrase-level elements: only character data. It is formally declared
<!-- 25.5: Notes-->
<!ELEMENT note %om.RO; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST note
TEIform CDATA 'note' >
<!-- end of 25.5-->
25.6 Linkage between WSD and Main Document
The writing system declaration is associated with different
portions of a main document by means of the global lang
attribute. This attribute is defined as an IDREF and its value must
be the identifier on a <language> element within the TEI header
of the main document. The <language> element in turn provides,
in its wsd attribute, the name of the entity (which usually
resolves to an external file) containing the writing system
declaration associated with that lang value. For a more
detailed account of this process, compare the discussion in section
26.1 Linking a TEI Text to Feature System Declarations.
A default writing system declaration may be associated with any
TEI document by supplying a value
for the lang attribute on the outermost element
(<TEI.2> or <teiCorpus.2>). This
lang attribute is required to point at a <language>
element in the TEI header, which in turn is required to indicate an
entity containing the writing system declaration associated with that
The following schematic shows how this can be achieved:
<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 PUBLIC "-//TEI P4//DTD Main Document Type//EN" "tei2.dtd" [
<!NOTATION wsd PUBLIC '-//TEI P3-1994//NOTATION Writing System Declaration//EN'>
<!-- ... -->
<language id="GRG" wsd="myWSD">
<!-- ... -->
<text lang="GRG">
<!-- ... -->
This example begins by including the TEI prose tagset in its XML
version. This is followed by a notation declaration for the WSD
notation itself, and the declaration of an unparsed XML entity called
myWSD which is resolved to the SYSTEM file
itself must be declared in order that it may be referenced on the
subsequent entity declaration, (or declarations, if more than one
writing system is in use). All these declarations are located in the
DTD subset. In the document proper, the Header contains a
<language> element, with the identifier GRG, which
references the WSD entity by means of the entity name
myWSD. The <text> element supplies the
identifier of that language on its lang attribute
to indicate that, by default, all the component elements of the
document use that language and hence also that Writing System.
25.7 Predefined TEI WSDs
The Text Encoding Initiative has defined several writing system
declarations to demonstrate the features of the system. These include
WSDs for most modern European languages, for common transcription
systems such as TLG Beta code, and for the International Phonetic
A list of the Writing System Declarations released with the current
version of these Guidelines is given below in chapter 37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
The standard TEI writing system declarations are expected to meet the
needs of many encoders; some, however, will need to prepare new WSDs to
describe character-encoding schemes not included in the standard WSDs.
25.8 Details of WSD Semantics
This section describes the meaning of the WSD in more formal terms
than have been used elsewhere in this chapter; it can be skipped by most
readers, but should be read carefully by those who wish to write complex
writing system declarations or to implement software to process writing
system declarations or to interpret them in the processing of
TEI-conformant documents.
25.8.1 WSD Semantics: General Principles
A writing system declaration provides a complicated bundle of
- a 1:1 partial function from strings in given coded character sets
to character forms
- a function from entity names to character forms, and therefore
derivatively a function from entity names to strings
- a function from character forms to characters, and therefore
- a function from strings to characters
- a function from entity names to characters
- a relation between UCS-4 codes and character forms
- a function from UCS-4 codes to characters
To ensure that the relations described as functions are in fact
functional, the following constraints apply on the WSD:
- No two <form> elements can have the same values for both
codedCharSet and string. Since usually there is
only one <codedCharSet> used as a basic component, this usually
means each string attribute value must be unique in the WSD.
- No two <form> elements can name the same entity in either
entityStd or entityLoc. It is legal, though
pointless, for both entityStd and entityLoc on the
same <form> element to name the same entity.
- More than one <form> element may have the same
UCS-4 value, but if so
they must be within the same <character> element.
These constraints may be summarized thus: one
`character' (however the creator of the WSD defines a
character) can be associated with more than one byte string, entity
name, or UCS-4 code, but any single byte string (given a
specific coded character set), any single entity name, and any single
UCS-4 code must be associated with only one single
<character>. One can, for example, associate both
‘tilde’ and
‘logical not’ with a <character> meaning ‘logical
negation’, but one cannot associate both a <character> called
‘tilde’ and one called ‘logical negation’ with the ASCII
character 7/14: given a 7/14 in the text, it must be unambiguously
clear whether the character is a ‘tilde’ or a ‘logical
negation’. If one wishes to retain the ambiguity, one must define a
<character> called (for example)
‘logical-not or tilde or swung-dash’.
Similar restrictions apply to entity names and UCS-4 codes: each must
be associated with a single <character> element.
25.8.2 Semantics of WSD Base Components
The effects of naming coded character sets, entity sets, and other
WSDs as base components may now be defined thus:
- reference to a coded character set makes available the set of
bit-pattern-to-character mappings defined in the coded character set.
That is, if a WSD refers to a coded character set, then whenever the WSD is
in use, any character in that coded character set may be used with its
standard meaning unless it has been redefined using the
<exceptions> element. It is recommended that a WSD be provided
for each coded character set, to make the mappings fully explicit.
- reference to an entity set makes available the set of
entity-name-to-character mappings defined in the entity set. It is
assumed that standard public entity sets contain enough information to
count as a valid mapping; for private entity sets, the preferred method
of providing the necessary information is to define the entity set in a
WSD. If for example a WSD refers to the ISO Latin 1 entity set, then
whenever that WSD is in use, any entity in that set may be used with
its public meaning, unless it has been redefined in the
<exceptions> element.
- reference to a WSD makes available the set of mappings declared in
that WSD; the language and writing system direction information given
in the base WSD is ignored.
If reference is made only to standard character sets and entity
sets, there is no mechanical method of associating the
`characters' involved in one mapping with those
involved in another. E.g. a reference to ISO 646 IRV provides a map
from code point 5/11 to a character one might call ‘left square
bracket’. A reference to entity set ISOpub1
provides a map from the entity name lbr to
what should probably be considered the same character. There is
however no guarantee that any processing software will necessarily be
sufficiently intelligent to make this association of mappings
automatically; it requires hard-coded knowledge of the specifics of
certain character sets and entity sets.
When, however, base WSDs are used to document important entity sets
and character sets, it does become possible to define mechanical
methods of associating <character> elements in different base
25.8.3 Multiple Base Components
When multiple bases of the same type are referred to, the effects are
- if more than one coded character set is named, then it is
expected that character-set shifting as described in ISO 2022 or
some equivalent is in use, and proper shifting is the responsibility
of the user. All strings in the WSD must specify the ID of
the proper coded-character-set base, using the
codedCharSet attribute.
- if more than one entity set is named, then entity names from all
named sets may be used as values of the entityStd and
entityLoc attributes. If the same name occurs in more than
one entity set, the assumption is made that it refers each time to the
same character.
- if more than one base WSD is named, then all characters declared
in all the WSDs are available. For this case, we can define what
happens to merge the different base components more precisely than for
the other types of base component:
- any two <form> elements which name the same entity or the
same string in the same coded character set are considered the same
form, and are merged as described below in section 25.8.5 Merger of Form and Character Elements.
- any two <form> elements which give the same UCS-4 code are
considered forms of the same <character>, and their parent
<character> elements are merged. The forms themselves may be
merged or may remain distinct: if the forms have conflicting values for
any attribute, they must remain distinct; if they don't conflict, they
may be merged, at the option of the processing software. In the general
case, there might be more than one way to perform mergers, so merger is
not required.
The result of invoking multiple base WSDs is thus a merged WSD in
which the <form> and <character> elements have been merged
as prescribed. If the merger is impossible because the two WSDs are
incompatible, a semantic error occurs. A set of WSDs is compatible and
may be invoked together if all of the following are true:
- any given entity name is associated with a single string
(in a given coded character set) and a single character class
- any given string or UCS-4 code is
associated with a single character class
25.8.4 Semantics of Exceptions
We can now define the semantics of the <exceptions> element.
The base components provide a preliminary set of mappings, as
described above. For convenience let us call this the default
map. The <exceptions> element allows the user to modify
the default map by defining further mappings and by overriding parts of
the default map. There are three cases: a new <character>
element replaces an old one, is merged with an old one, or is added to
the set without affecting any old ones. Case 1: replacement
If a <form> element within <exceptions> (F-new)
`collides' with a <form> element in the
default map (F-old), then the parent <character> element of
F-new replaces the parent element of F-old. Two <form>
elements collide if they have the same values for
codedCharSet and string. (N.B. if this
condition occurs within the default map, the two <form>
elements are merged.)
For example, to define the TLG Beta code transliteration of alpha
as a we first name ISO 646 IRV as a base component; this has
the effect of creating the following (possibly imaginary)
<form> element:
<character id='A' class='lexical'>
<form string='a'>
<desc>lowercase latin letter A</desc>
We then include the following within the <exception> element:
<character id='ALPHA' class='lexical'>
<form string='a' entityStd='gkalpha'>
<desc>lowercase Greek alpha</desc>
This overrides the <character> element for latin A, and
indicates that in the transliteration scheme documented by this WSD,
character 6/01 represents a Greek alpha, no matter what ISO 646 says. Case 2: merger
If a <character> element within <exceptions>
`overlaps' with one in the default map, then the
two <character> elements are merged. Two <character>
elements overlap if any of their <form> elements name the same
entity or UCS-4 code. (N.B. if these conditions occur within the
default map, they lead to merger either of the two <form>
elements — for entity name overlap — or of the two
<character> elements.)
For example: suppose we wish to document the three-Rs transcription
described in section 4.2 Entry and display of characters. We name ISO 646 IRV as a base
character set (or WSD) and add the following exceptions:
<character id='R' class='lexical'>
<desc>lowercase latin letter r</desc>
<form string='' entityLoc='r' ucs-4='0072'>
<desc>'normal' form, similar to modern print r and to
Cappelli, p. 318, line 2, items 3, 6, 15.</desc>
<form string='' entityLoc='r2' ucs-4='0072'>
<desc>'round' form, usually following 'o', similar
to a modern Arabic digit 2 (or to Cappelli, p. 318,
line 2, items 13 and 14)</desc>
<form string='' entityLoc='r3' ucs-4='0072'>
<desc>'small-cap' form, like a capital R but
same height as lowercase (cf. Cappelli, p. 318,
line 1, items 2 and 3)</desc>
As a second example, imagine we wish to document a local entity set
for Old English in which we use non-standard short entity names
t (for þ or thorn), d (for ð or eth),
and a (for æ or æsc). Assuming the TEI has provided a WSD for the Latin 1
entities, the whole WSD is this:
name='-//OTA 1990//NOTATION WSD Old English entities//EN'
<language iso639=''>Various</language>
<script>Latin alphabet, extended</script>
<direction lines='TB' chars='LR'/>
<baseWsd name='-//TEI P4: 2001//NOTATION WSD ISO Added Latin 1//EN'
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='thorn' entityLoc='t'>
<desc>lowercase latin letter thorn</desc></form></character>
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='Thorn' entityLoc='T'>
<desc>uppercase latin letter thorn</desc></form></character>
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='eth' entityLoc='d'>
<desc>lowercase latin letter eth</desc></form></character>
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='Eth' entityLoc='D'>
<desc>uppercase latin letter eth</desc></form></character>
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='aelig' entityLoc='a'>
<desc>lowercase latin aesc (= digraph aelig)</desc></form></character>
<character class='lexical'>
<form entityStd='AElig' entityLoc='A'>
<desc>uppercase latin aesc (= digraph aelig)</desc></form></character>
<note>This WSD is just to document the local entities; it should be
named as a base WSD by the actual writing system declaration.
This has the effect of merging the <character> elements for
thorn, eth, and aesc (or a-e
ligature) defined in the ISO Latin 1 WSD with those given here, which
specify the local entity name. The <form> elements may or may
not be merged, so the software may or may not actually realize that
the local entity t corresponds with the UCS-4
code given in the TEI WSD for ISO Latin 1.
The full local WSD can then be this:
name='-//OTA 1993//NOTATION Old English WSD//EN'
<language iso639='ang'>Anglo-Saxon / Old English</language>
<script>Latin alphabet, extended</script>
<direction lines='TB' chars='LR'/>
<baseWsd name='-//TEI P4: 2001//NOTATION WSD ISO 646 IRV//EN'
<baseWsd name='-//OTA 1990//NOTATION
WSD Old English entities//EN'
<baseWsd name='-//TEI P4: 2001//NOTATION
WSD ISO Added Latin 1//EN'
We refer explicitly to ISO Latin 1, for clarity, but in theory it
has already been included in -//OTA 1990//WSD Old English
entities//EN and need not be repeated. At this time, the
rules for merger would force our local <form> elements to be
merged with the standard <form> elements, so the local entity
t would map correctly into the UCS-4 character
set. Case 3: expansion
If a <character> element has no <form>
children which collide with anything in the default map, and does not
itself overlap with anything in the default map, then it is simply added
to the default map.
For example, suppose we wish to document an abbreviation used for
Old French ‘est’ in our manuscript, which resembles e with a
tilde or macron. Since we expect we may have more abbreviations for
‘est’, we use the local entity name est1
for this one. Within <exceptions>, we declare the abbreviation
<character id='EST1' class='lexical'>
<form string='' entityLoc='est1'>
<desc>abbreviation for 'est', lowercase latin e
with a tilde or macron above, similar to
Cappelli p. 113, col 1, items 4(a) and 8.</desc>
25.8.5 Merger of Form and Character Elements
In some cases, the <form> and <character> elements
introduced notionally by reference to a coded character set or entity
set, or introduced explicitly by reference to a base WSD, may be
considered as referring to identical objects; this is called
merger. Two <form> elements F1 and F2 can be merged
if they both have the same values for codedCharSet and
string, or if codedCharSet and string
are unspecified (implied) in at least one. When F1 and F2 are merged,
the result is a (possibly imaginary) <form> element (F3) the
attributes of which are derived thus:
- if F1 has no value for a codedCharSet, then F3 has the
same value for this attribute as does F2. If both F1 and F2 have
explicit values, the values must be identical.
- if F1 has an empty string for string, then F3 has the
same value as F2. If both have values other than the empty string,
they must be identical.
- for entityStd, entityLoc, and ucs-4,
F3 gets a value containing all the entity names
or codes which appear in the corresponding attribute values of either F1
or F2. I.e. the attribute values are viewed as sets, and F3 gets the
union of F1 and F2.
The children of the new element are derived by taking all the
<desc> children of F1, then all the <desc> children of F2;
all the <figure> children of F1, then those of F2; all the
<note> children of F1, then all the <note> children of F2.
In other words, all the children of the source elements survive as
children of the result element.
Provided that their forms are compatible, two <character>
elements C1 and C2 may be merged unless their values for
class differ. The resulting <character> element C3
has the same value for its class attribute as C1 and C2,
and all the children of C1 and C2 are made children of C3
(<desc> children first, then <form> children).
Note that merger is sometimes required by the semantic rules given
above, and sometimes optional. If merger is required but not legal
(because the two elements to be merged are incompatible), then a
semantic error has occurred and the two base WSDs which give rise to it
should not be invoked together.