
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<script> contains a prose description of the script declared by a writing system declaration.
Attributes Global attributes only
<writingSystemDeclaration lang="eng" id="ISO8859-1"
    name="-//TEI P2: 1993//WSD ISO 8859-1: 1993//en"
    <language iso639=''>Various</language>
    <script>Latin script with diacritics.</script>
        <!-- ... -->
<writingSystemDeclaration lang="eng" id="JPN"
     name="-//TEI P2: 1993//WSD JIS 0208//en" date="1993-06-01">
 <language iso639="jpn">Modern Japanese</language>
 <script>normal Japanese, with mixture of hiragana, katakana,
         and kanji.</script>
     <!-- ... -->

This element is provided for the sake of clarity and readability. Strictly speaking, it is almost always redundant, as knowledgeable readers will know what script is involved as soon as they examine the base character set or the character repertoire.

Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Data Description May contain character data only.
May contain #PCDATA
May occur within
<!ELEMENT script %om.RO;  (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST script;>
See further 25.3 Describing the Writing System

Up: 35 Elements