
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<valList> (value list) contains a list of value and description pairs for an attribute.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
type specifies the extensibility of the list of attribute values specified.
Datatype: (closed | semi | open)
Legal values are:
closed only the values specified are permitted.
semi all the values specified should be supported, but other values are legal and software should have appropriate fallback processing for them.
open the values specified are sample values only.
Default: open
  <val>mwa</val><desc>mandatory when applicable</desc>
  <val>rwa</val><desc>recommended when applicable</desc>
Module Declared in file teitsd2; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
May contain desc val
May occur within
<!ELEMENT valList %om.RR; ((val,desc)*)> 
<!ATTLIST valList;
      type (closed | semi | open) "open">
See further 27.1.1 The AttList Documentation Element

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