
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<characters> contains a specification of the characters used in a particular writing system to write a particular language, and of how those characters are represented in electronic form.
Attributes Global attributes only
<writingSystemDeclaration date='1993-06-01'
                          name='-//TEI P2: 1993//WSD ISO 8859-1//en'>
   <language iso639=''>various</language>
   <direction chars="LR" lines="TB"/>
       <codedCharSet name="ISO 8859-1: 1992" authority="ISO"/>
           <!-- ... -->
Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Data Description May contain a series of base components (coded character sets, writing system declarations, and entity sets) followed by a set of exceptions to define differences from the base components.
May contain baseWsd codedCharSet entitySet exceptions
May occur within
<!ELEMENT characters %om.RO;  ( codedCharSet*, baseWsd*,
                                entitySet*, exceptions? ) > 
<!ATTLIST characters;>
See further 25.4.1 Base Components of the WSD; 25.1 Overall Structure of Writing System Declaration

Up: 35 Elements