
Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<desc> (description) (in a writing system declaration) contains a description of a character or character form.
Attributes Global attributes only
<form string="a">
  <desc>Latin lower-case letter A</desc>

<form string="&#xF8FF;" entityLoc="infinity">
  <desc>author's private symbol for infinity: a parabola open to the right,
    with a dot at its focal point. In general, the character rests on the
    base line and rises to about the height of a typical ascender.</desc>

The <desc> element should usually contain the name of the character or character form; in some cases further information (e.g. the description of the character's shape) will be useful, as shown in the example.

Module Declared in file teiwsd2; Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
Data Description May contain character data only.
May contain #PCDATA
May occur within
<!ELEMENT desc %om.RO;  (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST desc;>
See further 25.4.2 Exceptions in the WSD

Up: 35 Elements