An image of the character form may be stored and
transmitted in any desired graphics format. The declaration of the
notation may specify a local system identifier for the processor (here
it is imagined that we use a program called ‘pddraw.exe’ to process
files in TIFF format), thus:
<!-- in the DTD: -->
<!NOTATION TIFF SYSTEM 'pddraw.exe'>
<!ENTITY lcthorn SYSTEM 'lcthorn.TIF' NDATA TIFF>
<!-- in the WSD itself: -->
<extFigure notation="TIFF" entity='lcthorn'/>
More usually, a PUBLIC identifier is associated with the notation:
<!-- in the DTD: -->
PUBLIC '-//XXX//NOTATION Tagged Image File Format//EN'>
<!ENTITY lcthorn SYSTEM 'lcthorn.TIF' NDATA TIFF>
<!-- in the WSD itself: -->
<extFigure notation=TIFF entity='lcthorn'/>