PFE-SMART Kernel extensions
This wordset is the place to add any additional primitives
you might wish. A set of words do already live here that
must be bound statically into the main pfe-object to
work out smart and nicely.
(IMMEDIATE#) ( -- bit-mask )
returns the bit-mask to check if a found word is immediate
IF ." immediate" THEN ELSE DROP THEN
reference: p4_immediate_bit in ../src/yours.c:0100, export CO (IMMEDIATE#)
(SMUDGE#) ( -- bit-mask )
returns the bit-mask to check if a found word is smudge
" my-word" FIND IF >FFA C@ (SMUDGE#) AND
reference: p4_smudge_bit in ../src/yours.c:0110, export CO (SMUDGE#)
>COMPILE ( xt -- )
does the work of POSTPONE on the execution token that
you got from somewhere else - so it checks if the name
(that correspond to the execution-token argument) is
actually immediate, so it has to be executed to compile
something, e.g. IF or THEN - see also POSTPONE ,
reference: p4_to_compile in ../src/yours.c:0135, export CO >COMPILE
($ word ( -- cs-token ) compile-only
- immediate
takes the execution token of the following word and
saves it on the compile-stack. The correspondig closing
) will then feed it into >COMPILE - so this pair
of word provides you with a prefix-operation syntax
that you may have been seen in lisp-like languages.
($ IF ($ 0= A1 @ )) ($ THEN ." hello " )
Note that an opening simple ( paren is a comment.
reference: p4_prefix_begin in ../src/yours.c:0152, export CI ($
) ( cs-token -- )
- immediate
takes the execution-token from ($ and compiles
it using >COMPILE
reference: p4_prefix_end in ../src/yours.c:0163, export CI )
@> name ( -- value )
- smart-word
does fetch the value from the PFA of the named item, which
may be about everything, including a VARIABLE , VALUE
and more.
reference: p4_fetch_from in ../src/yours.c:0199, export CS @>
!> name ( value -- )
- smart-word
actually a synonym for TO but very common amongst
forth interpreters
reference: p4_store_to in ../src/yours.c:0696, export CS !>
'> name ( -- xt )
- smart-word
get the execution-token, ie the CFA, of the word following.
This word is fully state-smart while the ANSI standard words
namely ' and ['] are not.
reference: p4_tick_from in ../src/yours.c:0679, export CS '>
INTO word ( -- pfa )
- smart-word
will return the parameter-field address of the following word.
Unlike others, this word will also return the address of
LOCALS| and local VAR - so in fact a TO A and
INTO A ! are the same. This word is most useful when calling
C-exported function with a temporary local-VAR as a return-place
argument - so the address of a local has to be given as an arg.
Beware that you should not try to save the address anywhere else,
since a local's address does always depend of the RP-depth.
reference: p4_into in ../src/yours.c:0733, export CS INTO
VAR name ( -- )
- smart-word
a fully state-smart version, that does either create a VALUE
or LVALUE and does always initialize it with null - so
unlike either VALUE and LVALUE this word does not take
any stack-argument. The name itself stems from javascript.
reference: p4_var in ../src/yours.c:0780, export CS VAR
creates a set of interpret-words that are used in the inner
interpreter, so if a word is unknown to the interpreter-loop
it will use the first char of that word, attach it to an
"interpret-" prefix, and tries to use that IMMEDIATE -DEFER -word
on the rest of the word. This SMART-INTERPRET-INIT will set up
words like interpret-" so you can write
"hello" instead of " hello"
and it creates interpret-\ so that words like \if-unix are
ignoring the line if the word \if-unknown is unknown in itself.
This is usually not activated on startup.
reference: p4_smart_interpret_init in ../src/yours.c:0298, export CO SMART-INTERPRET-INIT
disables the SMART-INTERPRET extension in INTERPRET ,
reference: p4_smart_interpret_off in ../src/yours.c:0317, export CO SMART-INTERPRET-OFF
enables the SMART-INTERPRET extension in INTERPRET ,
see SMART-INTERPRET-INIT - the default for smart-interpret
is always off
reference: p4_smart_interpret_on in ../src/yours.c:0327, export CO SMART-INTERPRET-ON
<<CPU>> ( -- )
- on-load
the goto-cpu feature will vanish. It had been used to create a
multi-forth in a non-threaded environment. This word
creates a number of CPU*-immediates that will switch the
QUIT-interpret loop to use the other cpu's dictionary.
reference: p4_load_cpus in ../src/yours.c:0357, export CX __cpus__
CPU# ( -- )
the goto-cpu feature will vanish. It is used to create a
multi-forth in a non-threaded environment. This word
returns the number of the cpu-dictionary that is
currently in use.
reference: p4_cpu_nr in ../src/yours.c:0379, export CO CPU#
.H2 ( value -- )
print hexadecimal, but with per-byte 0-padding
0x0 -> 00
0xf -> 0f
0x12 -> 12
0x123 -> 0123
0x1234 -> 1234
0x12345 -> 012345
reference: p4_dot_h2 in ../src/yours.c:0523, export CO .H2
PRINTF ( args ... format$ -- )
uses SPRINTF to print to a temporary 256-char buffer
and prints it to stdout afterwards. See the example
at SPRINTF of what it does internally.
reference: p4_printf in ../src/yours.c:0507, export CO PRINTF
SPRINTF ( args ... format$ dest$ -- len-dest )
just like the standard sprintf() function in C, but
the format is a counted string and accepts %#s to
be the format-symbol for a forth-counted string.
The result is a zeroterminated string at dest$ having
a length being returned. To create a forth-counted
string, you could use:
variable A 256 ALLOT
15 " example" " the %#s value is %i" A 1+ SPRINTF A C!
reference: p4_sprintf in ../src/yours.c:0497, export CO SPRINTF
LOADF filename ( -- )
loads a file just like INCLUDE but does also put
a MARKER in the LOADED dictionary that you can
do a FORGET on to kill everything being loaded
from that file.
reference: p4_loadf in ../src/yours.c:0552, export CO LOADF
DEFER word ( -- )
create a new word with ((DEFER))-semantics
: DEFER CREATE 0, DOES> ( the ((DEFER)) runtime )
declare as "DEFER deferword"
and set as "['] executionword TO deferword"
reference: p4_defer in ../src/lpf83.c:0386, export CO DOER
MAKE word ... ;AND ( -- )
- smart-word
make a seperated piece of code between MAKE and ;AND
and on execution of the MAKE the named word is twisted
to point to this piece of code. The word is usually
a DOER but the current implementation works
on DEFER just as well, just as it does on other words who
expect to find an execution-token in its PFA. You could even
create a colon-word that starts with NOOP and can then make
that colon-word be prefixed with the execution of the code piece.
does even work on LOCALS| and VAR but it is uncertain
what that is good for.
reference: p4_make in ../src/yours.c:0617, export CS MAKE
;AND ( -- )
- smart-word
For the code piece between MAKE and ;AND , this word
will do just an EXIT . For the code outside of
the MAKE construct a branch-around must be resolved then.
reference: p4_semicolon_and in ../src/yours.c:0653, export CS ;AND
[DEFINED] word ( -- nfa|0 ) immediate
- immediate
does check for the word using find (so it does not throw like ' )
and puts it on stack. As it is immediate it does work in compile-mode
too, so it places its argument in the cs-stack then. This is most
useful with a directly following [IF] clause, so that sth. like
an [IFDEF] word can be simulated through [DEFINED] word [IF]
reference: p4_bracket_defined in ../src/yours.c:0803, export CI [DEFINED]
[NOT] ( a -- a' )
- immediate
executes 0= but this word is immediate so that it does
affect the cs-stack while compiling rather than compiling
anything. This is useful just before words like [IF] to
provide semantics of an [IFNOT] . It is most useful in
conjunction with " [DEFINED] word" as it the sequence
"[DEFINED] word [NOT] [IF] " can simulate "[IFNOTDEF] word "
reference: p4_bracket_not in ../src/yours.c:0821, export CI [NOT]