
PircBot 1.0.3 - Paul's Java IRC Bot Framework: Uses of Class org.jibble.pircbot.NickAlreadyInUseException
PircBot Java IRC Bot

Uses of Class

Uses of NickAlreadyInUseException in org.jibble.pircbot

Methods in org.jibble.pircbot that throw NickAlreadyInUseException
 void PircBot.connect(String hostname)
          Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server.
 void PircBot.connect(String hostname, int port)
          Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server and port number.
 void PircBot.connect(String hostname, int port, String password)
          Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server using the supplied password.
 void PircBot.reconnect()
          Reconnects to the IRC server that we were previously connected to.

PircBot Java IRC Bot