Manual page for proc_page(PL)


proc page

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proc page begins a new "page", and may be used to set attributes that effect the entire "page". Here, the word "page" can mean a paper page, image, EPS file, or interactive screen, depending on the what kind of results are being generated.

It is not mandatory to invoke proc page for single-page results. If multiple page results are desired, proc page is used to perform page breaks. If proc page is used, it must be used before any other procs that will draw on the page.

Many of the proc page attributes have equivalent command line arguments. When given, command line arguments always take precedence over proc page attributes.




None. Default behavior is for a portrait-style page to be set up.


landscape yes | no

Does the same thing as the -landscape command line option, except on a per-page basis. Default is no. If yes paper orientation will be landscape (oblong) when using paginated postscript. The absolute units origin (0,0) will be the lower left corner of the paper (paper held oblong).

title multiline-text

Specifies a page title. By default, title is rendered at the top center of the "page" (as determined by pagesize). Title text is specified as multi-line text, ending with the first blank line. Blank lines that are to be part of the title should be escaped using a backslash (\).
title: Comparison of Survey Techniques 
     By Region 
     Fall, 1997

outfilename filename

Does the same thing as the -o command line option. Specifies a filename where PNG, GIF, EPS, or paginated postscript result will be placed. For PNG, GIF and EPS a different file name should be used for every Page.

mapfilename filename

Does the same thing as the -mapfile command line option.

titledetails textdetails

Specifies detail options for the rendering of the page title. Example: titledetails: size=14 style=BI

color color

Does the same thing as the -color command line option. Sets the default color for drawn lines and text.
Example color: white

backgroundcolor color

Does the same thing as the -backgroundcolor command line option. Sets the background color for the page. Example backgroundcolor: blue

linewidth w

Does the same thing as the -linewidth command line option. Sets the default line width. All line width specifications will be rendered as relative to this. See also linedetails
Example: linewidth: 3.0

textsize p

Does the same thing as the -textsize command line option. Sets the default point size of text. All text size specifications will be rendered as relative to this. See also textdetails
Example: textsize: 16

font font

Does the same thing as the -font command line option. sets the overall default font to font. See also fonts and textdetails
PostScript example: font: /Times-Roman

dobackground yes | no

The only time this attribute is useful is to override the default behavior for EPS, which is to not fill the entire EPS page area with the background color (allowing EPS to draw over existing background). For all other output devices the page area is always filled with the background color when one is specified.
Example: dobackground: no

dopagebox yes | no

If proc page is used with eps, png, or gif as the device, this attribute may be used so that the bounding box includes the whole page (normally it is cropped to the design with a small margin). Default is no for EPS, PNG or GIF, yes otherwise.
Example: pagebox: yes

tightcrop yes | no

Does the same thing as the -tightcrop command line option. After rendering crop PNG, GIF or EPS result to the extent of the design with no margin (normally a small margin is allowed).

crop x1 y1 x2 y2

Same thing as -crop command line option. After rendering crop PNG, GIF, or EPS result to a box in absolute units.

croprel left bottom right top

Same thing as -croprel command line option. After rendering crop PNG, GIF, or EPS result to the extent of the design but with an adjustable margin; positive values always adjust the crop outward from center, negative values inward.

scale scalex [scaley]

Does the same thing as the -scale command line option. Enlarges or reduces the size of the entire result by the given factor(s) (less than 1.0 reduces, greater than 1.0 enlarges).
Example: scale: 0.7 0.5

pagesize width height

Similar to the -pagesize command line option. However, unlike with the command line option, X11 window size will be affected if overall scaling is done. Another noticed difference is that background fill color on large pages works with the command line option but not with this attribute.
Example: pagesize: 7 3

clickmapdefault: url

If clickmaps are being generated, this attribute allows a "default" url to be supplied, for when a mouse click is in none of the defined regions.

outlabel: label

Does the same thing as the -outlabel command line option. Set an output label or title to label. For X11 this is the window title. For PostScript and SVG it sets the %%Title attribute (first page only).

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.