
: Class SortKeyDefinition

Class SortKeyDefinition




public class SortKeyDefinition
extends java.lang.Object

A SortKeyDefinition defines one component of a sort key.
Note that most attributes defining the sort key can be attribute value templates, and can therefore vary from one invocation to another. We hold them as expressions, but optimise for the case where the attributes are all fixed strings: in this case we can use the same Comparer object each time.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void bindComparer()
          If possible, use the same comparer every time
 Expression getCaseOrder()
 Comparer getComparer(Context context)
          Get a Comparer which can be used to compare two values according to this sort key.
 Expression getDataType()
 Expression getLanguage()
 Expression getOrder()
 Expression getSortKey()
 void setCaseOrder(Expression exp)
          Set the case order.
 void setDataType(Expression exp)
          Set the data type.
 void setLanguage(Expression exp)
          Set the language.
 void setOrder(Expression exp)
          Set the order.
 void setSortKey(Expression exp)
          Set the expression used as the sort key
 void setStaticContext(StaticContext sc)
          Set the static context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SortKeyDefinition()
Method Detail


public void setSortKey(Expression exp)
Set the expression used as the sort key


public void setOrder(Expression exp)
Set the order. This is supplied as an expression which must evaluate to "ascending" or "descending". If the order is fixed, supply e.g. new StringValue("ascending"). Default is "ascending".


public void setDataType(Expression exp)
Set the data type. This is supplied as an expression which must evaluate to "text", "number", or a QName. If the data type is fixed, supply e.g. new StringValue("text"). Default is "text".


public void setCaseOrder(Expression exp)
Set the case order. This is supplied as an expression which must evaluate to "upper-first" or "lower-first" or "#default". If the order is fixed, supply e.g. new StringValue("lower-first"). Default is "#default".


public void setLanguage(Expression exp)
Set the language. This is supplied as an expression which evaluate to the language name. If the order is fixed, supply e.g. new StringValue("de"). Default is "en".


public void setStaticContext(StaticContext sc)
Set the static context. This is used only for resolving any QName supplied in the data-type property.


public Expression getSortKey()


public Expression getOrder()


public Expression getDataType()


public Expression getCaseOrder()


public Expression getLanguage()


public void bindComparer()
                  throws XPathException
If possible, use the same comparer every time


public Comparer getComparer(Context context)
                     throws XPathException
Get a Comparer which can be used to compare two values according to this sort key.