Chapter 5
Comments in TPG start with # and run until the end of the line.
# This is a comment
Some options can be set at the beginning of TPG grammars. The syntax for options is:
The magic option tells TPG which interpreter is called when the script is run. The first line of the generated code will start with #! and contains the command line to execute the appropriate interpreter (/usr/bin/env python for example). This has no effect on M$ Windows.
By default TPG lexers are context free. The CSL option tells TPG to generate a context sensitive lexer (see 8).
Python code section are not handled by TPG. TPG won’t complain about syntax errors in Python code sections, it is Python’s job. They are copied verbatim to the generated Python parser.
Python code is enclosed in double curly brackets. That means that Python code must not contain to consecutive close brackets. You can avoid this by writting } } (with a space) instead of }} (without space).
Python code can appear in several parts of a grammar. Since indentation has a special meaning in Python it is important to know how TPG handles spaces and tabulations at the beginning of the lines. In TPG indentation is important only in Python code sections (in main parts, in parser parts and in rules).
When TPG encounters some Python code it removes in all non blank lines the spaces and tabulations that are common to every lines. TPG considers spaces and tabulations as the same character so it is important to always use the same indentation style. Thus it is advised not to mix spaces and tabulations in indentation. Then this code will be reindented when generated according to its location (in a class, in a method or in global space).
The figure 5.2 shows how TPG handles indentation.
A grammar can contain as many parsers as needed. A parser declaration starts with the parser keyword and contains rules and Python code sections (local to the parser).
The initialisation of Python objects is made by the __init__ method. This method is generated by TPG and cannot be overriden. To resolve this problem an init method (i.e. without the double underscores) is called at initialization time with the arguments given to __init__. See 5.5.3 to add methods to a parser.
Each rule will be translated into a method of the parser.
Python code that is local to a parser will be copied in the generated class. This is usually used to add methods or attributes to the parser.