Public Methods |
| Integral (StateIn &) |
| Restore the Integral object from the given StateIn object.
| Integral (const Ref< KeyVal > &) |
| Integral the Integral object from the given KeyVal object.
void | save_data_state (StateOut &) |
| Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them. More...
virtual int | equiv (const Ref< Integral > &) |
| Returns nonzero if this and the given Integral object have the same integral ordering, normalization conventions, etc.
void | set_storage (size_t i) |
| Sets the total amount of storage, in bytes, that is available.
size_t | storage_used () |
| Returns how much storage has been used.
size_t | storage_unused () |
| Returns how much storage was not needed.
void | adjust_storage (ptrdiff_t s) |
| The specific integral classes use this to tell Integral how much memory they are using/freeing.
Ref< PetiteList > | petite_list () |
| Return the PetiteList object.
Ref< PetiteList > | petite_list (const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &) |
| Return the PetiteList object for the given basis set.
ShellRotation | shell_rotation (int am, SymmetryOperation &, int pure=0) |
| Return the ShellRotation object for a shell of the given angular momentum. More...
virtual void | set_basis (const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b1, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b2=0, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b3=0, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b4=0) |
| Set the basis set for each center.
virtual CartesianIter * | new_cartesian_iter (int)=0 |
| Return a CartesianIter object. More...
virtual RedundantCartesianIter * | new_redundant_cartesian_iter (int)=0 |
| Return a RedundantCartesianIter object. More...
virtual RedundantCartesianSubIter * | new_redundant_cartesian_sub_iter (int)=0 |
| Return a RedundantCartesianSubIter object. More...
virtual SphericalTransformIter * | new_spherical_transform_iter (int l, int inv=0, int subl=-1)=0 |
| Return a SphericalTransformIter object. More...
virtual const SphericalTransform * | spherical_transform (int l, int inv=0, int subl=-1)=0 |
| Return a SphericalTransform object. More...
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | overlap ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the overlap.
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | kinetic ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the kinetic energy.
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | point_charge (const Ref< PointChargeData > &)=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the integrals for interactions with point charges.
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | nuclear ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the nuclear repulsion integrals. More...
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | hcore ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the core Hamiltonian integrals.
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | efield_dot_vector (const Ref< EfieldDotVectorData > &)=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes the electric field integrals dotted with a given vector.
virtual Ref< OneBodyInt > | dipole (const Ref< DipoleData > &)=0 |
| Return a OneBodyInt that computes dipole moment integrals.
virtual Ref< OneBodyDerivInt > | overlap_deriv ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyDerivInt that computes overlap derivatives.
virtual Ref< OneBodyDerivInt > | kinetic_deriv ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyDerivInt that computes kinetic energy derivatives.
virtual Ref< OneBodyDerivInt > | nuclear_deriv ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyDerivInt that computes nuclear repulsion derivatives.
virtual Ref< OneBodyDerivInt > | hcore_deriv ()=0 |
| Return a OneBodyDerivInt that computes core Hamiltonian derivatives.
virtual Ref< TwoBodyInt > | electron_repulsion ()=0 |
| Return a TwoBodyInt that computes electron repulsion integrals.
virtual Ref< TwoBodyDerivInt > | electron_repulsion_deriv ()=0 |
| Return a TwoBodyDerivInt that computes electron repulsion derivatives.
Ref< MessageGrp > | messagegrp () |
| Return the MessageGrp used by the integrals objects.
Protected Methods |
| Integral (const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b1, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b2, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b3, const Ref< GaussianBasisSet > &b4) |
| Initialize the Integral object given a GaussianBasisSet for each center.
Protected Attributes |
Ref< GaussianBasisSet > | bs1_ |
Ref< GaussianBasisSet > | bs2_ |
Ref< GaussianBasisSet > | bs3_ |
Ref< GaussianBasisSet > | bs4_ |
size_t | storage_ |
size_t | storage_used_ |
Ref< MessageGrp > | grp_ |