

BonoboWindow -- the toplevel application window implementation


GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_construct         (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *win_name,
                                             const char *title);
GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_new               (const char *win_name,
                                             const char *title);
void        bonobo_window_set_contents      (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             GtkWidget *contents);
GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_get_contents      (BonoboWindow *win);
void        bonobo_window_set_name          (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *win_name);
char*       bonobo_window_get_name          (BonoboWindow *win);
GtkAccelGroup* bonobo_window_get_accel_group
                                            (BonoboWindow *win);
void        bonobo_window_add_popup         (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             GtkMenu *popup,
                                             const char *path);
void        bonobo_window_remove_popup      (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *path);
BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_window_get_ui_engine (BonoboWindow *win);


The BonoboWindow class uses a BonoboUIEngine, in combination with several BonoboUISync classes to achieve a powerful new top-level window widget. It's API mandates the use of XML to specify your UI, it also strongly encourages the use of the BonoboUIComponent API to create even the top-level UI. This incurs almost no penalty since ORBit's CORBA implementation is extremely fast in-processes. This in turn encourages people to ensure that even their top-level components are capable of being used as controls with minimal effort.

Example 1. Creating a BonoboWindow

	BonoboUIContainer *ui_container;
	BonoboUIComponent *ui_component;
	BonoboWindow      *win;

		bonobo_window_new ("Win", "My Test Application"));

	ui_container = bonobo_ui_container_new();
	bonobo_ui_container_set_win (ui_container, win);
	bonobo_ui_engine_config_set_path (
		bonobo_window_get_ui_engine (win),
So, even for a toplevel window we also want to create a BonoboUIComponent to merge our toplevel UI elements in:

Example 2. Setting up the window UI

	ui_component = bonobo_ui_component_new ("my-app");

	/* Associate the BonoboUIComponent with the container */	
	bonobo_ui_component_set_container (
		ui_component, BONOBO_OBJREF (ui_container);

	bonobo_ui_util_set_ui (
		ui_component, MY_COMPILE_TIME_PREFIX,
		"GNOME_MyApp.ui", "my-app");
Where GNOME_MyApp.ui is the toplevel UI xml file.


bonobo_window_construct ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_construct         (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *win_name,
                                             const char *title);

Construct a new BonoboWindow

win : the window to construct
win_name : the window name
title : the window's title for the title bar
Returns : a constructed window

bonobo_window_new ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_new               (const char *win_name,
                                             const char *title);

win_name : the window name
title : the window's title for the title bar
Returns : a new BonoboWindow

bonobo_window_set_contents ()

void        bonobo_window_set_contents      (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             GtkWidget *contents);

Insert a widget into the main window contents.

win : the bonobo window
contents : the new widget for it to contain.

bonobo_window_get_contents ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_window_get_contents      (BonoboWindow *win);

win : the bonobo window
Returns : the contained widget

bonobo_window_set_name ()

void        bonobo_window_set_name          (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *win_name);

Set the name of the window - used for configuration serialization.

win : the bonobo window
win_name : the window name

bonobo_window_get_name ()

char*       bonobo_window_get_name          (BonoboWindow *win);

Gets the name of a window.

win : the bonobo window
Returns : the name of the window

bonobo_window_get_accel_group ()

GtkAccelGroup* bonobo_window_get_accel_group
                                            (BonoboWindow *win);

win : the bonobo window
Returns : the associated accelerator group for this window

bonobo_window_add_popup ()

void        bonobo_window_add_popup         (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             GtkMenu *popup,
                                             const char *path);

Add a popup menu at path

win : the window
popup : 
path : the path

bonobo_window_remove_popup ()

void        bonobo_window_remove_popup      (BonoboWindow *win,
                                             const char *path);

Remove the popup at path

win : the window
path : the path

bonobo_window_get_ui_engine ()

BonoboUIEngine* bonobo_window_get_ui_engine (BonoboWindow *win);

Gets the associated UIEngine.

win : the bonobo window
Returns : the BonoboUIEngine

See Also

BonoboUIEngine, BonoboUISync, BonoboUIComponent