
class SG_EXPORT osg::Camera

Camera class for encapsulating the view position and orientation and projection (lens) used.


Public Methods

[more] Camera(DisplaySettings* ds=NULL)
[more] Camera(const Camera&)
[more]Camera& operator=(const Camera&)
[more]ProjectionType getProjectionType() const
Get the projection type set by setOtho,setOtho2D,setFrustum, and set perspective methods
[more]void setOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a orthographic projection.
[more]void setOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
Set a 2D orthographic projection.
[more]void setFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a perspective projection.
[more]void setPerspective(double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a symmetrical perspective projection, See gluPerspective for further details.
[more]void setFOV(double fovx, double fovy, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a sysmmetical perspective projection using field of view
[more]void setNearFar(double zNear, double zFar)
Set the near and far clipping planes
[more]void setAdjustAspectRatioMode(AdjustAspectRatioMode aam)
Set the way that the vertical or horizontal dimensions of the window are adjusted on a resize.
[more]AdjustAspectRatioMode getAdjustAspectRatioMode() const
Get the way that the vertical or horizontal dimensions of the window are adjusted on a resize.
[more]void adjustAspectRatio(double newAspectRatio)
Adjust the clipping planes to account for a new window aspect ratio.
[more]void adjustAspectRatio(double newAspectRatio, AdjustAspectRatioMode aa)
Adjust the clipping planes to account for a new window aspect ratio.
[more]double left() const
[more]double right() const
[more]double bottom() const
[more]double top() const
[more]double zNear() const
[more]double zFar() const
[more]double calc_fovy() const
Calculate and return the equivalent fovx for the current project setting.
[more]double calc_fovx() const
Calculate and return the equivalent fovy for the current project setting.
[more]double calc_aspectRatio() const
Calculate and return the projection aspect ratio.
[more]LookAtType getLookAtType() const
[more]void home()
hardwired home view for now, looking straight down the Z axis at the origin, with 'up' being the y axis
[more]void setView(const Vec3& eyePoint, const Vec3& lookPoint, const Vec3& upVector)
Set the View, the up vector should be orthogonal to the look vector.
[more]void setLookAt(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up)
set the position and orientation of the camera, using the same convention as gluLookAt
[more]void setLookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
set the position and orientation of the camera, using the same convention as gluLookAt
[more]void transformLookAt(const Matrix& matrix)
post multiple the existing eye point and orientation by matrix.
[more]void ensureOrthogonalUpVector()
[more]inline const Vec3& getEyePoint() const
get the eye point.
[more]inline const Vec3& getCenterPoint() const
get the center point.
[more]inline const Vec3& getUpVector() const
get the up vector
[more]Vec3 getLookVector() const
calculate look vector
[more]Vec3 getSideVector() const
calculate side vector
[more]inline float getLookDistance() const
calculate the look distance which is the distance between the eye and the center
[more]void attachTransform(TransformMode mode, RefMatrix* modelTransform=0)
Attach a transform matrix which is applied after the camera look at.
[more]Matrix* getTransform(TransformMode mode)
[more]const Matrix* getTransform(TransformMode mode) const
[more]void setFusionDistanceMode(FusionDistanceMode mode)
Set the mode of the fusion distance function which in use to calculate the fusion distance used in stereo rendering.
[more]FusionDistanceMode getFusionDistanceMode() const
Get the mode of the fusion distance function
[more]void setFusionDistanceRatio(float ratio)
Set the ratio of the fusion distance function which in use to calculate the fusion distance used in stereo rendering.
[more]float getFusionDistanceRatio() const
Get the ratio of the fusion distance function
[more]float getFusionDistance() const
Calculate and return the fusion distance, using the FusionDistanceFunction
[more]void setScreenDistance(float screenDistance)
Set the physical distance between the viewers eyes and the display system.
[more]float getScreenDistance() const
Get the physical distance between the viewers eyes and the display system
[more]Matrix getProjectionMatrix() const
Get the Projection Matrix
[more]Matrix getModelViewMatrix() const
Get the ModelView matrix.
[more]inline Polytope getViewFrustum() const
Get the camera view frustum

Public Members

[more]enum ProjectionType
Range of projection types.
[more]enum AdjustAspectRatioMode
Use in combination with adjustAspectRatio, to control the change in frustum clipping planes to account for changes in windows aspect ratio,
[more]enum LookAtType
[more]enum TransformMode
[more]enum FusionDistanceMode

Protected Fields

[more]ProjectionType _projectionType
[more]AdjustAspectRatioMode _adjustAspectRatioMode
[more]double _left
[more]double _right
[more]double _bottom
[more]double _top
[more]double _zNear
[more]double _zFar
[more]LookAtType _lookAtType
[more]Vec3 _eye
[more]Vec3 _center
[more]Vec3 _up
[more]TransformMode _attachedTransformMode
[more]ref_ptr<RefMatrix> _eyeToModelTransform
[more]ref_ptr<RefMatrix> _modelToEyeTransform
[more]float _screenDistance
[more]FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode
[more]float _fusionDistanceRatio

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~Camera()
[more]void copy(const Camera&)

Inherited from Referenced:

Public Methods

oinline Referenced& operator = (Referenced&)
ostatic void setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler* handler)
ostatic DeleteHandler* getDeleteHandler()
oinline void ref() const
oinline void unref_nodelete() const
oinline int referenceCount() const
oinline void unref() const

Protected Fields

omutable int _refCount


Camera class for encapsulating the view position and orientation and projection (lens) used. Creates a projection and modelview matrices which can be used to set OpenGL's PROJECTION and MODELVIEW matrices respectively.
o Camera(DisplaySettings* ds=NULL)

o Camera(const Camera&)

oCamera& operator=(const Camera&)

oenum ProjectionType
Range of projection types. ORTHO2D is a special case of ORTHO where the near and far planes are equal to -1 and 1 respectively. PERSPECTIVE is a special case of FRUSTUM where the left & right and bottom and top and symmetrical.





oProjectionType getProjectionType() const
Get the projection type set by setOtho,setOtho2D,setFrustum, and set perspective methods

ovoid setOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a orthographic projection. See glOrtho for further details.

ovoid setOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
Set a 2D orthographic projection. See gluOrtho2D for further details.

ovoid setFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a perspective projection. See glFrustum for further details.

ovoid setPerspective(double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a symmetrical perspective projection, See gluPerspective for further details. Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

ovoid setFOV(double fovx, double fovy, double zNear, double zFar)
Set a sysmmetical perspective projection using field of view

ovoid setNearFar(double zNear, double zFar)
Set the near and far clipping planes

oenum AdjustAspectRatioMode
Use in combination with adjustAspectRatio, to control the change in frustum clipping planes to account for changes in windows aspect ratio,




ovoid setAdjustAspectRatioMode(AdjustAspectRatioMode aam)
Set the way that the vertical or horizontal dimensions of the window are adjusted on a resize.

oAdjustAspectRatioMode getAdjustAspectRatioMode() const
Get the way that the vertical or horizontal dimensions of the window are adjusted on a resize.

ovoid adjustAspectRatio(double newAspectRatio)
Adjust the clipping planes to account for a new window aspect ratio. Typically used after resizing a window. Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

ovoid adjustAspectRatio(double newAspectRatio, AdjustAspectRatioMode aa)
Adjust the clipping planes to account for a new window aspect ratio. Typicall used after resizeing a window. Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

odouble left() const

odouble right() const

odouble bottom() const

odouble top() const

odouble zNear() const

odouble zFar() const

odouble calc_fovy() const
Calculate and return the equivalent fovx for the current project setting. This value is only valid for when a symmetric perspective projection exists. i.e. getProjectionType()==PERSPECTIVE.

odouble calc_fovx() const
Calculate and return the equivalent fovy for the current project setting. This value is only valid for when a symmetric perspective projection exists. i.e. getProjectionType()==PERSPECTIVE.

odouble calc_aspectRatio() const
Calculate and return the projection aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

oenum LookAtType




oLookAtType getLookAtType() const

ovoid home()
hardwired home view for now, looking straight down the Z axis at the origin, with 'up' being the y axis

ovoid setView(const Vec3& eyePoint, const Vec3& lookPoint, const Vec3& upVector)
Set the View, the up vector should be orthogonal to the look vector. setView is now mapped to setLookAt(eye,center,up), and is only kept for backwards compatibility.

ovoid setLookAt(const Vec3& eye, const Vec3& center, const Vec3& up)
set the position and orientation of the camera, using the same convention as gluLookAt

ovoid setLookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
set the position and orientation of the camera, using the same convention as gluLookAt

ovoid transformLookAt(const Matrix& matrix)
post multiple the existing eye point and orientation by matrix. note, does not affect any ModelTransforms that are applied.

ovoid ensureOrthogonalUpVector()

oinline const Vec3& getEyePoint() const
get the eye point.

oinline const Vec3& getCenterPoint() const
get the center point.

oinline const Vec3& getUpVector() const
get the up vector

oVec3 getLookVector() const
calculate look vector

oVec3 getSideVector() const
calculate side vector

oinline float getLookDistance() const
calculate the look distance which is the distance between the eye and the center

oenum TransformMode




ovoid attachTransform(TransformMode mode, RefMatrix* modelTransform=0)
Attach a transform matrix which is applied after the camera look at. The attached matrix can work in two ways, either as transform of the eye into the model coordinates - EYE_TO_MODEL, or as a transform of the model to the eye - MODEL_TO_EYE. The former is equivalent to attaching a camera internal to the scene graph. The later is equivalent to adding a osg::Transform at root of the scene to move the scene to the eye point. Typical used in conjunction with the LookAt position set to home, in which case it is simply treated as a model view matrix. If the same behavior as IRIS Performer's setViewMat is desired then set the LookAt to be (0,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) since Performer's default direction is along the y axis, unlike OpenGL and the default OSG. If modelTransfor is NULL then do not use any model transform - just use the basic LookAt values. note: Camera internals maintains the both EYE_TO_MODEL and MODEL_TO_EYE internally and ensures that they are the inverse of one another.

oMatrix* getTransform(TransformMode mode)

oconst Matrix* getTransform(TransformMode mode) const

oenum FusionDistanceMode



ovoid setFusionDistanceMode(FusionDistanceMode mode)
Set the mode of the fusion distance function which in use to calculate the fusion distance used in stereo rendering. Default value is PROPORTIONAL_TO_LOOK_DISTANCE. Use in conjunction with setFusionDistanceRatio(float).

oFusionDistanceMode getFusionDistanceMode() const
Get the mode of the fusion distance function

ovoid setFusionDistanceRatio(float ratio)
Set the ratio of the fusion distance function which in use to calculate the fusion distance used in stereo rendering. Default value is 1.0f Use in conjunction with setFusionDistanceMode(..).

ofloat getFusionDistanceRatio() const
Get the ratio of the fusion distance function

ofloat getFusionDistance() const
Calculate and return the fusion distance, using the FusionDistanceFunction

ovoid setScreenDistance(float screenDistance)
Set the physical distance between the viewers eyes and the display system. Note, only used when rendering in stereo.

ofloat getScreenDistance() const
Get the physical distance between the viewers eyes and the display system

oMatrix getProjectionMatrix() const
Get the Projection Matrix

oMatrix getModelViewMatrix() const
Get the ModelView matrix. If a ModelTransform is supplied then the ModelView matrix is created by multiplying the current LookAt by ModelTransform. Otherwise it is simply created by using the current LookAt, equivalent to using gluLookAt.

oinline Polytope getViewFrustum() const
Get the camera view frustum

ovirtual ~Camera()

ovoid copy(const Camera&)

oProjectionType _projectionType

oAdjustAspectRatioMode _adjustAspectRatioMode

odouble _left

odouble _right

odouble _bottom

odouble _top

odouble _zNear

odouble _zFar

oLookAtType _lookAtType

oVec3 _eye

oVec3 _center

oVec3 _up

oTransformMode _attachedTransformMode

oref_ptr<RefMatrix> _eyeToModelTransform

oref_ptr<RefMatrix> _modelToEyeTransform

ofloat _screenDistance

oFusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode

ofloat _fusionDistanceRatio

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