A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet.
Public Methods-
void reset()
void setOccluderList(const ShadowVolumeOccluderList& svol)
ShadowVolumeOccluderList& getOccluderList()
const ShadowVolumeOccluderList& getOccluderList() const
void pushViewport(osg::Viewport* viewport)
void popViewport()
void pushProjectionMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix)
void popProjectionMatrix()
void pushModelViewMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix)
void popModelViewMatrix()
inline float getFrustumVolume()
void setCullingMode(CullingMode mode)
- Sets the current CullingMode
CullingMode getCullingMode() const
- Returns the current CullingMode
void setLODScale(float bias)
float getLODScale() const
void setSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize(float value)
float getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize() const
float pixelSize(const Vec3& v, float radius) const
- Compute the pixel of an object at position v, with specified radius
float pixelSize(const BoundingSphere& bs) const
- Compute the pixel of an bounding sphere
inline void disableAndPushOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
inline void popOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
inline bool isCulled(const std::vector<Vec3>& vertices)
inline bool isCulled(const BoundingBox& bb)
inline bool isCulled(const BoundingSphere& bs)
inline bool isCulled(const osg::Node& node)
inline void pushCurrentMask()
inline void popCurrentMask()
CullingStack& getClipSpaceCullingStack()
CullingStack& getProjectionCullingStack()
CullingStack& getModelViewCullingStack()
CullingSet& getCurrentCullingSet()
inline osg::Viewport* getViewport()
inline osg::RefMatrix& getModelViewMatrix()
inline osg::RefMatrix& getProjectionMatrix()
inline osg::Matrix getWindowMatrix()
inline const osg::RefMatrix& getMVPW()
inline const osg::Vec3& getEyeLocal() const
inline const osg::Vec3 getUpLocal() const
inline const osg::Vec3 getLookVectorLocal() const
inline Viewport* getViewport()
inline RefMatrix& getModelViewMatrix()
inline RefMatrix& getProjectionMatrix()
inline Matrix getWindowMatrix()
inline const RefMatrix& getMVPW()
inline RefMatrix* createOrReuseMatrix(const osg::Matrix& value)
Public Members-
typedef std::vector<ShadowVolumeOccluder> OccluderList
enum CullingModeValues
typedef unsigned int CullingMode
typedef fast_back_stack<ref_ptr<CullingSet> > CullingStack
Protected Fields-
CullingMode _cullingMode
float _LODScale
float _smallFeatureCullingPixelSize
ShadowVolumeOccluderList _occluderList
MatrixStack _projectionStack
MatrixStack _modelviewStack
MatrixStack _MVPW_Stack
ViewportStack _viewportStack
EyePointStack _eyePointStack
CullingStack _clipspaceCullingStack
CullingStack _projectionCullingStack
CullingStack _modelviewCullingStack
float _frustumVolume
unsigned int _bbCornerNear
unsigned int _bbCornerFar
ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> _identity
MatrixList _reuseMatrixList
unsigned int _currentReuseMatrixIndex
Protected Methods-
void pushCullingSet()
void popCullingSet()
void computeFrustumVolume()
inline osg::RefMatrix* createOrReuseMatrix(const osg::Matrix& value)
Protected Members-
typedef fast_back_stack< ref_ptr<RefMatrix> > MatrixStack
typedef fast_back_stack<ref_ptr<Viewport> > ViewportStack
typedef fast_back_stack<Vec3> EyePointStack
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> > MatrixList
A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices
and the CullingSet.
- CullStack()
- ~CullStack()
- typedef std::vector<ShadowVolumeOccluder> OccluderList
- enum CullingModeValues
- typedef unsigned int CullingMode
- void reset()
- void setOccluderList(const ShadowVolumeOccluderList& svol)
- ShadowVolumeOccluderList& getOccluderList()
- const ShadowVolumeOccluderList& getOccluderList() const
- void pushViewport(osg::Viewport* viewport)
- void popViewport()
- void pushProjectionMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix)
- void popProjectionMatrix()
- void pushModelViewMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix)
- void popModelViewMatrix()
- inline float getFrustumVolume()
- void setCullingMode(CullingMode mode)
- Sets the current CullingMode
- CullingMode getCullingMode() const
- Returns the current CullingMode
- void setLODScale(float bias)
- float getLODScale() const
- void setSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize(float value)
- float getSmallFeatureCullingPixelSize() const
- float pixelSize(const Vec3& v, float radius) const
- Compute the pixel of an object at position v, with specified radius
- float pixelSize(const BoundingSphere& bs) const
- Compute the pixel of an bounding sphere
- inline void disableAndPushOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
- inline void popOccludersCurrentMask(NodePath& nodePath)
- inline bool isCulled(const std::vector<Vec3>& vertices)
- inline bool isCulled(const BoundingBox& bb)
- inline bool isCulled(const BoundingSphere& bs)
- inline bool isCulled(const osg::Node& node)
- inline void pushCurrentMask()
- inline void popCurrentMask()
- typedef fast_back_stack<ref_ptr<CullingSet> > CullingStack
- CullingStack& getClipSpaceCullingStack()
- CullingStack& getProjectionCullingStack()
- CullingStack& getModelViewCullingStack()
- CullingSet& getCurrentCullingSet()
- inline osg::Viewport* getViewport()
- inline osg::RefMatrix& getModelViewMatrix()
- inline osg::RefMatrix& getProjectionMatrix()
- inline osg::Matrix getWindowMatrix()
- inline const osg::RefMatrix& getMVPW()
- inline const osg::Vec3& getEyeLocal() const
- inline const osg::Vec3 getUpLocal() const
- inline const osg::Vec3 getLookVectorLocal() const
- void pushCullingSet()
- void popCullingSet()
- CullingMode _cullingMode
- float _LODScale
- float _smallFeatureCullingPixelSize
- ShadowVolumeOccluderList _occluderList
- typedef fast_back_stack< ref_ptr<RefMatrix> > MatrixStack
- MatrixStack _projectionStack
- MatrixStack _modelviewStack
- MatrixStack _MVPW_Stack
- typedef fast_back_stack<ref_ptr<Viewport> > ViewportStack
- ViewportStack _viewportStack
- typedef fast_back_stack<Vec3> EyePointStack
- EyePointStack _eyePointStack
- CullingStack _clipspaceCullingStack
- CullingStack _projectionCullingStack
- CullingStack _modelviewCullingStack
- void computeFrustumVolume()
- float _frustumVolume
- unsigned int _bbCornerNear
- unsigned int _bbCornerFar
- ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> _identity
- typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> > MatrixList
- MatrixList _reuseMatrixList
- unsigned int _currentReuseMatrixIndex
- inline osg::RefMatrix* createOrReuseMatrix(const osg::Matrix& value)
- inline Viewport* getViewport()
- inline RefMatrix& getModelViewMatrix()
- inline RefMatrix& getProjectionMatrix()
- inline Matrix getWindowMatrix()
- inline const RefMatrix& getMVPW()
- inline RefMatrix* createOrReuseMatrix(const osg::Matrix& value)
- Direct child classes:
- CollectOccludersVisitor
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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