Manual page for proc_lineplot(PL)


proc lineplot

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proc lineplot uses data to draw a line plot. The plot is drawn beginning with first data record, working to the last one.


Complete control over color, width, and dash style of line. Options include stairstep lines, point symbols, accumulation, and various labeling options. In addition, the area under the curve may be filled, and the range of the line may be controlled.


See the Gallery Lineplot examples


By default, the drawn curve will connect only valid data points. However if gapmissing is specified, invalid values will cause a gap in the curve. By default, points and connecting lines lying outside of the plotting area are displayed if possible; however clip may be specified to limit the plotted line to the plotting area.


A plotting area must be set up using proc areadef and proc getdata must be executed to access or define some data.


This proc can operate in one of these modes:

Y only (points "where they fall"):

By specifying yfield but not xfield, Y values are plotted at consecutive unit locations in X.

X and Y:

By specifying both yfield and xfield, points are plotted at the X,Y locations.

Counting of instances:

By specifying instancemode: yes and accum: yes and no yfield, instances are counted, that is, a Y value of 1 is used, and the results are accumulated.


proc lineplot will set these variables:
XSTART and YSTART - location where the curve started, in data units.
XFINAL and YFINAL - location where the curve ended, in data units.


The yfield attribute MUST be specified. If the data are not already ordered in X, the sort attribute must be specified.


yfield dfield

Data field to use for Y values. Example: yfield: 1

xfield dfield

Data field to use for X values. If not specified, sequential unit locations in X will be used.

linedetails linedetails

Line details for the curve. Example: linedetails: color=red width=2.0 style=2

fill color

If specified, the area under the curve will be filled with the given color.

stairstep yes | no

If yes, curve will be drawn stairstep style, as is often seen in life table plots. Default is no. Example: stairstep: yes

gapmissing yes | small | no

If yes or small, unplottable values such as missing data codes will cause a gap in the curve. The default is no (no gap for unplottable data values). small is the same as yes, except that a quarter-length overhang is attached to the previous point, resulting in a smaller gap (often useful with stairstep curves). gapmissing does not give correct results when groupmode is being used.

clip yes | no

If yes, the plotted line and any rendered points or point labels are clipped (limited) to the plotting area rectangle. Does not work with stairstep or fill.

lastseglen lenvalue

If specified, an additional segment of length lenvalue is appended to the curve after the last plottable point. Originally intended to improve appearance of stairstep curves, it may be used in any lineplot mode. If lenvalue ends in (s) it is taken as a scaled distance; otherwise it is assumed to be an absolute distance. Example: lastseglen: 3(s)

lastx plotvalue

If specified, the curve will be extended to this point in X unconditionally, using the most recent Y.

sort yes | no

If yes, data will be ordered on X before plotting. This should be done if data are not already ordered in X. Default is no.

accum yes | no

If yes, Y values will be plotted cumulatively, effectively summing them. Default is no. Example: accum: yes

instancemode yes | no

If yes, no Y data is used; instead each data row is counted as 1. This may be useful in plotting cumulative occurances over time. Usually used with accum: yes and groupmode: yes. Not compatible with yfield. Default is no.

groupmode yes | no

If yes, adjacent data rows having the same X value will be summed. Default is no. Not compatible with ptlabelfield.

linerange min [max]

Controls the range (in scaled units) within which the curve will be rendered. If not specified, all data points within the plotting area bounds will be rendered (see also relax_xrange). Data points falling outside this range will not be rendered. If only one value is given, it will be taken as the range minima and the maxima will be the plottable maxima. If accumulation is being done, points outside the range will contribute to the accumulated total. Example: linerange: 1

firstpoint x y

Unconditionally specify the first point in the curve. x and y are plottable values in X and Y, respectively. Often used to start a curve at (0,0) even though the data do not include (0,0) as a data point.
Example: firstpoint: 0 0

xstart x

When plotting at consecutive points in X (no xfield specified), this attribute specifies where to begin the curve. Normally this attribute is not specified and the curve begins at the plot area X minima. x must be a plottable value in X. You can also use firstpoint (above) to do this same thing.

relax_xrange yes I no

Normally, only data points lying within the plotting area X range (or linerange if given), are rendered. Points below the X minima, or above the X maxima, are omitted. This attribute allows this behavior can be turned off, so that all data points are rendered, even if outside the range. Default is no.

stairoverbars yes | no

This allows proper rendering of stairstep lineplot superimposed upon a bar graph. It effectively shifts the line plot 0.5 units to the right. Default is no.

select conditional-expression

Allows data rows to be selected for inclusion using a selection expression.

Attributes pertaining to labeling

label text

A text label to be displayed near the termination point of the curve. last Y value plotted. Example: label: @@YFINAL - Control Group

labeldetails textdetails

Text details for the label. Example: labeldetails: adjust=0.2,0 color=green

legendlabel text

A label to be associated with the current lineplot in the legend. proc legend must be executed later in order to render the legend. If proc getdata field names are being used, the special symbol #usefname causes the field name of yfield to be automatically used as the legend label (new in 2.04).
Example: legendlabel: Northeast region
Example: legendlabel: #usefname

legendsampletype symbol | line+symbol

When a line with point symbols is being done, this controls the corresponding legend sample. You can choose symbol for only the symbol to be displayed in the legend, or line+symbol for both line and symbol to be displayed in the legend. Default is symbol.

numbers yes | no | textdetails

If specified, causes each point to be identified with its value in Y. For stairstep curves, this value is centered between X locations.
Example 1: numbers: yes (uses the defaults)
Example 1: numbers: adjust=0.0,0.2 size=8

numbersformat string

Format to be used with the numbers attribute or in the label if @@YFINAL is used. For ordinary numbers it is a "C" printf style format specifier. Example: numbersformat: %3.1 would yield numbers like 2.1.
If using special units in Y, numbersformat can have other values (see AXIS stubformat attribute).

Attributes pertaining to data points rendering

The invididual data points may optionally be displayed in a number of ways.

pointsymbol symboldetails

If specified, causes each data point to be marked with a geometric point symbol superimposed on top of the curve. Not applicable to stairstep curves. Example: pointsymbol: shape=triangle color=blue

altsymbol symboldetails
altwhen conditional-expression

If both of these are specified, allows an alternate symbol to be used when the condition specified in altwhen is met. This may be used to highlight certain points, or to use an alternate symbol when two lines overlap. gallery/lineplot5 is an example.

ptlabelfield dfield

If specified, causes each data point to be labeled with the contents of this data field. Example: ptlabelfield: 3

ptlabeldetails textdetails

Text details for point label. Example: ptlabeldetails: adjust=0.2,0 size=7 align=L

ptlabelrange min [ max]

The range within which point marks, labels and number displays are to be rendered. This may be useful in suppressing point labels for X=0. If only one value is given, it will be taken as the range minima and the maxima will be the plottable maxima. If not specified, all data points will be labeled. Example: ptlabelrange 1

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.