XNC Index:
User Menu
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X Northern Captain has two panels. Each panel is a window with
directory listing assigned to it. At the top of the panel located VFS directory
header. This header shows path to directory that contents is displayed
in the window.
If this is normal disk file system (DFS) then header show full path from
'/' directory.
Example: /usr/local/bin
If we are inside archive (AFS) then header shows name of the archive support,
name of the archive itself, and path relative to the top of the archive.
Example: TARGZ[test.tar.gz]./docs
If you are browsing ftp site, then header displays the name of the ftp
site with port number connected and the full path inside the site.
Example: ftp://xnc.dubna.su:21/pub/xnc
There is a directory listing under the header. Files are displayed with
color highlighting that depends on file type:
Directory - file is a directory and you can dive into it.
Link - file is a symbolic link to another one.
Normal file - just ordinar file without any associations.
Executive file - file has execute attribute and can be run.
Association (extension) file - file was previously associated with some
program and can be run with it.
Archive file - file is an archive with known type and can be opened for
Image file - file is known image format and can be viewed by internal image
The listing itself can be organized in different ways:
Display files in 1-4 columns.
Configurable display modes (Options/Configuration/Modes)
Brief - display only file names
Full - display file name, size, attributes, date, owner and group
Custom - your own set of fields to display
Different sorting methods in direct and reverse orders:
By file name
By file extension and then by file name
By file size and then by file name
By date/time of file and then by file name
Mouse action can be activated on each file of the listing, you can select,
drag and drop files or see context menu that shows useful file operations.
There is a status bar at the bottom of each panel. Status bar shows
information about current file (file under cursor) or about set of selected
files if files were selected on the panel. Status bar is also configurable
via Options/Configuration/Prompt/View page and can display the same fields
as the panel. Another feature of status bar is its ability to display magic
file information when activating QuickFileInfo command or current
file information even if some file are selected (the same action).
These two panels have three different orientations (layouts):
Vertical layout. In this layout panels located in vetrical mode - we see
right and left panels with identical y coordinates but different x one.
Horizontal Layout. Panels located one over another (Top and Bottom panels).
Page layout. Panels located as book or tab pages. You can see only one
panel at a time and only header of another invisible panel. Invisible panel
becomes visible and raise upon another one if you press on panel header
you want to see or press SwitchPanels key.
You can change layout of the panels only from xncsetup program,
not from xnc itself.
There is a transformation menu bar over the panels. Its behaviour depends
on your actions. In normal mode it shows menu items for panel settins and
commands. But if you one an ftp session then menu bar transform to ftp
diagnostic button bar. Each button on this bar displays current state of
the ftp connection. There are small led and three small buttons on it.
The led lights red if your ftp session is busy and processing operation
and green if it's ready for commands. The buttons assigned to actions of
closing ftp session, displaying session state and the last one for turning
on/off autoraise ftp while it ends a background operation.
You can change mode of the upper menu bar by pressing on '>' button
in the left conner of it.