XNC publishes in three types of archives:
Source code tarball (src.tar.gz)
Precompiled binaries for various platforms in tarball (Platform.tar.gz)
Precompiled binaries for Linux RPM systems (rpm)
The following text explains installation process for each type of archive:
Source code tarball:
Unpack archive with 'tar zxvf filename' or 'gunzip -c filename
| tar xvf -'
Go to xnc-5.x.x directory
Run './configure'. For configure options see output of './configure
Run 'make'
Run 'make install' under root. This operation install files
to Your computer.
You need to run 'xncsetup' for each user who wants to run xnc.
Configure Your environment with xncsetup and press 'Save' button.
PS: If you have troubles compiling XNC try run './configure --disbale-shared'
and then make again.
Source code tarball to local directory (home directory
without root):
If you want to install xnc to another directory that default one (/usr),
then read this part of instructions:
Assume that you want to install xnc locally to your home directory and
don't have 'root' access.
For example your home directory is '/home/leo'.
Unpack archive with 'tar zxvf filename' or 'gunzip -c filename
| tar xvf -'
Go to xnc-5.x.x directory
Run './configure --prefix=/home/leo'. For more configure options
see output of './configure --help'
Run 'make'
Run 'make install'. This operation install files to Your computer.
You need to run 'xncsetup' before running xnc. Do it under X window
system because xncsetup requires connection to X server. XNC installs itself
in the following directories:
/home/leo/bin - binaries
/home/leo/lib/xnc - libraries
/home/leo/share/man/man1 - man pages
/home/leo/share/doc/xnc-5.x.x - documentation
/home/leo/share/locale - localization
Configure Your environment with xncsetup and press 'Save' button.
Make sure that you have '/home/leo/bin' directory in your $PATH environment.
Or add with 'export PATH=/home/leo/bin:$PATH' into your local startup
PS: If you have troubles compiling XNC try run './configure --disbale-shared'
and then make again.
Precompiled binary TAR archive:
Just unpack archive to '/' directory.
cd /
gunzip -c xnc-tarball-name.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Configure Your environment with 'xncsetup' and press 'Save'
button for each user who wants to run xnc.
Binary RPM archive:
Just install RPM archive to your system with 'rpm -ivh xnc-*.rpm'.
Or upgrade from previous version with 'rpm -Uvh xnc-*.rpm'.
Configure Your environment with 'xncsetup', see or change hotkeys,
colors and press 'Save' button.
'/usr/bin' - xnc binaries and helpers
'/usr/lib/xnc' - xnc plugin libraries.
'/usr/share/man/man1' - xnc man pages.
'/usr/share/locale' - xnc localization files.
'/usr/share/doc/xnc-5.x.x' - xnc documentation in html format.
Simple run:
Just type 'xnc' and enjoy.
Don't forget to run xncsetup before running xnc at first time.
Faster startup:
Run 'xncloader'. Do it just ONCE after you start your X.
For example you can place it in your .xinitrc or .xsession file.
Run 'xnc' as many times as you wish. XNC will use shared resources
loaded by 'xncloader' and start faster.
If you have troubles with this method try 'xnc +shared'.
Run with plugins:
Run 'xnc -plugin aqua' and you see XNC with Aqua skin. Also you
can choose plugin in xnc 'Configuration' window.
If you want to switch off the plugin then run 'xnc -plugin none'
or set original look in the 'Configuration' window.
Run with command line options:
You can run xnc with many command line options that make some tuning
at startup. Here is the list of these options:
-display displayname - X server display name to contact
-/+rv - Turn on/off reverse video mode in xterminal
-fg color - foreground color for xterminal window
-cr color - cursor color in terminal window
-fn fontname - normal terminal text font
-iconic - start iconic
-title string - title name for window
-/+ls - turn on/off login shell
-/+sb - turn on/off scrollbar in terminal window
-sl number - number of scrolled lines to save
-/+ut - turn on/off utmp inhibit
-/+vb - turn on/off visual bell
-/+si - turn on/off introduction banner
-plugin plugin-name - plugin name for load different look (skin)
-/+shared - turn on/off shared resource using with xncloader