TEI P4 Home
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
29.1 Kinds of Modification
29.2 Documenting the
29.3 TEI Lite: an example Customization
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
These Guidelines provide an encoding scheme suitable for encoding a
wide range of texts, and capable of being extended in well-defined and
documented ways for texts that cannot be conveniently or appropriately
encoded using what is provided. This chapter describes how the TEI
encoding scheme may be modified and extended. The modification scheme
discussed here, like the rest of the TEI scheme, is independent of
whether SGML or XML encoding is used. Except for the different syntax
of empty elements, a valid Unicode SGML document conforming to the
SGML version of the DTD should also be a valid XML document conforming
to the XML version of the DTD. Conversion of SGML versions of TEI
documents to equivalent XML versions is not discussed here; in
general, the only modification required between TEI Interchange Format
(as defined in chapter 30 Rules for Interchange) and XML is in the syntax of
empty elements and the character encoding used.
Formally speaking, these Guidelines provide both syntactic
information about how elements and attributes may be used in
valid documents and semantic information about what interpretation
should be attached to given syntactic constructs. In this sense, they
are both a document type definition and a document
type declaration. In the present version of the Guidelines,
this semantic information is provided only as informal descriptive
prose. Although the descriptions have been
written with care, there will inevitably be cases where the intention of
the contributors has not been conveyed with sufficient clarity to
prevent users of the Guidelines from `extending' them
in the sense of attaching slightly variant semantics to them.
Beyond this unintentional semantic extension, some of the elements
described can intentionally be used in a variety of ways; for example,
the element <note> has an attribute type which
can take on arbitrary string values, depending on how it is used in a
document. A new type of annotation, therefore, requires no extension to
the TEI document type definition.
Furthermore, there are several ways for combining and extending the
existing syntactic mechanisms themselves. Earlier chapters have
identified these:
- combining the supplied tag sets — the core with one or more base
tag sets and additional tag sets — as described in chapter 3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition;
- documenting how languages are represented using character sets in
a document by providing one or more writing system declarations, as
described in chapter 25 Writing System Declaration;
- extending the intentionally open-ended feature structure mechanism
by providing one or more feature system declarations, as described in
chapter 26 Feature System Declaration.
This chapter explains how the supplied tag sets can be customized by
suppressing elements, renaming elements, extending syntactic classes,
and adding elements. The different techniques described here have
different effects on the level of TEI conformance to be ascribed to a
text, as described in chapter 28 Conformance.
The TEI DTD is designed to support modification of the tag sets
in a documented way that can be validated by a parser. Those
wishing to modify the tag sets must do so using only the
mechanisms described in this chapter if the resulting documents are to
be TEI-conformant.
To make possible this range of modifications, the TEI DTD fragments
are supplied in a parameterized form, in which some content
models, element names, and entity values are represented not
by fixed form literals but by parameter entity references. In other
parts of these Guidelines, the text of the DTD fragments has been
presented in a partially resolved form, in which the names of
elements are given as absolute literals
(e.g. ‘name', rather than
‘%n.name;') for the sake of clarity of
discussion. Content models presented elsewhere, however, are given in
parameterized form throughout
(e.g. ‘%paraContent;'). This is because, in some cases, the actual value of
the parameter entity used will differ depending on which tagsets are
in use, and also because the modification mechanisms discussed here
depend on the ability to redefine these entities. Software tools to
automatically derive a fully
resolved DTD from a parameterized version of it are widely available,
and form a component of any validating SGML or XML parser.183
In the absence of any modification, the TEI core DTD and
the additions to it embodied in the base and
additional tag sets behave as follows:
- All the elements described in the relevant sections of these
Guidelines are defined.
- The names of these elements are as given by these Guidelines.
- The content model of each element is as given by these Guidelines.
- The attributes of each element and the names and types of these
attributes are as given in these Guidelines.
- The membership of element classes, and the resultant inheritance
of attributes are as given in these Guidelines.
The modification mechanisms allow the user to override these defaults
in the following ways, while retaining conformance to the TEI
- The definition of elements may be suppressed, so deleting the
associated elements from the modified DTD.
- The name (generic identifier) associated with an element may
be changed, while preserving the semantics of the element. Note,
however, that the new name may not clash with the default name of
any element defined in these Guidelines.
- The global teiform attribute should be used to specify
the TEI name for such renamed elements.
- Those parts of the content model of an element which are specified
by classes may be extended by adding members to the classes.
- Further attributes, together with their names and types, may be
specified for an individual element and existing attributes for an
individual element may be
renamed. Note that the new names may not clash with names of
existing attributes for the element.
- Further attributes, together with their names and types, may be
specified for the elements in a particular class and those
inheriting characteristics from that class.
The modification mechanisms presented in this chapter are quite general,
and may be used to make all the types of changes just listed. They can
also be used to make more complete modifications of the DTD; if changes
other than those listed above are made, however, the resulting text will
no longer be TEI conformant.
These Guidelines provide for user modification of the TEI DTD largely
by using parameter entities at appropriate points in the DTD. It
is not absolutely essential to understand them in detail to modify the
TEI DTD (the examples later in this chapter can be followed cookbook
fashion), but it will probably prove helpful. An example set of
modification files is provided as part of the current release: see
further section 29.3 TEI Lite: an example Customization below.
Parameter entities are a mechanism for allowing string
substitution within markup declarations; they can thus can be used to
effect changes in declarations.
A parameter entity, unlike an element, may be declared more than once
in a DTD; if more than one declaration is given,
the parser uses the first one it encounters. Since the declaration
subset within the document is read before the external file containing
the predefined DTD, an entity declaration in the DTD subset will take
precedence over one in the external file. In the TEI DTD, the literal
string which defines the model group for some elements, say
<p>, is made the value of a parameter entity; the actual
element declaration for <p> contains not the literal string
itself, but a reference to the parameter entity (in this case, paraContent). If the document's DTD subset contains
a declaration for paraContent, this will be
used in preference to the standard definition within the external TEI
DTD files. The redefinability of parameter entities accounts both for
the TEI's use of parameter entities as the vehicle for effecting
extensions, and for the separation of entity definitions from other
material (to be defined below) that might be needed for certain
modifications of the TEI DTD.
Local modifications are most conveniently grouped into two files,
one containing modifications to the TEI parameter entities, and the
other containing new or changed declarations of elements and their
attributes. Names for these files should be specified by the
parameter entities TEI.extensions.ent and
TEI.extensions.dtd, by declarations such as the
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent SYSTEM 'project.ent' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd SYSTEM 'project.dtd' >
These declarations must be given in the document's DTD subset. The
first will be needed for all of the modifications discussed below.
The second is only required for the last type of extension
described. The parameter entities thus defined are then referenced at
an appropriate point in the compiling of the TEI DTD, as further
described in section 3.3 Invocation of the TEI DTD.
29.1 Kinds of Modification
There are several kinds of modification that can be made to the TEI
DTD as follows:
- deletion of elements;
- renaming of elements;
- extension of classes;
- modification of content models or attribute lists.
These are described in the remaining sections of this chapter.
Each kind of modification changes the set of documents that can be
parsed using the DTD. Each combination of the original TEI DTD
fragments may be thought of as defining a certain set of
documents. Each DTD resulting from a modified set of TEI DTD
fragments allows a different set of documents to be parsed. The set
of documents parsed by the original DTD may be properly contained in
the set of documents parsed by a modified DTD, or vice versa.
Modifications that have either of these two results are called
clean modifications in the remainder of the chapter.
Alternatively, the set of documents parsed by the original DTD might
overlap the set of documents parsed by the modified DTD with neither
being properly contained in the other. Modifications that have this
result are called unclean modifications in the remainder
of the chapter.
29.1.1 Suppressing Elements
The simplest way to modify the supplied tag sets is to suppress one
or more of the supplied elements. In the modifiable version of the
DTDs, every element declaration is enclosed by a marked section. The
marked section is governed by one of the keywords IGNORE or INCLUDE, which is
provided indirectly using a parameter entity. This parameter entity
has the same name as the generic identifier of the element. Thus, the
declaration for the paragraph element, <p>, occurs within a
marked section `guarded' by the parameter entity
<![ %p; [
<!-- element and attlist declaration for p goes here -->
The declaration given for these guard entities in the
modifiable version is INCLUDE in all cases. The
construct above is interpreted thus: the first of the three lines is
the opening of a marked section; when the parser encounters the
section and sees the keyword INCLUDE as its guard (more
precisely, sees a parameter entity the value of which is the keyword
INCLUDE), the content of the marked section is parsed;
the second line of the three is the content of the marked section; and
the third line of the three is the closing of a marked section. If
the guard is changed to IGNORE, the parser will
ignore the content of the marked section.
Thus, to delete the declaration of a generic identifier and thus
suppress the element entirely, the entity that provides the guard on the
marked section wherein the element declaration appears must simply be
set to IGNORE. For example, if the <note>
element is not to be used in a particular application, the line
<!ENTITY % note 'IGNORE'>
should appear somewhere in the DTD prior to its reference in the guard
around the declaration for the <note> element. This is achieved
by inserting the above declaration in the file which has its name given by the entity
Two different cases of deleting one or more elements from the TEI
DTD can be identified. The first case involves deleting only elements
that are optional wherever they appear in TEI documents. Deleting these
is clean in the sense that documents that are parseable with the modified
DTD can also be parsed according to the original TEI DTD. To say this
another way, the set of documents matching the new DTD is contained in
the set of documents matching the original DTD.
The second case involves deleting elements that are required in one
or more of their appearances in TEI documents. Deleting these is
unclean in that some documents that can be parsed according to the new
DTD could not be parsed according to the original TEI DTD. To say this
another way, the set of documents matching the new DTD neither contains
nor is contained in the set of documents matching the original DTD.
29.1.2 Renaming Elements
In the modifiable version of the TEI DTD, elements are not referred to
directly by their generic identifiers; instead, the modifiable version
of the DTD makes use of parameter entities that expand to the standard
generic identifiers. This allows renaming of elements by redefining the
appropriate parameter entities. The names of parameter entities used
for naming are formed by taking the standard generic identifier of the
element and attaching the string ‘n.’ (for ‘name’) as a
prefix. Thus, the standard generic identifiers for paragraphs, notes
and quotations, <p>, <note>, and <q>, are defined
by declarations of the following form:
<!ENTITY % n.p 'p'>
<!ENTITY % n.note 'note'>
<!ENTITY % n.soCalled 'soCalled'>
These parameter entities are all contained within a file ( teigis.ent) which is embedded during the compilation
of a TEI DTD. To change the name of an element therefore, all that
is needed is to provide an overriding declaration for the appropriate
parameter entity. For instance, the following declaration converts <note> to <annotation>:
<!ENTITY % n.note 'annotation'>
This declaration must be inserted in the file which has its name given
by the entity TEI.extensions.ent.
Two different cases of renaming can be identified. The first case
involves replacing existing names with names that are otherwise unused
in the TEI scheme. (This can be easily checked by looking in the
index of the Guidelines.) Such a modification is clean in that the new
DTD would still accepts any document accepted by the publication DTD
(given the appropriate renaming of elements). The new name cannot
possibly conflict with the generic identifier of any other element,
since there can be no other occurrences. To say this another way, the
set of documents matching the new DTD is isomorphic to the set of
documents matching the old DTD. The example given results in a clean
modification because there is no element <annotation>
specified in these Guidelines. It is also true that any document not
using the renamed element which parses under the unmodified DTD will
also parse under the modified DTD.
The second case involves introducing a name already used somewhere
in a TEI tag set. This is unclean in that it changes what an existing
generic identifier means. The name in question could not be declared
by any tag set that is used in the document, as it is syntactically
invalid to provide two declarations for the same element. The new
generic identifier might occur in some TEI tag set not currently
included in the DTD used to parse the document. For example, if in
some setting the element <note> were assigned the new
name <fs> (because, say, notes are used in some
technical document to record functional specifications) there might be
no immediate problem. If however it was later decided to add the
feature structure analysis tag set into the DTD used to parse the
document, though, a name clash would occur. There would also be
problems in interchanging the resulting documents without confusion.
As a special case, consider translating all of the generic
identifiers for all elements into some other language, L. It may be,
for example, that the word for ‘paragraph’ in language L begins
with the letter ‘s’ and that thus the paragraph element is
renamed as <s>. By the definition just given, this
would be an unclean modification because an element <s>
already exists in the TEI DTD. However, this is clearly not a
problem so long as all of the names are redefined at once and that no
collisions occur in the new name space: that is, provided that the TEI
element <s> is renamed as some other string. This can be done
by a total replacement of the file that contains the entity
declarations for the names of the elements. This systematic
replacement of names in the DTD must be followed by a systematic use
(or replacement) of the new names in the document. To think about
this in the terms used earlier, the set of documents matching the new
DTD (with all names systematically changed in both the DTD and the
documents) is isomorphic to the set of documents matching the original
DTD with no names changed (in either the DTD or the documents).
The formal declarations of the parameter entities used for generic
identifiers are contained in the file teigis.ent; since their names and replacement texts
are fully predictable, these parameter entities are not individually
documented in the reference section of these Guidelines. The
parameter entity tei.elementNames is used to
embed the file teigis.ent in the DTD. A
re-declaration for this parameter entity may therefore be used to
embed a different version of this file:
<!ENTITY % tei.elementNames SYSTEM 'OTAgis.ent' >
If an element is renamed using the techniques described here, its
declaration for the global TEIform attribute will be left
undisturbed; the default value will therefore still be the standard
TEI name for the element. TEI-aware application programs can thus
process TEI-conformant documents which rename TEI elements, since by
consulting the TEIform attribute value the application can
learn the standard name for the element and process it accordingly.
In the normal course of events, the value of this attribute will
never be specified in a TEI-conformant document; all occurrences will
have the default value. In some special circumstances, it can be
useful to specify a non-default value on some instances of an element;
this allows application programs to process correctly a locally
defined element which usually corresponds to one TEI element (which
would be expressed by the default value) but sometimes to another TEI
element (which would be expressed by explicit values attached to the
element instance).
29.1.3 Class Extension
In 3.7.2 Classes Used in Content Models, the concept of a class of elements that
can appear in the same kinds of structural locations in a document was
introduced. An entity is associated with each class named by
prefixing the string ‘m.’ (for ‘model’) to the name of the
class. For example, the value of the parameter entity
m.bibl is a list of the members of the class
In the modifiable version of the TEI DTD, an additional entity is
defined for each model class. This additional entity also takes the
name of the class, this time prefixed by the string ‘x.’ (for
‘extension’). The default value of these x-dot
entities is always the empty string. A reference to the
corresponding x-dot entity is always included within the replacement
string for each m-dot entity. This enables an encoder to add new
members to a class simply by declaring a new value for its associated
x-dot entity.
For example, the class bibl has the three
members <bibl>, <biblFull>, and <biblStruct>.
Its content-model entity is defined thus:
<!ENTITY % x.bibl '' >
<!ENTITY % m.bibl '%x.bibl; bibl | biblFull | biblStruct' >
With the default value of the x-dot entity, this is the same as
defining m.bibl with the replacement text
bibl | biblFull | biblStruct.
An encoder can add an element to the class by providing a new
declaration for the x-dot entity. For example, to add a new element
called <my.bib>, this definition would be used:
<!ENTITY % x.bibl 'my.bib |' >
Note that the specification of an x-dot entity must always end with
the vertical bar character (for alternation). The definition would be
inserted at the appropriate place in the file associated with the
entity TEI.extensions.ent. This changes the
replacement text of m.bibl from its default
value to my.bib | bibl | biblFull |
biblStruct. If more than one element is to be added to a
class, the x-dot entity for the class should be redefined as a list of
the new generic identifiers, each one ( including the
last) followed by a vertical bar.
Class extension is always clean in that the set of documents matching
the DTD containing the extended class contains all of the documents
matching the original DTD. Class extension can imply either the
addition of an existing
element to a pre-defined class, or the addition of a new element (as described in the next
section) to one.
29.1.4 New content models
Encoders can modify the content models that specify what is
contained in an element or set of elements defined by the TEI DTD,
modify the attributes of existing elements, or add new elements to the
Content models or attributes for existing elements are
modified in two stages. First, the existing declaration of the element
must be deleted in the manner described in the first section of this
chapter. Second, a new declaration for the element is given. This new
declaration must be inserted in the file associated with the entity
For example, suppose that symbolic designations to be marked with
the element <term> can always be associated with a particular
source. While the content model of the publication version of the TEI
DTD is acceptable, the attribute list needs to be extended. To
perform this modification, the following steps must be taken. The
<!ENTITY % term 'IGNORE' >
must be inserted into the file associated with the entity TEI.extensions.ent. Then a new definition must be
inserted into the file associated with the entity TEI.extensions.dtd. In this example, the definition
will be the same as that given in 6.3.4 Terms, Glosses, and Cited Words, save for the
addition of a new attribute.
<!ELEMENT term %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;) >
<!ATTLIST term %a.global;
New elements are defined by inserting their definitions into the
file associated with the entity TEI.extensions.dtd. To be usable, they must somehow
be included in the model for some existing element. This can be done
either by class extension (which can now be seen to be a restricted,
special case of the process defined here) or by redefining the
element(s) within which the new element is to be included.
The set of documents matched by the modified DTD and the set of
documents matched by the original DTD may be related in several
different ways. It is certainly possible that the former could
properly include the latter or vice versa; either of these could be
said to be clean modifications because the set to be matched has
become strictly larger or strictly smaller.
It is also possible that the set of documents matched by the
modified DTD is different from the set matched by the original DTD and
they may either contain some common documents or have no documents in
common; either of these is said to be an unclean modification.
Radical revision is
possible. It would be possible to remodel so that the
<teiHeader> is not required, or so that it is required but the
minimal components described in chapter 5 The TEI Header are no
longer required, or so that no <text> element is required. In
fact, the mechanism, if used in an extreme way, permits deletion of
the entire set of TEI definitions and their replacement by an entirely
different DTD! Such revisions would result in documents that are not
TEI conformant in even the broadest sense, and it is not intended that
encoders use the mechanism in this way.
29.2 Documenting the
When the modification mechanisms are used,
their use must be documented. There are two ways in which information
about the modifications is recorded.
The first record of the
modifications is in the use of the extension files. The file
associated with the entity TEI.extensions.ent
contains the specifications of the parameter entities that are
redefined to accomplish the modifications. This file should be
structured in such a way that readers can easily identify any
modifications that have been made. The following structure is
<!-- The following elements are deleted -->
<!-- The following elements are renamed -->
<!-- The following classes are extended -->
<!-- The following elements are revised -->
The appropriate parameter entity specifications should be entered
after each comment in this file. The order of the comments
corresponds to the order of the discussion in this chapter (roughly,
from simple to complex). Setting the appropriate entity to IGNORE for each revised element is done in the last
section of the file.
The file associated with the entity TEI.extensions.dtd should contain the DTD fragments
for new and changed element definitions. The following structure is
<!-- The following declarations define new extensions -->
<!-- (element and attlist specifications for new tags -->
<!-- introduced in part 3 of the ent file go here) -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- The following declarations define revised tags -->
<!-- (element and attlist specifications for tags -->
<!-- mentioned in part 4 of the ent file go here -->
<!-- ... -->
These files give a parser sufficient information to implement
the modifications and are also useful in providing human readers with
some indication of the changes made in the TEI DTD. Full
documentation of any additional or modified elements should also be
provided, using the ancillary tag set described in chapter 27 Tag Set Documentation.
29.3 TEI Lite: an example Customization
Shortly after publication of the first edition of these Guidelines,
as a demonstration of how the TEI encoding scheme might be adopted to
meet 90% of the needs of 90% of the TEI user community, the TEI
editors produced a brief tutorial defining one specific
`clean' modification of the TEI scheme, which they
called TEI Lite. This tutorial and its associated DTD became very
popular and are available from the TEI web site at
http://www.tei-c.org/Lite/. The modification files used to
define this view of the TEI are also included among the TEI DTD
fragments and may be used as a model for other customizations.
The introductory tutorial on TEI Lite describes in more detail how
the tagset was defined, and the rationale underlying its selection of
available TEI features. For the present purposes, we note that it
required elements taken from the TEI prose base, and also from the TEI
additional tag sets for linking, for analysis, and for figures and
tables. A small number of additional phrase-level elements not defined
in the main TEI scheme were also needed. Finally, large number of the
elements made available by this combination of tagsets were not
needed, and could be cleanly discarded from the DTD. To effect this,
the following doctype declaration (available in the file teilite.dec) was appropriate:
<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 PUBLIC "-//TEI P4//DTD Main DTD Driver File//EN" 'tei2.dtd' [
<!ENTITY % TEI.prose 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.linking 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.analysis 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.figures 'INCLUDE' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.ent SYSTEM 'teilitex.ent' >
<!ENTITY % TEI.extensions.dtd SYSTEM 'teilitex.dtd' >
This declaration is appropriate for an XML customization. If an
SGML version is required, the parameter entity TEI.XML
should be redefined, by replacing its declaration above with a
declaration like the following:
The file teilitex.ent consists largely of
declarations like the following:
<!ENTITY % teiCorpus.2 'IGNORE' >
There is one line for each element potentially available in the
tagsets selected, indicating whether it is to be included in the
resulting DTD or not. By default, elements are always included, so the
first line above is not strictly necessary. However, its inclusion
makes it easier for the user of this extension file to see at a glance
which elements from the original DTD have been included and which have
This file also contains, at its start,
declarations for four parameter entities used in defining content
models. The first three are needed to add the new (non-TEI) elements
declared for this customization into existing model classes:
<!ENTITY % x.data 'ident | code | kw |' >
<!ENTITY % x.inter 'eg |' >
<!ENTITY % x.common 'eg |' >
As further discussed in section 3.7 Element Classes, these
declarations have the effect of adding the elements <ident>,
<code>, and <kw> to the data
model class, and adding the element <eg> to the inter and common
classes. Without these declarations, the elements named here would not
appear anywhere within the structure of the TEI DTD.
The entity file also redefines the linking attribute class, which is used to add
linking attributes to all elements when the TEI.linking
tag set is enabled. In TEI lite only a subset of the linking
attributes, given by the following definition, is required (compare
this declaration with that in the reference section for this class):
<!ENTITY % a.linking '
In addition, this entity file contains declarations for a number of
commonly used character entity sets (see further chapter 4 Languages and Character Sets) and graphic notations (see further section 22.3 Specific Elements for Graphic Images). Different sets will be declared, depending on
whether the parameter entity TEI.XML is
specified as INCLUDE or IGNORE. The XML
version of TEI Lite supplies Unicode definitions for these character
entities; the SGML version supplies SDATA declarations.
As supplied, the following is typical of the character entity
set declarations included for XML:
<!ENTITY % ISOlat1
PUBLIC "-//TEI//ENTITIES Unicode values for ISO 8879 Added Latin 1//EN"
This declaration associates the parameter entity ISOlat1 with a public entity defined by the TEI with
the formal identifier "-//TEI//ENTITIES Unicode values for ISO
8879 Added Latin 1//EN. The user may specify the actual
location of this entity in a number of ways: the default is to seek a
file with the name iso-lat1.ent. This may be
over-ridden by supplying an alternative location for the entity set,
either by means of another declaration in the DTD subset, or by means
of an alternative entry in an associated SGML Open Catalog
file. Sample copies of the standard entity sets are available from the
TEI web site at http://www.tei-c.org/XML_entities, so one way of modifying the
above declaration for an XML DTD might be
<!ENTITY % ISOlat1
PUBLIC "-//TEI//ENTITIES Unicode values for ISO 8879 Added Latin 1//EN"
SGML versions for the same entity sets are also available. These have a different
formal public identifier, but the same default system identifier: thus, if the
parameter entity TEI.XML has the value
IGNORE, the declaration for ISOlat1 will be as follows:
<!ENTITY % ISOlat1
PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"
Again, the user can override this association by specifying a
different system identifier in the DTD subset, or in a local catalog
file; sample entity sets for SGML are also available from the TEI web
site at http://www.tei-c.org/ISO_Entities, so
one way of modifying the above declaration for an SGML DTD might be
<!ENTITY % ISOlat1
PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"
their declaration, the parameter identifiers for these four entity sets are referenced:
%ISOpub; %ISOnum;
The remainder of the TEI Lite extension entity file contains
declarations for the following commonly used notations:
'-//TEI//NOTATION IETF RFC2083 Portable Network Graphics//EN' >
'ISO DIS 10918//NOTATION JPEG Graphics Format//EN' >
'-//TEI//NOTATION Aldus Tagged Image File Format//EN'>
'-//TEI//NOTATION Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format//EN' >
'ISO 8879:1986//NOTATION Standard Generalized Markup Language//EN' >
'-//TEI P3-1994//NOTATION Writing System Declaration//EN' >
With these declarations in force, the TEI Lite user may embed graphics
in PNG, JPEG, TIFF, or GIF format (as further discussed in section
22.3 Specific Elements for Graphic Images; the declarations for SGML and for WSD are
required to allow for
reference to external SGML or WSD documents as further discussed in sections
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment and 25 Writing System Declaration respectively.
The file teilitex.dtd contains
the following declarations for the new elements listed above:
<!ELEMENT %n.gi; %om.RO; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST %n.gi; %a.global;
TEI (yes | no) 'yes'
TEIform CDATA 'gi' >
<!ELEMENT %n.eg; %om.RR; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST %n.eg; %a.global;
TEIform CDATA 'eg' >
<!ELEMENT ident %om.RR; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST ident %a.global;
<!ELEMENT code %om.RR; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST code %a.global; >
<!ELEMENT kw %om.RR; (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST kw %a.global;
Note that these declarations use the same parameter entities as
other parts of the TEI DTD, in particular the parameter entities
om.RR and om.RO
which make the same extension file usable in both XML or SGML
contexts, as further explained in section 3.8.4 Generation of an XML DTD, and
a.global, which supplies the standard
definition for the global attributes.
Two of the elements listed above as `new' are in
fact already defined in the auxiliary tag set for tagset documentation
discussed in chapter 27 Tag Set Documentation; since, however, the extension
mechanism defined here does not allow us to include auxiliary tagsets
as such, we have simply copied the definitions for those elements
(<gi> and <eg>) from the DTD into our extension file,
thus allowing for them to be renamable. The other new elements are
simply defined in the same way as any others
To complete the job, full tag descriptions for the new elements added
should be provided. Here is a sample description for the
<ident> element:
<desc>contains an identifier in some formal language
(e.g. a variable name); also used for <soCalled>syntactic
variables</soCalled> in syntax diagrams and the like.</desc>
indicates the type of identifier.</desc><datatype>CDATA</datatype>
<val>fpi</val><desc>formal public identifier</desc>
<val>file</val><desc>operating system filename</desc>
<val>pe</val><desc>parameter entity</desc>
<val>gi</val><desc>generic identifier in SGML or XML</desc>
<eg><![CDATA[<ident type="gi">ident</ident>]]></eg></exemplum><remarks/>
<elemDecl><![CDATA[<!ELEMENT ident %om.RO; (#PCDATA) >]]></elemDecl>
<attlDecl><![CDATA[<!ATTLIST ident %a.global;
type CDATA #IMPLIED >]]></attlDecl>
Further examples of such descriptions are provided in
chapter 38 Sample Tag Set Documentation.