TEI P4 Home
31 Multiple Hierarchies
31.1 Concurrent Markup of Multiple Hierarchies
31.2 Boundary Marking with Milestone Elements
31.3 Fragmentation of Elements
31.4 Reconstitution of Virtual Elements
31.5 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information
31.6 Concurrent Markup for Pages and Lines
Introductory Note (March 2002)
1 About These Guidelines
2 A Gentle Introduction to XML
3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
4 Languages and Character Sets
5 The TEI Header
6 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
7 Default Text Structure
8 Base Tag Set for Prose
9 Base Tag Set for Verse
10 Base Tag Set for Drama
11 Transcriptions of Speech
12 Print Dictionaries
13 Terminological Databases
14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
15 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
16 Feature Structures
17 Certainty and Responsibility
18 Transcription of Primary Sources
19 Critical Apparatus
20 Names and Dates
21 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
22 Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
23 Language Corpora
24 The Independent Header
25 Writing System Declaration
26 Feature System Declaration
27 Tag Set Documentation
28 Conformance
29 Modifying and Customizing the TEI DTD
30 Rules for Interchange
31 Multiple Hierarchies
32 Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
33 Element Classes
34 Entities
35 Elements
36 Obtaining the TEI DTD
37 Obtaining TEI WSDs
38 Sample Tag Set Documentation
39 Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML
Appendix A Bibliography
Appendix B Index
Appendix C Prefatory Notes
Appendix D Colophon
This chapter will be substantially revised and
expanded at the next release of these Guidelines.
At various points in these Guidelines, the discussion has mentioned
the problems which arise when using SGML or XML to encode textual features
which do not take a strictly hierarchical form: features, that is,
which do not necessarily nest within other features. This chapter
provides an overview of the techniques defined in these Guidelines for
handling such problems, and should be consulted when deciding how to
deal with them.
The following examples illustrate the type of problem with which this
chapter is concerned:
- in narrative, a speech by a character may begin in the middle of a
paragraph and continue for several more paragraphs
- in a verse text, the encoder may need to tag both the formal
structure of the verse (its stanzas and lines) and its syntactic
structures (which sometimes nest within the metrical structure and
sometimes cross metrical boundaries)
- in any kind of text, the encoder may wish to record the physical
structure of volume, page, column, and line, as well as the formal or
logical structure of chapters and paragraphs or acts and scenes, etc.
- in verse drama, the structure of acts, scenes, and
speeches often conflicts with the metrical structure
- in any kind of text, an embedded text (e.g. a play within a play,
or a song) may be interrupted by other matter; the encoder may wish to
establish explicitly the logical unity of the embedded material (e.g. to
identify the song as a single song, and to mark its internal formal
- in a dictionary, different types of information (e.g. orthography,
syllabification, and hyphenation) may be combined within a single
notation; the encoder may wish both to preserve the presentation of the
material in the source text and to disentangle the logically distinct
pieces of information in the interests of more convenient processing of
the lexical information
Many other examples might be given, but these should suffice to show the
variety of applications where non-hierarchical or non-nesting
information appears, and to illustrate the various methods for
addressing the problem.
Non-nesting information poses fundamental problems for any encoding
scheme, and it must be stated at the outset that no solution has yet
been suggested which combines all the desirable attributes of formal
simplicity, capacity to represent all occurring or imaginable kinds of
structures, suitability for formal or mechanical validation, and clear
identity with the notations needed for simpler cases (i.e. cases where
the textual features do nest properly). The representation of
non-hierarchical information is thus necessarily a matter of choices
among alternatives, of tradeoffs between various sets of different
advantages and disadvantages.
There are several methods used within these Guidelines to handle
non-nesting information:
concur: an optional feature of SGML (not
available in XML) which allows multiple
hierarchies to be marked up concurrently in the same document
milestone elements: empty elements which mark the
boundaries between elements in a non-nesting structure
fragmentation of an item: the division of what
logically is a single element into two or more parts, each of which
nests properly within its context
virtual joins: the recreation of a virtual element
from fragments of text, possibly discontiguous or out of order
- redundant encoding of information in multiple forms
In the sections which follow, these techniques, their advantages, and
their disadvantages, are briefly described, and instances of their use
within these Guidelines are pointed out. The examples show various
solutions to the problem of direct speech spanning several paragraphs in
a narrative; the text in question takes the following form:
‘The first thing that
put us out was that advertisement. Spaulding, he came
down into the office just this day eight weeks with
this very paper in his hand, and he
‘‘I wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a red-headed
‘‘Why that?’ I asks.’
31.1 Concurrent Markup of Multiple Hierarchies
In SGML only, CONCUR allows us to mark up the document with many different
hierarchical structures, but not to reorder the tree or to have
different content in different views. Note that the restriction against
having different content in different views is imposed not by SGML but
by the TEI Interchange Format.
For example, if quotations are marked as part of a distinct markup
stream given the name ‘QD’, the outermost speech in our
example need not be broken up into multiple elements:
<(QD)q who='Wilson'> ...
<(TEI.2)p>The first thing that put us out was that
advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the
office just this day eight weeks with this very paper
in his hand, and he says:—</(TEI.2)p>
<(TEI.2)p><(QD)q who='Spaulding'>I wish to the Lord, Mr.
Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.</(QD)q></(TEI.2)p>
<p><(QD)q who='Wilson'>Why
that?</(QD)q> I asks.</(TEI.2)p>
... </(QD)q></p>
This method has the advantages of cleanly distinguishing among
separate logical hierarchies in the text, using the same structures as
non-concurrent markup and thus requiring no special conventions for use
(as the other methods described in this chapter do). It has the
disadvantage of using a cumbersome notation, which means it could most
conveniently be used within processing environments which
masks the complexity of the notation from the user; unfortunately,
CONCUR is an optional feature of SGML and is not supported by all SGML
The major use of concurrent markup in the current version of these
Guidelines is in the tag set for concurrent markup for pages, columns,
and lines defined elsewhere in this chapter.
31.2 Boundary Marking with Milestone Elements
Milestones use empty elements to mark the beginnings and endings of
regions of the text which have something in common; they work like COCOA
tags. Examples in these Guidelines include the <milestone>
element and the elements <pb>, <lb>, and <cb>.
For example, if quotations are marked using (user-defined) empty
elements given the names ‘qb’ and ‘qe’, the empty elements
mark the beginning and end of the speeches, but because they do not
contain the speech as content, there is no element that needs to be broken up into multiple
elements at the paragraph breaks.186
<qb who='Wilson'/> ...
<p>The first thing that put us out was that
advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the
office just this day eight weeks with this very paper
in his hand, and he says:—</p>
<p><qb who='Spaulding'/>I wish to the Lord, Mr.
Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.<qe/></p>
<p><qb who='Wilson'/>Why that?<qe/> I asks.</p>
... <qe/>
This has the drawback that it is difficult to tell which
<qe> corresponds with which <qb> without a complex
processing of the text. One way to improve on this situation would be
to use the linking attribute corresp discussed in chapter 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
to associate the milestone indicating the end of a
given speech with that indicating its start, as follows:
<qb who='Wilson' id='W1'/> ...
<p>The first thing that put us out was that
advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the
office just this day eight weeks with this very paper
in his hand, and he says:—</p>
<p><qb who='Spaulding' id='S1'/>I wish to the Lord, Mr.
Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.<qe corresp='S1'/></p>
<p><qb who='Wilson' id='W2'/>Why that?<qe corresp='W2'/> I asks.</p>
... <qe corresp='W1'/>
This method has the advantage of simplicity; it provides all the
information needed to reconstruct all the competing hierarchical views
of the text. Many times, the only processing required for an element
occurs at its start and end (or can easily be formulated to do so); this
markup method handles those cases well. In other cases, however, this
method incurs the disadvantage of cumbersome processing:
since the elements of the analysis (e.g. the direct speech of Wilson)
are not uniformly represented by nodes in the document tree, they must
be reconstituted by software in an ad hoc fashion, which may be
difficult and is likely to be error prone. Processing elements may
often involve more than specified actions at the start and end of an
element. Most important for some encoders, this method disguises the
logical relationship between the beginning and the ending of each
logical element, making it impossible for parsers per se to provide the
same kind of validation possible elsewhere in the encoding.
31.3 Fragmentation of Elements
Fragmentation breaks up what might be considered a single element
into multiple smaller elements, in order to make it fit within the
hierarchy. If a passage of direct discourse begins in the middle of one
paragraph and continues for several more paragraphs, for example, one
could encode the passage as a series of <q> elements. This has
the effect that the document contains more <q> elements than it
did before; to the extent that one might be interested in counting
<q> elements, this is a drawback. To the extent that the element
being broken up is used primarily to signal some characteristic, (e.g.
that of being spoken by someone other than the narrator) rather than
some countable object, this drawback is rather minor. Direct discourse
is in fact so frequently interrupted by narrative irruptions, including
but not limited to reporting clauses like ‘he said’, that the
number of <q> elements is unlikely to correspond precisely to the
number of utterances, speaker turns, or any other observable unit of
conversation. For that reason, some encoders prefer to solve
the quotation-and-paragraph problem using fragmentation.
To tag our example with this method, the outermost speech (Wilson's)
can be broken up to fit into the series of paragraphs, using the
rend attribute to record the absence of closing quotation
marks at the end of each paragraph. The inner speeches, being
punctuated conventionally, need not carry rend values.
<p><q rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson">The first thing that put us out
was that advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the office
just this day eight weeks with this very paper in his hand, and he
<p><q rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"><q who="Spaulding">I wish to the
Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.</q></q></p>
<p><q rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"><q who="Wilson">Why that?</q> I
Among the places where these Guidelines recommend fragmentation as a
solution to the encoding of non-nesting information are the discussion
of fragmentary verse lines, fragmentary stanzas, and fragmentary
embedded texts in drama.
The advantages of this method are that it is simple, that at least
one of the competing hierarchies can be processed normally, and that
it makes the reconstitution of virtual units much easier, using the
method described in the next section. Its disadvantages are that some
units are not realized at all in the markup (here, the single long
outermost speech of Wilson), and that automatic processing of these
units is thus impossible when this method is used without further
31.4 Reconstitution of Virtual Elements
Virtual joins may be used to indicate objects in the text which
would, for whatever reason, be difficult to mark using hierarchical
syntax. In the TEI encoding scheme, virtual joins are most often
expressed by the <join> element, the <span> element, or
the <fs> element. This technique covers all out-of-line
or `stand-off' annotation methods, which involve the construction, out of line, of a
clean structure representing the interpretation, and the virtual join of
the interpretation with the text fragment instantiating it.
The tagging of our example with this method is almost identical to
that given in the preceding section, with the addition of <join>
elements to indicate the component parts of the individual speeches
which have been broken up to fit into the paragraph hierarchy:
<p><q id="qw1" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"> The first thing that put
us out was that advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the
office just this day eight weeks with this very paper in his hand,
and he says:—</q></p>
<p><q id="qw2" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"><q who="Spaulding">I
wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.</q></q></p>
<p><q id="qw3" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"> <q who="Wilson">Why
that?</q> I asks.</q></p>
<!-- ... -->
<join targets="qw1 qw2 qw3" result="q"/>
Alternatively, the next and prev attributes
defined in chapter 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment may be used to join the fragmentary
<p><q next="qw2" id="qw1" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson">The first
thing that put us out was that advertisement. Spaulding, he came
down into the office just this day eight weeks with this very
paper in his hand, and he says:—</q></p>
<p><q next="qw3" prev="qw1" id="qw2" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"><q
who="Spaulding">I wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a
red-headed man.</q></q></p>
<p><q prev="qw2" id="qw3" rend="pre ldquo" who="Wilson"><q
who="Wilson">Why that?</q> I asks.</q></p>
The major advantage of this method is that it allows all the
hierarchies in the text to be handled explicitly, both
the privileged one directly represented, and the alternate
hierarchy which has been split up and rejoined. Its major disadvantages
are that (like most of the other methods described here) it privileges
one hierarchy over the others, and requires special processing to
reconstitute the elements of the other hierarchies.
Instances of this markup method in these Guidelines include
the part attribute on the <l>, <lg>,
<seg>, and numbered-segment elements, the <join>,
<span>, and <fs> elements, and the global next
and prev attributes available with the additional tag set for
linking and alignment.
31.5 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information
In some cases, the simplest method of disentangling two conflicting
hierarchical views of the same information is to encode it twice, each
time capturing a single view. Thus, for example, a dictionary headword
which gives in a single place the orthography, stress pattern,
syllabification, and hyphenation for a word might be encoded several
times: once with all the information in a single notation (as in the
print dictionary), and once again for each separate piece of information
— or at least, once more for the orthography, to speed up the common
operation of searching for the article for a given headword in the
electronic dictionary.
The out-of-line treatment of annotation in the feature structure
notation (defined in chapter 16 Feature Structures) may also be considered
to fall under this rubric.
The advantages of this method of markup are that each way of looking
at the information is explicitly represented in the data, and may be
processed in straightforward ways, without requiring complex methods of
disentangling information relevant to one view from information relevant
only to other views. It has the disadvantage of requiring more space
and of introducing redundant information into the encoding, with the
resulting risk that one view may be updated without corresponding
changes being made to the others, resulting in inconsistencies within
the document.
31.6 Concurrent Markup for Pages and Lines
Where the main purpose for encoding alternative hierarchies in
a text is to represent competing referencing schemes describing the
same basic text, the CONCUR mechanism of SGML provides a very natural
solution. Note, however, that the CONCUR feature is not supported by
much of the available SGML software, nor is it available in XML at all.
One common form of traditional reference system specifies the page
and line, or page, column, and line of a passage as it appears in some
standard edition. Such references may be specified using a concurrent
markup hierarchy which divides the body of a text into pages and lines
or into pages, columns, and lines. Volumes may also need to be
identified. The document type name should be a short identifier for the
edition cited. The following tags may be used:
<vol> marks the individual volumes of a reference edition.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<page> marks pages in a reference edition.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<col> contains one column of a multi-column reference edition.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
<line> contains one line of a reference edition.
No attributes other than those globally
available (see definition for a.global) |
Page and line numbers for an edition by Lachmann, for example, might
be specified thus:
<(La)page n='37'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37 -->
<(La)line n='32'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 32 -->
<(La)line n='33'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 33 -->
<(La)line n='34'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 34 -->
<(La)page n='38'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38 -->
<(La)line n='1'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 1 -->
<(La)line n='2'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 2 -->
<(La)line n='3'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 3 -->
<!-- etc. -->
<(La)page n='39'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39 -->
<(La)line n='18'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 18 -->
<(La)line n='21'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 21 -->
<!-- etc. -->
<(La)page n='40'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 40 -->
<!-- etc. -->
<(La)page n='41'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 41 -->
<!-- etc. -->
The markup shown above would be interleaved with the normal markup
for the document. Since SGML requires tags in concurrent markup streams
to be labeled with their document type, however, the
`normal' markup would need to have the notation
TEI.2 inserted before each tag's generic identifier. The
combined markup might look something like this:
<(TEI.2)TEI.Header> ... </(TEI.2)TEI.Header>
<(TEI.2)text> ...
<(TEI.2)div0><(TEI.2)head> ... </(TEI.2)head>
<(TEI.2)div2> ...
<(La)page n='37'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37 -->
<(La)line n='32'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 32 -->
<(La)line n='33'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 33 -->
<(La)line n='34'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 37, line 34 -->
<(La)page n='38'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38 -->
<(La)line n='1'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 1 -->
<(La)line n='2'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 2 -->
<(La)line n='3'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 3 -->
<(La)line n='4'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 38, line 4 -->
<!-- etc. -->
<(TEI.2)div1><head>... </head>
<!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39 -->
<(La)page n='39'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39 -->
<(La)line n='18'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 18 -->
<(La)line n='19'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 19 -->
<(La)line n='20'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 20 -->
<(La)line n='21'> <!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 39, line 21 -->
... <!-- etc. -->
<!-- etc. -->
<!-- Text from Lachmann, p. 40 -->
<!-- etc. -->
The following declarations give the formal specification for the
standard pre-defined document type designed for recording page and line
numbers of a reference edition in an SGML concurrent markup stream.
<!-- 31.6: Concurrent Document Type for Page and Line References-->
<!ENTITY % version 'ref' >
<!ELEMENT %version; %om.RR; (#PCDATA | page | vol)*>
<!ATTLIST %version;
%a.global; >
<!ELEMENT vol %om.RR; (#PCDATA | page)*>
TEIform CDATA 'vol' >
<!ELEMENT page %om.RO; (#PCDATA | line | col)*>
<!ATTLIST page
TEIform CDATA 'page' >
<!ELEMENT col %om.RO; (#PCDATA | line)*>
TEIform CDATA 'col' >
<!ELEMENT line %om.RR; (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST line
TEIform CDATA 'line' >
<!-- end of 31.6-->
This concurrent hierarchy is enabled as shown below: after the
document type declaration for the TEI.2 document type, the document
should contain the sequence of lines:
"-//TEI P4//DTD Concurrent Document Type: Pages and Lines//EN"
'teipl2.dtd' [
<!ENTITY % version "La" >
which call the document type for page and line references and give it
the name ‘La’. If page and line numbers from more than one standard
edition are to be marked, then the relevant lines may be repeated, each
time using a different value for the document type and entity definition
(where the example has ‘La’). For example, to show page and line
numbers from the editions of Lachmann (La), Kraus (Kr), and
Moser/Tervooren (MT) at the same time, one might use declarations like
the following:
"-//TEI P4//DTD Concurrent Document Type: Pages and Lines//EN"
"teipl2.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % version "La" >
"-//TEI P4//DTD Concurrent Document Type: Pages and Lines//EN"
"teipl2.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % version "Kr" >
"-//TEI P4//DTD Concurrent Document Type: Pages and Lines//EN"
"teipl2.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % version "MT" >
To document a referencing system of this kind
the TEI header, a formal declaration should be provided
in the <refsDecl> element described in section 5.3.5 The Reference System Declaration. For the above example, a declaration
such as the following would be appropriate:
<refsDecl doctype='La'>
<step from='CHILD (1 page n %1)'/>
<step from='CHILD (1 line n %2)'/>
<refsDecl doctype='Kr'>
<step from='CHILD (1 page n %1)'/>
<step from='CHILD (1 line n %2)'/>
<refsDecl doctype='MT'>
<step from='CHILD (1 page n %1)'/>
<step from='CHILD (1 line n %2)'/>
Hierarchies similar to that defined above can be provided for most
common hierarchical reference systems. Hierarchies such as act / scene
/ line, for conventional dramatic structure, book / canto / stanza /
line, for longer verse texts, or book / poem / stanza / line, for
collections of verse, may be readily expressed with concurrent SGML
markup. Since these hierarchical structures can readily be represented
using the base tag sets described in part III of these Guidelines,
however, reference systems with such structures may most readily be
expressed using the n or id attributes, as
described above in section 6.9.1 Using the ID and N Attributes.
Any text with an idiosyncratic standard reference system will
require its own dtd, so that appropriately named tags can be created
for the reference units. Such dtds may follow the pattern of those
described in the preceding section; they should also be documented in
an auxiliary tag set description file, using the tags described in
chapter 27 Tag Set Documentation.